Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My Cupboard of Brown & White Transferware

                                  It was a cold but sunny winter day here
                                  and I am doing some spring cleaning. It  be
                                  a bit early but when spring arrives I want to
             able to get out to the garden. 

       So as I was dusting I thought maybe
you would enjoy a peek inside this
         old cupboard full of brown transferware.

                   This cupboard is in our living room,

                                                         Love this old platter and soup tureen.

                                                              So, after all that cleaning it
                                                              is time for a tea break.
                                                          And, I wanted to show off my new
                                                          brown and white transferware teapot.

                                                        Romantic England ~ Royal Stratfordshire
                                                         by Meakin. Even though I had quite a few
                                                        different pieces I had never run across a
                                                        teapot before so I couldn't leave it behind.
                                                                   Mix and match.

                                             I hear there is more snow coming tomorrow.....at
                                                       this rate I have lots of time for my spring cleaning
                                                      as it may be June before it all melts!!! Oh,well at
                                                      least it is warm and sunny indoors.

                                                      I am joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage
                                                      For Tea Time Tuesday and Bernideen at
                                                      Bernideen's Tea Time Blog for Tea with
                                                      Friends.Also, joining Antiques and Teacups
                                                      for a Tuesday Cuppa Tea.

                                                                     Thank you for visiting,




  1. Warm and sunny indoors may be all that matters this time of year! I just found a piece of Clarice Cliff's "Autumn" in brown. I love brown transferware!

  2. Carolyn, thank you for sharing your brown and white. I'm a fan and always enjoy seeing collections.
    Stay warm!

  3. Loving all your pretty brown transferware. Good strategy to do the spring cleaning now so you can enjoy the warmer weather later!

  4. You have a lovely collection of brown and white, Carolyn. Nice teapot too. I have the same cup and saucer as the one sitting on top. I got some of my kitchen cabinets cleaned and hope to get to the rest shortly. It's a job to have done early that way we have more time for other things. Thanks for joining me for tea and stay cozy.


  5. What a gorgeous collection. So warm and welcoming

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  6. Swoonnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I was to start collecting another set of transferware colors, it certainly would be brown and white! What a gorgeous collection and your hutch looks amazing!

  7. Lovely cabinet and what a terrific collection of brown transferware. I really like the doilies hanging down from each shelf too.

  8. Oh yes I would enjoy a peek into that cupboard! Gives me chills and fever to look at it. I love the teacup with the barn. All so pretty and heart warming. We got a foot of snow over two days and by the third it was all gone, but then we will still have desert and you will have lush garden joys to come!

  9. Just gorgeous Carolyn! I love brown transferware...especially your Aesthetic movement tureen. Beautiful!
    Would love it if your would post on my Tuesday Cuppa Tea meme...it's now open!

  10. A lovely collection Carolyn. Shirley N.Z.

  11. Beautiful!
    You have all displayed so nicely,

  12. You have the most amazing collections, Carolyn! WOW- and they look so great in that awesome cabinet - nicely being featured!

  13. Thank you for sharing Carolyn. I love all your transferware, whatever colour it is. Yesterday I started spring cleaning too, probably it was good day in all countries for that :)

  14. What an amazing colection!!!
    Wish u a lovely spring, warm and full of happiness and joy!

  15. I love your brown transferrer collection Carolyn!
    We have chosen this colour for our everyday dishes in Arizona and I love them!
    Have a great week!

  16. All your transferware is so lovely. I don't know which are my favorite but I think your red and also the green. This cupboard display is a feast for the eyes! Also, glad the calendar arrived and hope it brings some joyful memories of your Mom!

  17. I love this so much!! I love that the brown is kind of different than other colors...and I'm just an earth-tone Gal anyway. ;)

    Praying for some melting for you soon! We had that last year down here in northern WI - no Spring just melted and it was already summer!! We've been much better this year and they're predicting an early Spring. Here's hoping and I'll try to will some melting sun your way.


  18. I feel amazed, charmed, with no words watching such a BEAUTY !!
    Thank you my dearest Carolyne for these gifts, for what you, with so much love, share with us ... thank you with all my heart !
    Sending much love

  19. Carolyn your brown transfer ware collection is amazing and so beautifully put into the lovely hutch. Love your darling blog. Jo

  20. Thank you for such a cheerful post here in Okla. it is windy,cold and sleeting.Can't really fuss since we have not had the snow you have had stay warm Carolyn and surely it will warm up.

  21. Dear Carolyn,

    I always enjoy looking at your beautiful collection of transferware and porcelaint. Such fun to have such a wide collection to choose from when having tea :-)

    Have a good day!

    Madelief x

  22. I am swooning over your amazing collection of brown transferware Carolyn. I can't imagine how many pieces you must own. All uniquely beautiful indeed and the new pieces are just as pretty.

    It must be a joy to look at them everyday.

    Stay warm and cozy. We hard another snow storm today. I think I am over winter days already.



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
