Thursday, October 27, 2016

An Autumn Table

          I am finally getting into autumn mode
         here but at the same time my mind is
          quickly wandering ahead to Christmas.

However, I am trying to hold
back and savor the moment.

                                                                              I love baby boo pumpkins
                                                                              for the autumn table.
The antique lantern works well
for my autumn table also.
                                I have had these dishes for a number of years
                                              now and I have several pieces of it. The only marking
                                                on them is Japan. I think they are  perfect for an autumn
table......don't you?

                  Warm and cozy colors of autumn.

Or maybe you prefer this teacup
for your autumn tea.


     I hope your week is going well
    and thank you for visiting me!


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

An Island Autumn

   With all the beautiful sunny warm days we
have enjoyed this autumn it was nice to
get out for some walks with my camera
in hand. 
There are beautiful trials to walk at Fort
Amherst so my daughter and I enjoyed
a nice long walk there one beautiful day
last week.

I think the autumn colors were at their
peak here on Prince Edward Island last week.

                                                                    Fort Amherst trail ~ Prince Edward Island.
                                                                      This shot was taken just up the
                                                                      road from our home.
                                                                 The opposite side of the road.
                                                                            You can see we live in farm country.

                                        One foggy morning last week ~ again taken a short
distance from our home.

                                                                        The golden glow of autumn.

I hope you are enjoying beautiful days

Thank you for your visit!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Red and White Transferware Tea and the Autumn Garden

                   It has been awhile since I was able
                   to post here but thanks to my son I
                         have got my computer blog problems 
                             fixed and so here I am again. I hope you
         haven't all given up on me!

                                   So, now that summer is over we are back
                               to enjoying our tea in the kitchen with
                                      the stove going to keep us warm and snug.

                                     We have had an amazing fall so far with 
                                                warmer temperatures and beautiful fall foliage 
                                  but there is a chill in the air here today.

                I love this old teapot from an antique
       shop in Maine that was made in

There is a comfy seat for each
of us. 

        I made some fresh raisin scones
for tea today. The recipe can be
found here . I just used
unbleached flour here and
I added a new soup tureen
to my red and white transferware
collection ~ this one is a lot smaller
than my other one.

                                                                          Let go out to the garden and
                                                                          check out the last of the fall
                                                                          color in the garden.

                                                                          A frosty morn around our pond.

I enjoy the late season color of
      aconitum carmichaeli in the garden
and the bees love it too. 

     We are still working on our fall garden
 cleanup and it will be nice to have it
           done so the garden will be ready for winter.
          It will soon be time for us to snuggle in for
the winter too!

Thank you for visiting me,


Friday, October 14, 2016