Hello everyone,
I hope you are enjoying your summer.
It has been hot and dry here lately so
I am hoping for a nice rain soon.
However, the garden is still doing
well for now.
There are lots of roses in bloom.
The virginia creeper is starting
to cover the north end of our barn
I always look forward to the tall, stately blooms of
our delphiniums.
Delphiniums,peonies and nepeta
I love the six hills giant nepeta along all
along the inside edges of our Allee Garden.
We have several mockoranges blooming
now and they have a wonderful scent.
Roses and delphiniums in our Chelsea Garden.
Lavender and roses in my little
memory garden for my Mom.

in mid July. I hope you enjoyed the
quick tour today. Our daylillies are
starting their show now and we probably
have about 200 of them spread around the
garden and the phlox will follow shortly.
Thank you for stopping by!
Your garden makes me happy!Thanks for sharing!
Isn't the progress of the garden wonderful as it moves through the seasons. I love this time of year so much.
I always find your garden to be an enchanting place, Carolyn. Visiting there is a spot of heaven in life. Susan
Those delphiniums are spectacular! And the nepeta alley is magical. Hope you get some rain soon. (We haven't had any in months, but we're used to that in dusty Southern California, I guess)!
Thanks for sharing the beauty of your world.
LOVE your gardens and would love to take a stroll through them! Your delphiniums are absolutely AMAZING. I planted two here in my tiny flower bed, and they weathered through the winter but didn't grow much, and now the bugs are eating them all (earwigs I think). Are they a sun loving or shade loving flower and do they need alot of water? How often do you get rain there or how often do you water? It must be a huge chore to water everything!!!! or do you just depend on Mother Nature? Would love a post by you of how you take care of your gardens so well.. the watering, etc. Everything else you have there also is just so stunning and I love it all! Happy Mid-July!
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