Saturday, November 29, 2014

Afternoon Tea Break

                                                           I hope your weekend is going well.

                                                   I know we are getting into that busy time
                                                   where there seems to be a lot of hustle
                                                    and bustle.    
                                                         So, I hope you will take time
                                                         for a few quiet moments with
                                                         an afternoon tea break.
                                                               Relaxing by the fireside.

                                      It is a beautiful sunny day here with a good
                                     cover of sprinkling snow.
                                        I am off to Cheryl's Christmas Open House
                                     now but you can linger with your tea if you
                                     like......warm and cozy by the fire.

                                                       Enjoy your weekend!



angie said...

soooo gemütlich ist es bei ihnen, liebe carolyn, danke für die inspirationen, einen schönen 1. advent wünscht angie

Unknown said...

E' tutto veramente incantevole,un te d'autore!

Michele M./ Finch Rest said...

What a gorgeous post, Carolyn.

You sure know how to do it up nicely!

Yes, have fun at the Open House - hope it is a big success for her, I shall remain here by the fire sipping tea and the enjoying your beautiful surroundings, thank you much. ♥

Lori @ Dining Delight said...

Linger? I'd probably never leave! Beautiful and your photos capture the relaxation of the setting so perfectly.

June said...

Every time I come here to visit you Carolyn, I find it so hard to leave. I feel so calm and contented in your photos. You remind me of my favorite old Victoria magazine issues of this time of year. Do you remember the old Ideals magazines? Your winter posts always remind me of them. My mom used to buy them and even as a very little girl I would sit and immerse myself in them.
Have a wonderful week my friend!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Lovely posting, Carolyn! I believe we have matching silver trays. A very cozy spot for a cup of tea. Have a beautiful day.


Amber ~ The French Pressed Home said...

Your home is just so peaceful and calm and absolutely beautiful. I enjoy your visits to my inbox!

Rhondi said...

Thank you for the tea. It really hit the spot!

Pink Piccadilly Pastries said...

What a beautiful post!! I love everything - the silver tea set, the pinecone candle, the cozy chair with the warm fire! Thank you for reminding us to take a few moments during the Holiday Season to relax and enjoy!!

carrie@northwoods scrapbook said...

So beautiful! Your posts just bring peace and calm to my soul. When I need those images I just curl up in your photos and all is right in my world.

Madelief said...

Magical photographs Carolyn!

Have a lovely new week!

Madelief x

My Cottage Diary said...

Oh, this looks so restful and inviting, Carolyn. Beautiful! Blessings, Bess

Daniela said...

I'd love to have a warm tea with you in the charming atmosphere of your enchanted home ... here everything is so magic !!!
Thank you my friend, have a lovely new week
With love
♥ Dany

Hélène Flont , french illustrator said...

Dear carolyn , You have the art to create always so comforting pictures, it's beautiful !!!
♥ ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿