Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dutch Blues

                Hello everyone,

                   We had a bit of a storm overnight last
                              night but not serious enough to cancel work
                           for most people ...... I was kind of looking
                             forward to a cozy storm day but lots of time
                left yet!

                       It was 3 years ago on Monday since my
                     Dutch mama passed away so I thinking
                      of her as I took out her teapot above and
                          remembered all the cups of tea we enjoyed
            together over the years .

When I spotted this mug with
a Dutch scene on it I
snatched it up.

     These cross stitch samplers
    where also a thrift find that
remind me of my Mom.

I have a cupboard of blue & white
china that had several Dutch pieces
in it.

             I miss those sweet tea times but
                             I am thankful for all the good memories I
                     have of  time well spent with my mom
                  over a good cup of tea.

                               Thanks for visiting,


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Afternoon Tea

                   Hello everyone,

                          I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

                                             It is a spring like day here with overnight showers
                              so have no snow which is pretty unusual
                        for us here on Prince Edward Island.

           So, today I am in the sunroom
 where delicate pinks are
on display.

I took down my winter/ Christmas decor.
So. my Friendly Village china has been
replaced with my delicate pinks once

                                                       Thank you for stopping by
                                                                  and enjoy the rest of your day.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Ocean Song Cottage in Winter

                                                                           Hello everyone,

                                                            On a sunny winter day we enjoy
                                                            taking a drive to our little Ocean
                                                            Song Cottage to relax for awhile
                                                            and enjoy the view.
                                                            We light the woodstove to cozy it
                                                             up and enjoy our tea here.


You can see the snow out the
window but also some open

    The sailboat teapot was a recent
thrift shop find

Love finding places to display
my blue & white china .
You probably noticed that we
have a blue & white theme going.

                                                                   A cozy corner for tea and a book.
                                                                       The bed nook
   I love waking up to the view!


                                                                This was the view on the weekend but
                                                                it is always changing even in winter.
                                                    We still have a few projects that we are
                                                               working on here so I will share those when
                                                               they are completed.
                                                                  If you would like to see our bathroom
                                                                makeover , you can see it here.

                                                                                  Enjoy your day!


Monday, January 22, 2018

An Island Winter Drive

                                                                                    Hello everyone,

                                                                         I hope you had a great weekend.
                                                                         It is pretty here on the Island now
                                                                         with some fresh snow and some
                                                                         sunny breaks so we decided to
                                                                         check out the North Shore.

    Covehead Harbour Lighthouse looks
pretty with the snow.

Taken from a different perpective

                                                        I confess I had no desire to go for a
                                                        dip but in summer it is a beautiful
                                                        place to enjoy a swim.
                                                                        This red fox had no trouble
                                                                         posing for me.

Cows enjoying a winter day.
I always love this farm in winter
or summer.

                 Dalvey by the Sea is only open for guests in
                    summer but it is beautiful in the winter as well.
            Some of you probably remember this hotel
      from the movie Anne of Green Gables.

          Hope you enjoyed a short winter drive
with me.

Take care,

Friday, January 19, 2018

All the Pretty Little Teacups

       Hello everyone!

    I can't believe the week has
   slipped by already.
Maybe, I have been having
too much fun playing with
my camera!

I decided to tidy up my teacup
collection.......well one cupboard
full anyway and thought you
might like to see some photos
of them. I think a lot of us are
teacup collectors.

Anyway, I have a lot of pretty teacups
but today's collection is mostly
in shades of pink.

The exception to my pink
theme of the day.

Dainty rosebuds

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of
my pretty little teacups.
Someday, soon I will organize all
my teapots and share those with
you as well.

       Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
