Sunday, July 30, 2017

Aqua Coastal Tablescape

   Hello everyone,

       I hope your summer is going well.
             As for me, I am enjoying some relaxing
summer days .

     My granddaughter Jessica and
       I thought it would be fun to have
an afternoon tea by the sea.
We used an aqua theme as we both
love aqua.

                                                                          A new enamelware teapot.

A cute aqua lantern and some starfish
added some charm to our table.

                                                             In the evening a cruise ship went by
                                                             and some fluffy clouds rolled in but
                                                             alas no rain. We are having a much drier
                                                             July than usual.
   So, I apologize for now posting
more often this summer but
        a little relaxation is a good thing! 

Thank you for visiting!


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Mid July in the Garden

           Hello everyone,

      I hope you are enjoying your summer.

It has been hot and dry here lately so
I am hoping for a nice rain soon.

However, the garden is still doing
well for now.

                                                                  There are lots of roses in bloom.
                                                                       The virginia creeper is starting
                                                                        to cover the north end of our barn
                                                               I always look forward to the tall, stately blooms of
                                                                our delphiniums.

                                                                Delphiniums,peonies and nepeta
                                                                  I love the six hills giant nepeta along all
                                                                  along the inside edges of our Allee Garden.
We have several mockoranges blooming
now and they have a wonderful scent.

                                                                 Roses and delphiniums in our Chelsea Garden.

                                                                      Lavender and roses in my little
                                                                      memory garden for my Mom.
                                                        So just a few highlights of our garden
                                                                   in mid July. I hope you enjoyed the
                                                                    quick tour today. Our daylillies are
                                                                    starting their show now and we probably
                                                                    have about 200 of them spread around the
                                                                    garden and the phlox will follow shortly.

                                                                                         Thank you for stopping by!


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Afternoon Tea at Ocean Song Cottage

                                                               I hope your summer is going well.
                                                               It seems to be flying by here!

                                                                 The peonies above are among the
                                                               last to bloom in our garden.
A casual beach themed tea

Curl up and enjoy a cup of tea in this
cozy corner  while enjoying a book
or magazine and of course the view.

                                                   I hope you enjoyed a little
                                                              respite at Ocean Song Cottage.

                                                              I am looking forward to tea at
                                                              a friends cottage this afternoon
                                                              but after that the garden is calling
                                                              my name. I will give you a garden
                                                              tour here in a few days.

                                                                            Thank you for visiting!


Saturday, July 8, 2017

A Victorian Garden Tea

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
It is a beautiful calm evening and I
decided to set up my tea table in the
Allee Garden.
                                                                This old wicker set has a very victorian look
                                                                 and I think it suits our garden style.

         In the center of the Allee Garden there is a pergola that my
husband built last year so I set up under it.

                                                                  Of course, I had to shoot from the
                                                                   four different angles so you could
                                                                   see the different views of the garden.
                                                              The Allee Garden has a row of
                                                               Six Hills Giant Nepeta down
                                                               each side....the bees love it and
                                                               I as well. We put a wire support
                                                               in behind it to keep it from flopping
                                                               back into the beds.

                                                                      Blue and white china and linens
                                                                      always look so fresh.


Before you go I have a beautiful bouquet
fresh from the garden today for you!

I hope you enjoy the rest of your


Friday, July 7, 2017

Peonies & Tea Time

                                                                         Happy weekend!

                                                   Summer seems to be moving right along
                                                   and peony season is almost over so it
                                                   is nice to enjoy some peony bouquets.
                                                               It is time to relax with a
                                                               cup of tea and a good book.

pink peonies

                                                        I enjoyed my tea this afternoon while
                                                        visiting with my sister who is home
                                                        from Vancouver for 10 days.

                                                                           Enjoy your weekend!