Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Charm of Flowers

           Happy weekend!

                            We are enjoying lots of sunshine here and when
                            we change our clocks ahead tonight our evenings
                              will be  that much longer......Spring is on the way!

I am sending you a few bouquets
for you to enjoy.

                                                          This time of the year bouquets
                                                          of tulips always brighten my day.
I am looking forward to being
able to go out and pick daffodils
from the garden again some time
in May here on the Island.

                                                            A bouquet of stocks in a pretty
                                                            chocolate pot.

  Lilacs from the garden.

Lilacs and peonies are two of my
favorite flowers.

                                                             A little bouquet from the summer garden
                                                             hangs on the doorknob in the boathouse.

Love these little boots filled with
phlox and hydrangeas on an old door
in the garden.

Of course, I love roses in all colors
picked fresh from the garden.

A few late summer bouquets in the terrace ~
the cheerful tablecloth is an April Cornell.

                           Hydrangeas and vintage china make a pretty

                   If, you are suffering from winter doldrums I  hope
       these bouquets will bring you some cheer.

Enjoy your weekend!



  1. Oh quanto adoro questi fiori! Anch'io amo le peonie!!!! Complimenti, tu mi fai sognare! Un abbraccio Savina

  2. Wow! Just every picture!
    Have a great weekend, take care.

  3. Beautiful!!!I love flowers and this post just make my day!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!!!!! hugs Lory

  5. What gorgeous bouquets Carolyn! I love how you make such beautiful vignettes with many different things holding flowers - like the rubber boots. The time change will be nice - more sun and more melting snow. Enjoy the weekend.

  6. Beautiful and colourful bouquets share. I'd have to say I like lilacs and peonies the best too for their fragrance and cottage charm.
    You did read about GardenImport closing the end of December?

  7. So beautiful!!!
    Your photos are so lovely. Perfect for spring.
    I LOVE vintage china (and silver). I find such beauty in these old pieces.
    Love the transferware in your last post.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Peonies and Hydrangea are favorite flowers of mine!

    But I really love flowers in general!


  9. HI Carolyn! Oh, I accept these beautiful bouquets with open arms. How lovely and I know how lovely your gardens are! We're still under the snow and the lady we bought our house from said there were flowers for all seasons so I hope there will be some little daffs!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Hi Carolyn,
    Thanks for sharing those gorgeous bouquets with us! Wow! I especially liked the two photos with that fancy white wicker showing in the background, just gorgeous!

  11. Every picture, every bouquet is just wonderful. I enjoy this post so much, scrolling up and down.
    You are changing the clocks already? We have to do that end of March.

  12. Truly loving the beautiful flowers, Carolyn and looking forward to more daylight...It's been a long long winter!

  13. Thank you for the inspirational pictures. I am sitting here dreaming of spring and I look out my window with the snow piles....this took me away for awhile from it. The weatherman promised 50's for our area next week. That will be lovely and so is your blog!

  14. Danke, liebe Carolyn!
    Your flowers make me so happy....
    Ja, hier ist der Frühling angekommen ! Die Sonne scheint und ich konnte schon vieles im Garten erledigen. Ein grandioses Wochenende!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt von Susan

  15. Hi Carolyn,
    Here you can still feel quite happy! "
    What a beautiful bouquets and also what they are in pretty vases and jugs!
    It was with us today in Holland too sunny. I spent seven hours on my balcony for the first time this year. It was so delicious, the heat and the sun.
    I wish you a nice week!

    Kind regards,

  16. Beautiful flowers, beautiful pictures. They helped brighten my day, thanks. Patty/NS

  17. beautiful beautiful flowers.beautiful pictures thank you for sharing.

  18. Wow you have melted my heart with the beauty of your flowers.So fresh and vibrant. Beautiful. Shirley N.Z.

  19. Gobbled up every photo! Especially loved the boots filled with flowers.
    Thanks for sharing and blessings for the week ahead.

  20. very very nice and colorful that's what we need in march. it's still pretty brown outside!

    herzlicher Gruss aus Zürich


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
