Monday, February 26, 2018

Lighthouses of Prince Edward Island


Prince Edward Island is home to over 50 lighthouses
and I enjoy photography them on our travels
around the Island in either winter or summer.

     So, I am hoping you share my love for old lighthouses.

The one above is in Covehead on the north shore.

This one is in Brighton, Charlottetown.
I took this one a few weeks ago after
a fresh snowfall.

Although this one in Summerside overlooking the
harbor it is not a real lighthouse but I love the colors.

                                                               The Point Prim lighthouse is the oldest lighthouse
                                                               on Prince Edward Island and the only round one on
                                                               the Island.

These next two are at Fort Amhearst overlooking
the Charlottetown harbor.

     The Panmure Island Lighthouse has a
             nice gift shop where I bought some coastal
decor a couple of years ago.

The French River lighthouse overlooks
a nice sandy beach that we enjoy.

Victoria by the Sea 

Another shot of the Panmure Island

Victoria by the Sea at night
with a full moon.

I have several more lighthouse pictures to
share but that will be part 2. coming soon.

I hope you have a good week!


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Comfort Food for Lunch with Transferware

           Happy Weekend!

             I have been trying to eat healthier lately
                   and with three of our children are on vegan
              diets they are making me focus more on
           what we are eating.
           I am not planning on going vegan but just
             adding more veggies and beans and no
      red meat to see how that works for us.

So,for lunch today it is one of my
favorite soups ~ cream of carrot using
almond milk.

I love these old brown and cream
     soup bowls as well as the really old
transferware soup tureen.

Soup and apricot nectar.

I made Golden Party Loaves that have
grated carrots,apricot nectar and yogurt
in it, making a nice moist healthy loaf.

A large teapot full of tea to
linger over lunch.

In case you are wondering where I keep these
transferware dishes this is the main cupboard

    This old cupboard got painted last winter
with a grey/brown mistint. It was cream
before that but I prefer this color on it.

                   Grab a cup of tea

    And since I do have a sweet tooth I
        like to have something sweeter to end
           the meal. Coconut yogurt,strawberries
and granola hit the spot!

                     We have a basketball game to go to
                 shortly as our grandsons team is
                    in the semi finals. Tonight we go
                        to another grandson's hockey game.
                          It doesn't seem long since it was our
                         children's games we were going to....
                            so how did that happen so quickly????

                              Anyway, I hope you have a fun weekend!


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Pretty Pinks

 Hello everyone,

I hope your week is going well.

 I am starting to think it is time to
      begin some spring cleaning projects
      around here as the weather has been
       mild and there will be lots of garden
       chores to do when spring really hits.
                   Lately, I have been enjoying my camera 
           and it seems my teacups have been my
best subject .     

       American Beauty by Royal Albert

Shades of pink

                                               I hope you enjoy pretty teacups as
                                                          much as I do!

                                                                  Thank you for visiting,


Monday, February 19, 2018

Blue & White Transferware Tea

Hello everyone,

I think some of you know that I have
a' thing 'for transferware of any
color but  blue and white is definitely 
one of my favorites..

I love this platter.

                                                                          Tea and homemade biscuits
                                                                          is always a favorite for afternoon
                                                                          tea time.

This is another teapot that my husband
gave me a number of years ago.

Although this soup tureen was not
part of my tea I was sure you
would want to see it! Ha!Ha!

Today was Islander Day so my husband
  and I decided to go to the cottage(above)
for the afternoon.
It was a bright sunny day so it doesn't
take long to warm it up with a fire
in the wood stove.
We enjoyed our tea time there today.
     I have to say I am starting to look forward
   to spending more time there when spring

I hope you enjoyed your visit!

Take care,


Friday, February 16, 2018

Strawberries & Cream

   Good Morning!

We are having beautiful weather here with
a touch of spring in the air.
I noticed there were more birds singing
in the garden and some heat in the sun
when I went for my walk.
I think spring is in the air!

          After, my walk I made some pancakes
         with strawberries and whipped cream.
        After, eating more than I should have
I saved the last one for you!

A glass of apricot nectar and
a cup of tea along with
my pancakes and I was good
to go! 

   Pretty china makes it taste even better!

A little bowl of fresh strawberries
to enjoy.

A cup of ginger peach tea

                                                         I hope your day is off to a good start.

                                                                             Thank you for visiting!
