Good Morning!
It is tulip season in our garden now as well
as around Charlottetown so I hope you
enjoy these spring beauties!
Although, orange is not usually a part of our garden,
in the spring I love the pop of color they add in a couple
of our borders.
This year Charlottetown hosted a Tulip Festival
and planted thousands of tulips around the city
last fall for it. These are a few of the photos I
took around the city a few days ago.
A beautiful front yard garden in the city.
Vanco has fields of beautiful tulips
that are grown for the bulbs. They sell tulip
bouquets all around the Maritimes and beyond
starting in January each year.
The above photos were shot a week ago and
the pics below were last years.

The apple trees are in bloom here now and soon it will be lilac time!
Thank you for popping by and
I hope you have a great day!
Tulips? What tulips? LOL!
Never seen so many!
Absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you, for brightening up my day xxx
Those tulips have given my spirit a lift today! Thank you for sharing.
It is amazing how you know the timetable of what will bloom when and how. I would think your lilacs would come earlier. Of course it is your peonies that come along and crown everything after that! Your garden is a constant production to be applauded.
I have never seen fields of tulips! Your flowers are beautiful and I love the way you display. Love the sloshers as well as the watering can and planters. What a beautiful landscape.
Hi Carolyn!
They are really beautiful!!! I like them!
Tulip season is past here in Oregon, so it just lovely to be reminded of their beauty.
WOW! Those fields full of tulips look stunning, I love the pink and white tulips the most:)
Have a wonderful weekend:)
Lots of tulips even in the boots.
Hello Carolyn....Those tulips are glorious! All your photos of flowers are. Susan
My son Atticus loves tulips. I just had him look at all your photos.
Great job capturing the beauty of the tulip.
xx oo
Oh my these are gorgeous photos of the tulips in PEI. So many!! I didn't realize Charlottetown had a tulip festival. It must have been nice to see. And now I know why Vanco grows all those tulips. It's for the bulbs. Good to know. :)
I just recently did a photoshoot of tulips in my boots as well...such a great idea, I might add! Enjoy your weekend!
Too cute!
- Alma, The Tablescaper
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