Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Winter Comfort Food

                                                                       Hello everyone,

                                                  I am back today with a more wintry post~
                                                  a little bit of winter comfort food.
                                                     I made this homemade pea soup and
                                                   the oatmeal bread a day or two ago
                                                  and thought you might like to make it too.


On a snowy cold winter day I enjoy
the smell of bread baking and a pot
of soup simmering on the stove.

                                                            These photos are from a winter day a year
                                                             or two ago as the rain has melted a lot of
                                                             our snow this year but have no fear there
                                                             will be more before spring arrives here.
Minted Pea Soup

I got this recipe from The Looneyspoons Collection
by Janet and Greta Podleski. This book has really good recipes 
and a few good chuckles along the way as well.

My little red and white transferware soup tureen
is a good size for a couple of bowls of soup.

                                                        As, I write this there are some snowflakes
                                                                   falling so I better get out for my walk and
                                                                   work up an appetite for more winter comfort
                                                                   food......soup is always better the second day.

                                                                           Have any of you watched the show Forks
                                                                           over Knives on is definitely
                                                                           food for thought!

                                                                                     Hope you enjoy your day!


Sunday, January 27, 2019

Ocean Song Cottage

                                                                          Hello everyone,

                                                        I hope you are enjoying a beautiful weekend.

                                                        I have been dreaming of our little cottage lately
                                                        and have been gathering up some of my favorite
                                                        photos for a book that I am doing to enjoy in the

We did take a walk down a few days
  ago to enjoy a little relaxing time and
enjoy the winter beauty.

Lunch on the deck is
always a treat.

                                                                      We enjoy time with family at Ocean Song.
                                                                       Lila was my baking partner for the day.

                                                                             Granddaughter Jessica and her Dad
                                                                             enjoying the beach.

           Always time for tea.

                                                            I love the old rose hedge that gives
                                                                       beauty ,fragrance and privacy.

                                                                       Anyway, just a little preview of
                                                                       my latest endeavor. Now if you
                                                                       would like to have a peek at last
                                                                       years Ocean Song Cottage book
                                                                       you can check it out at MagCloud
                                                                       here  I hope you like the changes
                                                                       as much as we do.

                               Publication preview 

                                                                                    Thank you for the lovely comments
                                                                                    on my transferware dishes post and
                                                                                    for visiting me today.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

For the Love of Transferware

                   As many of you know I love
            transferware dishes in all
        colors so I thought you
       might like to see a few
     vignettes some of my

Friendly Village

                           I do have some green/teal and white transferware
    but it is harder to find around here.

Blue and white transferware is one
of my biggest collections.

Teal green on display
I love this teacup but I
have never seen any
other pieces of it around

Red and white transferware is probably
my largest collection. I gather them
over time and often one piece at
a time.

The above teapot is made in Japan
and is very old.

                                                                      Blue and white always
                                                                      looks so fresh.

And it would be hard not to love
this soft brown and white teapot.
I have a couple of cupboards with
brown and white transferware but
you would be here all day if I
shared all of my collections!
I have a small collection of
black and white transferware.

I love this soft mauve and white teacup
with the old teapot.

          Do you  collect transferware too? It 
seems hard for me to pass on it
when I see it at thrift  shops.

             Hope you are enjoying these January

Thank you for visiting!


Saturday, January 12, 2019

Orange Jest

Happy weekend!

I hope you are enjoying your

January is a quieter time here
so we are just relaxing at
home by the fire.

I always love a pretty bouquet
of tulips in the winter so this
vibrant orange bouquet
makes me smile.

                              A little indoor garden cheer.

This pretty teacup matches my
tulip bouquet.

                                                          I hope you enjoyed having a little
                                                                    orange jest in your day!

                                                                                    Thanks for visiting,


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Amaryllis and a Winter Day Tea

Hello everyone,

It is another wintry day here today
with schools cancelled again.

You can see it is blowing snow out
the window of our sunroom.

                                                                             I have a few amaryllis either in bloom
                                                                             or close to blooming so it adds a cheery
                                                                             slash of color.
                                                                          Cookies and tea

                               It is nice to have the aroma of homemade
                                       bread as it is baking and a little granddaughter
                                    who wants me to help her knit a sweater for
                                    her these cozy winter storm

                             Thanks for visiting!


Saturday, January 5, 2019

Warm and Cozy Vignettes

                                                                         Happy Weekend!

                                                           I hope you are having a great weekend.
                                                           We are having a quiet one here as my
                                                           husband has a cold/flu that seems to be
                                                           on the go here.
                                                               I decided to do a little warm and cozy
                                                            vignette after taking down most of our
                                                            Christmas decorations.

                                                                      I bought these old wooden shoes
                                                                      at a local antique shop a few years
                                                                      ago. With a little greenery etc. they
                                                                      have a nice winter look.

                      Candles and greenery look cozy
all winter long.

                                                                It is mild here today but there is
                                                                           talk of a stormy day here tomorrow,
                                                                           so I will snuggle in with a good book
                                                                           and enjoy a warm and cozy indoor day!

                                                                                                         Thanks for visiting!
