Friday, June 12, 2015

It's Lilac Season in our Garden

                                                                            Hello everyone!

                                                            I know I disappeared for awhile again
                                                            but it is garden season and we were
                                                            busy painting our house. I am happy
                                                            to say we finished painting and am
                                                            loving the new look. I haven't taken
                                                           any pics of it yet  though.
                                                                This afternoon,I finally got a
                                                                chance to take some photos of
                                                                our lilacs....I think the one above
                                                                is called Blue Boy and I do love
                                                                the color.
                                                                     On the porch.

                     Lilacs in pretty china.

                                                    It was too windy here today to take
                                                              photos in the garden so I am enjoying
                                                             lilac bouquets on the porch.

                                                               Hope you have a lovely weekend!



janice15 said...

Carolyn, your Lilac's are really beautiful.. I just love them.. we have a tree here at Mama's but it just hasn't done well just some little blooms and it's been there for a few years.. I will have to find out why.. I just loved yours. Have a wonderful weekend.. with love Janice

Anonymous said...

I can smell the lilacs when I look at these magical pictures..

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

They are beautiful! Thank you for sharing your lovely photos with us.
Many blessings
Alice from New Zealand

Anonymous said...
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Susan McShannon-Monteith said...

The lilacs are lovely and seem little affected by all the snow you received this Winter.
Are's here in Ontario have come and gone, now the roses have begun to bloom...

Bernideen said...

Oh they are so wonderful. I feel like I can smell them.

The Tablescaper said...

What a gorgeous collection of lilacs!

- Alma, The Tablescaper

Victorian1885 said...

Your lilacs are lovely... Can't wait to see the shots of your newly painted home. Have a wonderful weekend.


Rowan said...

Beautiful photos, I love the scent of lilacs, wish I could smell these photos as well as seeing them:)

Linda said...

Very beautiful, Carolyn. I am using the teapot you gave me as a centerpiece at Pink Days In Bloom Sea-to-Sea Tea tomorrow here in St. John's! Can't wait! Sorry I haven't been in touch lately; I need to be cloned--scary thought. Lol 'Talk' soon, my friend! XO Hi to Andrew!
Linda at Beautiful Ideas


Rhondi said...

This SO beautiful !!

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Beautiful! I miss having lilacs around the house, must put that on the ever growing to-do list. fondly ~lynne~

Pamela Gordon said...

Mmmm Mmm. These lilacs are so gorgeous especially in their vignettes with vintage lilac ironstone dishes and pretty lilac fabrics.

Abby's Paperie Garden said...

I can just imagine the scent of lilacs throughout the room, so beautiful!

Marci said...


Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Carolyn, you have shown me my most favorite of flowers and have captured them beautifully. Mine have been through blooming for awhile now so am happy to enjoy your beauties. When I cut them for a bouquet they start to wither very soon. Do you do something special to keep them still beautiful after they are cut..Happy weekend and am looking forward to seeing the newly painted house..Judy

Ruthie Miller said...

Amazing how plentiful your lilacs are. Gorgeous and different colors. They look magnificent in those pitchers. Thank you for sharing more beauty from your home. Ruthie

Art and Sand said...

I wonder if lilacs would grow in my sandy soil? Yours are beautiful.

Jacqui said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!