Saturday, May 6, 2017

Pondside Tea

Hello everyone,

It has been a busy gardening week here as
dozens of loads of weeds have been removed
from the garden beds and edging done as well
as a few more plants divided and moved.
Our grass has had a first cut and the trees are
starting to leaf out. Spring bulbs are blooming
and our magnolia is blooming ~ soon I will
take some pics to share with you.
However, today I hope you will enjoy
a few photos from a pondside
tea last August that I didn't
share seems in
the summer there are so many
things to share but not enough
time to post them all.

These are taken down on the dock of
our pond.

It is so peaceful there.

Dainty pink and white china
for tea time.

                                                  I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

                                                             Thank you again to all who sent emails
                                                             or left sweet comments on my last post.

                                                                                         Take care,


  1. Hi nice you can have tea outside. Your setting is lovely. Loved the Victoria article, by the way. Have a lovely, flower filled week!

  2. Your gardens are beautiful this time of year. We have had so much rain in Ontario that everything is still too wet to do much in the garden. Soon it will dry up, though. The rain hasn't stopped the spring flowers from blooming.



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
