Saturday, November 8, 2014

Faded Glory

                                                         I hope your weekend is going well ~ it
                                                         is a cold and windy one here .
                                                        It is the kind of day that makes me want to
                                                        sit by the fireside with a cup of tea.

                                                        The garden has changed again since I took
                                                       these photos a few days ago. The wind has
                                                        sent a lot of leaves flying and snow it will be the
                                                      white stuff flying... we actually had a few flurries today.

                                                         It is time to put the garden to bed and
                                                         we have been doing that this past week.

                                                  I will be planting more bulbs this coming
                                                  week and many of the statues and garden benches
                                                 will go into the barn for the winter.

                                                         Faded glory ~ a few roses hanging on in spite
                                                         of the cold.
                                                          A back view of our boathouse.
                                                                Some autumn color
                                                                A small garden bouquet on
                                                                vintage scales.
                                                               Playing in pic monkey here.

And now it is time for a second cup of tea ~
I am thankful for a husband who went out
on a nasty day and gathered wood for the fire!
Our wood pellet stove and furnace picked
this cold day to go on the blink!

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!



  1. Dear Carolyn
    This is the second time I write to you. I really love your blog, it makes me feel so good, so light...I enjoy seeing the photos from your garden, the flowers, the lake, and especially the furniture, I mean everything.I hope you post great pics for Christmas.
    A big hug from Brazil!

  2. I even enjoyed reading Edna's comments above. Keep warm inside! We have a wood burning stove insert in the fireplace and love that feeling (but not the dust of course). Your garden is still quite green - for now!

  3. Autumn has arrived here too Carolyn. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog.

    Stay warm and cozy sweet friend.


  4. Hello Dear Carolyn....No snow here in western Massachusetts just yet, but we know it's coming soon.

    Hope you are enjoying keeping cozy by the fire. Susan

  5. This is the lovliest teapot I've ever seen... Fabolous!

  6. I love that village teapot. I have a cup and saucer with the same design. We are having very cold temps here in WV.

  7. i just love getting glorious glimpses of your beautiful world!

  8. Dear Carolyn,

    We have been doing exactly the same thing this weekend! Temperatures are dropping in The Netherlands too and it was high time to put the garden to bed. Hope the weather will stay beautiful for a little while longer, so that you can plant your bulbs.

    Madelief x

  9. The weather says we may get some snow flurries in Okla. this week,so i have been out in the yard getting it ready for whatever. I love the beautiful tea pot and yard pictures,have a great day.

  10. Your yard is so beautiful any time of the year! Love your time with tea today!

  11. Dear Carolyn,
    I know autumn is a season when nature dries down, but there's so much beauty in it's works.. Your garden is changing, and it's magnificent.

    I must say: you have adorable teapot.

    My best

  12. I love Autumn, the season of colours and of feelings, so joyful to me !
    Your pictures are always so very romantic and your new header is really charming !
    Congrats !!
    Have a lovely rest of the week, dear Carolyn


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
