Hello everyone,
This time of the year, I enjoying looking back at the
photos I have taken in the garden in the summer so
I hope you will enjoy looking back as well.
The photo above was taken in August when I had
a garden tea party.This bed is usually on the covered
and screened porch but for the tea party I needed the space
there and thought it would look inviting in our garden terrace.
Last year we painted our house gray and I
love the delphiniums blooming near by.
Last year was a great year for peonies.
Normally, we have a table in the terrace so
we can enjoy lunch in here.The virginia creeper
growing over it gives us a shady spot and the
peonies, roses & lilacs growing nearby add beauty
and fragrance.
Last summer my husband made the gate for me as
a birthday present.He had already built the fence
and arbor. We gave them a coat of blue/green stain
that I love.
Martha's Garden is enclosed and
one of my favorite garden spots,
especially in spring and early summer.
The bistro set was a yardsale find that got
a coat of the same blue/green stain.
The front garden surrounded by a
picket fence and two arbors...also,
built by my husband.
Clematis with delphiniums in the
background. I love clematis and I
don't think you could ever have too many.
I love this early foggy morning shot
taken from the balcony.

to move around the garden from time to
time... a great place to relax!
I am currently working on a garden magazine
so, it is a great winter time project for me.
So, what about you....are you dreaming of
your garden and making new plans for it?
Take care,
That was a refreshing break from the cold and snow. It's just absolutely gorgeous and I love that you put the bed in the garden for that event. Thanks for sharing and have a good week.
Dear Carolyn:
I love your new paint color and I imagine it looks lovely in the snow too. These photos inspire us all. Your new magazine will be wonderful I am sure. Your garden is unmatched by any other!
Welcome photographs of such a beautiful garden while I sit here in Oklahoma in the cold. I can't wait until spring!
Oh that was a lovely visit!! So ready for winter to end. I am such a baby once Christmas is over I like the days to get warm.
Love seeing all those flowers! You have such a wonderful garden! I especially love those delphiniums. I am starting flower seeds this week. I need more foxglove:) Thanks for sharing.
So very beautiful. There's just something about lilac that I love in the summer time.
Hello :)
I am in love with your garden. You've created a beautiful place in the world. Regards :)
A wonderful visit of your garden. You must have a lot of marvelous memory of your summer garden to cherish and to recall in winter when all is gray and brown outside. All is so beautiful, luxuriant, full of good taste, generosity and love of nature and gardens. All is so inspiring for an artist.Thank you to share again those gorgeous moments and photos. Helene
The crocus are beginning to bloom and the daffodils are getting heads on them in my garden this week. Squeeeee!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos with us. I received my Blurb book yesterday and it's simply gorgeous. I will tuck it among my Victoria magazines that I browse through whenever I need a break from the bleakness of winter. I love going through all of them and daydreaming. I'm so happy I bought it.
I absolutely love your home/garden. I am curious,do you have any help,other than your husband as far as taking care of your home and grounds?
Hi Natureluvr57
I am happy to hear you are enjoying my magazine ~thank you!
Hi Phylis,
My husband and I do all the work on the house and garden ourselves with occasional
help from our son.
Thank you for your visit and kind words.
Take care,
I am so lucky to be invited over for tea and visits and be surrounded by all of this beauty and calmness. It work wonders on my soul, thanks for a look back and a look forward to your latest magazine.
If I didn't have Spring fever before I surely do now! lol! Absolutely breath taking!
Carolyn, your garden is so beautiful! It's lovely to see all this green foliage and flowers during these cold winter days. Thanks for the inspiration.
You do have a beautiful garden, those hammocks look like a good idea too.
What a stunning look back! I know with my small gardens I am wishing for spring but you must be so anxious to get those views back. Absolutely stunning!
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