Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Early Spring in our Garden

      Hello everyone,

Spring has arrived on the Island and
everyday the garden bursts forth with
more color and lushness.

We have been busy trying to keep
ahead of the weeds but soon the
garden will have filled in and
there won't be as much room for
weeds  We have a big garden
so there are always going to be
some weeds but I am happy with
a perfectly imperfect garden.....
hope you are too!

So, today I am just popping in
to share some early spring

Love this little statue a gift
from my sister in law
several years ago.


The Star Magnolia is in full bloom.

Daffodils are the main show
right now so I can
pick lots of bouquets.

Our hillside garden is bursting
with cheerful color.

Well, it is sunny here now but rain is on
the way for the next couple of
days so I better get out there
and enjoy working in the 

Thank you for visiting,



  1. So glad your winter is over and now you are in your wonderful garden everyday!

  2. Your hillside garden is bursting with happiness. What a lovely sight! Happy Springtime!

  3. Gorgeous daffodils! The blue table cloth just is stunning with the yellow daffodils. Such a perfect harbinger of Spring.

  4. Such cheerful colors! A wonderful time of the year when everything comes into growth but busy too with the weeding.

  5. Thanks for this lovely post. Just what I needed on a cool,cloudy Autumn day here.(Melb)
    I think daffodils are the most wonderful bulbs. They bring so much cheer.
    Your photos are beautiful. The collages lovely.
    Happy Spring days.

  6. Love the yellow Daffodils!What a lovely post!Thanks for sharing!

  7. The daffodils look so darling, Carolyn. And I love the statues, especially the one of the little fellow whispering "hush." Charming. Susan


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
