Thursday, September 3, 2015

Pretty Bouquets

                                                                         Hello everyone,

                                                          Just a few soft and pretty bouquets
                                                          to share today.

                                                                    I love both of these old
                                                                    transferware pitchers.
                                                                       Hydrangeas and roses from the garden.

                                                                        Pretty in pink.

                                                    I have been a bit absent lately as we are enjoying
                                                               some time with our grandchildren before they go
                                                              back to school next week. Summer is coming to a
                                                              close soon.

                                                                                  Have a great day!



Sandi said...

Ah...this is like looking into a dream.

Daniela said...

When I saw the first photograph of this post of yours on my blogger dashboard, I couldn't do nothing but come and tell you all my admiration for your taste, my time is short more and more, but let me spend a few minutes watching these wonderful pictures talking of a fairy tale !

Thank you with all my heart, my darling Carolyn,
sending love and hugs

17-17 said...

Carolyn, your took cute photos, love these flowers!


Anonymous said...

So pretty!!!

DMM Jhon said...
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Linda said...

So beautiful, Carolyn. Love hydrangeas this time of year, especially dreamy whites...
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Linda at Beautiful Ideas

Susan said...

Love your bouquets, Carolyn, and, of course, all photos. Enjoy the grands. Time with them is so fleeting, therefore precious. Susan

Denise Bruce of Ingleside said...

Good Morning, Carolyn,
The other day I tried replying to the blog email. I'm guessing it didn't go through.
I read your blog through the emails and dearly love all your postings <3 You inspire me so much.
I had such a nice time seeing your gardens. Rilla just loved everything, too :)
Two of my kids are moving in with my oldest next week so Rilla will get her own room. She wants it like your guest house :) ... so cute :)
Your gardens are so dreamy. A writers haven <3
School in a few days. ..too many changes happening at once. boohoo lol
Have a beautiful day,
Denise of Ingleside