Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas,

I just popped in for a moment
to wish you all a Merry Christmas.
from our house to yours.


                                                                   A Christmas tea
Christmas in our family room.

                                                Wishing you all peace, hope ,joy and love!



Thursday, December 13, 2018

Rustic Woodland Christmas in our Bedroom


I finished decorating our bedroom
for the Christmas season and although
it is similar to last year I have made a
few changes too.

The white snowshoes were added as they
     got a coat of white paint  lovingly painted by
my granddaughter and I last weekend.

 This chaise is a cosy spot to enjoy
some relaxation with a cup of
hot cocoa and a book.....Christmas
             music quietly playing in the background.

I love decorating with reindeer and these
tiny ones add a touch of whimsy to my
afternoon snack tray.

My cosy corner

The reindeer on the mantle are my
favorites and they were both
Christmas gifts several years ago.

                                                          With a few snow flurries coming down it
                                                                     is lovely to snuggle indoors by the fireside
                                                                     with a hot drink and a few nibbles. before
                                                                     doing some Christmas baking.

                                                                                    Hope you are enjoying this
                                                                                    season of joy with a few
                                                                                    quiet and cosy moments
                                                                                     of your own.!



Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Country Christmas

                                                                             Hello everyone,

                                                                                   I decorated the porch for
                                                                                   winter lately and a light
                                                                                   coat of snow adds to the
                                                                                   wintry look.

                                                                                          This little wicker chair was a thrift
                                                                                           find and I think it looks charming
                                                                                           sitting on our front porch with a
                                                                                           few touches of country Christmas.

                                                                            porch chairs

                                                                    I do love plaids at this time
                                                                    of the year.

                     I need to get the lights on my yew tree
                        in the corner and I can see it needs a bit
of pruning as well.

                                                                        I am hoping we keep our snow but some
                                                                        milder temperatures are headed our way soon
                                                                        so you never know.

                                                   I hope you enjoyed seeing a few
                                                              touches of my country Christmas
                                                              on the porch.

                                                                                   Thanks for visiting!


Friday, December 7, 2018

Silver & White Christmas Tree

                      Hello everyone,

                              We put our tree up in our kitchen /dining
                         room bay a couple of evenings ago.

                                                                        The tree is a thrift find
                                                                         several years ago and
                                                                         every year it surprises me
                                                                          with how pretty it looks
                                                                          all decked out with silver
                                                                          and white beads and bubbles
                                                                          etc. and of course little white
                                                                     This cute white reindeer has
                                                                      pride of place as a table centerpiece
                                                                      right now with some mercury star
                                                                      lights around him.

                          Put your feet up and enjoy
    a cup of tea.

                    Yesterday, I was invited for a
                        lovely Christmas Tea at a good
               friend's house that was so
                             beautifully decorated I had to take
                                 a few quick shots to share with you.

                                I hope you enjoy your weekend....
                                                                            not many more left until Christmas!
                                                                                   Thank you for visiting!


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Miniature Sparkle

     Hello everyone,

  I am back again with some
miniature sparkly house that
I couldn't resist.even though
I keep telling myself not to
buy more Christmas stuff!

I bought these when we went
to Nova Scotia a week or two
ago at Wheaton's and Pier 1
They are so cute and light up
with just a flick of a switch.

It is a bright sunny day here today...
perfect for a walk in the sunshine.

We enjoyed the Open House last 
night at Fanningbank....beautiful
as always!

Thank you for your visit,


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Simple Touches of Christmas

                                                                                  Hello everyone,

                                                                  I have just a few touches of Christmas
                                                                  in the kitchen now but in the next few
                                                                 days we will put up the tree in the bay.

                    How is your Christmas decorating
  coming along?

 Just a few touches of mercury glass
and natural greenery.

                                      We are getting just a nice dusting of fresh snow
                                                 today......so pretty!

                                                 Just a note to local friends, the annual Christmas Open House
                                                 is this afternoon and evening at Fanningbank. I always love
                                                 going to this.....it is always beautifully decorated and they have
                                                 lovely music too. For more info check it out here . It is also
                                                 on Wednesday afternoon as well this year.
                                                     If you would like to see my photos from a couple of years
                                                  ago you can take a peek here.

                                                                                     Enjoy your day!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Christmas Library Tea

                                                                               Hello everyone,

                                                          It was a beautiful sunny day here today
                                                          with a warmer temperature so I was
                                                          able to plant the last of my tulip bulbs
                                                          in the garden. I was happy to get them in
                                                          as we had such wintry weather I thought
                                                          I might have missed my window of
                                                          opportunity! I also,filled a few planters
                                                          with greenery and rosehips while enjoying
                                                          the sunshine.
                                                                After, it was tea time in the library with
                                                           the sun streaming in..

                                                                      A Christmasy tea.....I am enjoying
                                                                      Holiday Chai tea lately by Stash.
                                                                      I bought mine at the Bulk Barn.

I am continuing to slowly
decorate our home and
enjoying the process plus
the cosy look with all the
lights etc.

                                                        I hope you had some time to
                                                                   relax with a good cup of tea
                                                                          Thanks for visiting and
                                                                    thank you to all who left nice
                                                                    comments on previous posts.
