Hello everyone!
Where has the time gone......can't believe it
is almost August.
We have had a cloudy wet and cool week but
the garden is loving it!
The delpiniums are still
looking fresh and pretty.
Our Chelsea Garden has
delphiniums,roses and daylilies
blooming now.
The Ville de Lyon clematis
looks pretty with the new blue/green
on the arbor.
Jackmani suoerbra clematis.
Ville de Lyon on the old
Celebration a David Austen
Chelsea Garden
Our little Gardener's Cottage is
nestled into the garden.
Monkshood blooming
in several spots in the garden.
It is an easy care plant and also
easy to move and divide.
The south side garden.
We did get a few rays of sun here and there.
The old garden gate in it's new green
Clematis on the lampost.
Well, that is our garden tour for this week.
By next week our garden will be entering it's
most colorful phase so I will give you another
tour around then.
Thanks for stopping by!

Carolyn your gardens are looking so gorgeous right now. The moist cool air seems to agree with the plants. I hope we get some more sun and heat soon though as July is almost gone. Enjoy.
What a treat for the eyes this post is tonight. It just calms me to look at it. So beautiful. Yes, the summer is flying by. I am enjoying our flowers, too, as I know there will be a time soon when we will be knee-deep in snow again, Deb
Beautiful garden, nice to see flowers but our winter is nearly over.
I would LOVE a huge coffee table book with a section on your gardens and another section on your house vignettes you share on here. Title it a Stroll at Aiken House & Gardens. Just a hint......
so lovely tour :-) thank you <3
Liebe Carolyn, welche einladende Bilder Deines tollen Gartens! Der herrliche Rittersporn, die tollen Stauden überall! Hier vertrocknet langsam alles. Der Regen fehlt seit Wochen dringend! Nun hoffen wir noch auf ein paar wertvolle Tropfen in der Nacht...Alles Liebe von Susan aus Deutschland
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