Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A Visit to St. Andrew's by the Sea

                                                                          Hello everyone,

                                                 I mentioned in my Kingsbrae Garden post that I
                                                 love visiting St. Andrew's by the Sea so I want
                                                 to share some of my photos from our summer
                                                 visit there.
                                                    I was quite taken with The Pansy Patch above
                                                  it used to be a B&B not sure if it still is.

                                                             The well known Alqonquin Resort
                                                              where we stayed.

                                                               There are lots of quaint shops
                                                               to visit in this charming little
                                                               town by the sea.

                                                                      I love all the weathered grey cottages.

                                                                      Pretty churches
                                                              Interesting gardens
                                                                 We enjoy strolling down the streets....
                                                                  checking out the sights.

                                                                          The waterfront is beautiful.

                                             I love watching the sun setting over
                                                        the water. It looks so peaceful.

                                                        We also had a visit to Minister's Island while
                                                       there and enjoyed a beautiful sunny afternoon
                                                       there as well. Of course, I had my camera so
                                                       another day I will share some photos from there.

                                                        Tomorrow we welcome February already!

                                                                          Thanks for visiting!


Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Lighter Shade of Pale

                                                                            Hello everyone,

                                                                I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
                                                                It is hard to believe it is the end of
                                                                January and we hardly have any snow here.

                                                                Today my theme is a lighter shade of pale
                                                                so I have collected a few of my favorite
                                                                  The photo above was taken in our
                                                                 little Gardener's Cottage in summer.  


           Beads, pearls, teacups, roses
                    and books are some of my favorite

                                                                          An afternoon tea

Linens & lace and one
of my favorite teapots.

I am wearing an antique 
afternoon tea dress so I
am all set for tea.

White peonies with
     pretty shades of pale

Some beautiful pale blush roses
sitting on my table now.
I love a nice bouquet of flowers
to add cheer in the winter
but my favorite bouquets are
ones from our own garden.

                                                   Wishing you a wonderful week!

                                                               Thank you for visiting,


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Kingsbrae Gardens

          Hello everyone,

 I hope you are doing well. We are
        having  some lovely mild winter days

When I got an email from our local
garden club saying there was going
     to be a bus tour to Kingsbrae Gardens
  for those who would like to go I went
 to have a look at some photos I took
there last July on a trip to
St. Andrew's N.B.
last year.

In the summer there are so many things to
    blog about that I never got around to sharing
them so today is the day!

Kingsbrae Gardens are beautiful in
all the seasons.They have 27 acres
of beauty to explore.

I love seeing the different
plant combos.

                   I love blues in the garden.

Makes me want to have bigger
drifts of plants in our garden.

                       Charming little pump house.

  I really think we need a windmill
in our garden too! It suits my
 Dutch heritage don't you think?

There is lots more to see but
maybe another day.
Kingbrae Gardens also has
a lovely cafe that we always go
to. The town of St. Andrew's
is also loaded with charm.

             I hope to be on that bus when they go
     June 17 th. If you would like to go
           too you can check out the Garden Club
          of P.E.I. facebook ~ they plan to start
selling tickets in March. 

I will share some pretty shots of
St. Andrews by the Sea soon.

   Thank you for visiting me today.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Casual Saturday

               Happy Weekend!

     I hope you are enjoying your
       weekend. It is a mild one here
for January.
           We are still painting and working
           on the guest room project so just
          a casual hot cocoa break today.

I have a small collection of
old enamelware in a few
different colors.

I enjoy my cocoa best with
   whipped cream and a sprinkle
of cinnamon

I am always delighted to have
our local Vanco tulips hit the 
stores as it adds some early
spring cheer.

I love this book put out by
Victoria magazine.

Faded beauties

                                                I hope you enjoy the rest of your
                                                           I am joining Tea with Friends
                                                           at Bernideen's Tea Time Blog.

                                                                            Thank you for visiting,
