Sunday, May 17, 2015

Small Spring Pleasures

        Hello everyone,
                                                            We have had some beautiful sunny spring
                                                          days so the garden is popping as we speak!

                                                          I am enjoying working in the garden but
                                                         also, my little strolls around to see what
                                                         is growing or blooming.
                                                         The photo above is muscari with lutes in
                                                         the background.
                                                              I am always happy to see cheerful
                                                              daffodils in the garden again.
                                                                   Love this early little bloomer ,Lutea.
              Glory of the snow 

                                                                     Daffodils and hyacinths
                                                                   Our magnolia stellata  is starting to bloom

                        Spring has finally arrived!

                                          Now, it is time for a Spring Tea.....
                        another small pleasure.!

                                                                         A fresh raisin scone is always a
                                                                         treat with a cup of tea.

                                                  Wishing all my Canadian friends a happy
                                                           Victoria is supposed to be
                                                          another beautiful sunny day here.

                                                         My apologies for not posting much
                                                        lately but I have been busy trying to
                                                        get the garden whipped into shape but
                                                        soon I will inundate you loads of
                                                        garden pics!

                                                                   Take care,


Deb said...

t certainly is lovely in your garden, Carolyn.The Magnolia Stellata is so beautiful. We are enjoying all the gifts of Spring in Ontario, too. The tulips are amazing at this time. Enjoy your long-weekend. Hugs, Deb


Olá Carolyn, fico feliz em ver seu jardim florescendo tão rápido, fico impressionada. Imagino como você está feliz com isso, aproveite o máximo cada minuto. Fico aguardando suas fotos com ansiedade. Assim como seu jardim, suas fotos me encantam muito. Aproveite sua semana.


Brenda Pruitt said...

I just commented on my blog about your gorgeous blog. Is there ANYTHING you can't do with such beauty? You decorate, you garden, you COOK!

Susan said...

Oh, how lovely. At last, the garden is in bloom again! I have muscari, too, Carolyn. Aren't they darling?
All looks lovely. Susan

Mein Gartenglück said...

Guten Morgen, meine Liebe! Ich freue mich so sehr mit Dir, dass Du endlich den Frühling erleben darfst! Er kommt bei dir mit schnellen Schritten! Auf Deine vielen neuen Fotos bin ich gespannt. Möge die Sonne lange scheinen für Dich! Einen schönen Victorias-Day für Euch!
Herzliche Grüße aus Germany von Susan

Anonymous said...

Greatfull, Carolyn!

With love, Gerry

meigancam01 said...
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Doranma said...

I'm waiting for more your garden photos:) It's so beautiful! And I invate you to my garden. Regards :)

shirley flavell said...

Your spring flowers look beautiful. I look forward to seeing further photos when you are able. Your sultana scone looked yummy with a lovely cup of tea in a lovely china teacup. Hugs Shirley N.Z.

Pamela Gordon said...

It's nice to see your spring flowers in bloom Carolyn. You have so much variety and colour in your gardens. The weekend was beautiful except for the rain on Sunday, although it was greatly needed. Loved your photos today and the lovely tea.

mughetti fresie e tuberose said...

Quando passo dal tuo blog, mi sento catapultata in mondo fatato, incantato, meravigliosamente colorato e profumato.
Buona sera