Hello everyone,
It was a busy day here today as we had over
60 visitors from Japan in two different tours
come by bus to our home & garden.
I love their enthusiastic and happy
nature as they tour around even if the
weather doesn't always co operate.
Anyway,as I was setting out my teacups
I thought they were as pretty as a picture!
The teapot is Cream Lace by Skye McGhie
This beautiful teapot was a lovely gift
from a visitor to our garden a few years ago.
It is Noritake ~ Romanticize.
Blossomtime tea cup with apple blossoms.
Beautiful crab apple blossoms.

cup of tea?
I am off for a soak is a hot tub and a
good nights sleep!
I am joining Tea Time Tuesday
at Rose Chintz Cottage.
Thank you for visiting,
I can't believe photos of tea cups can put a smile on my face, but they do. Thanks for all the beauty you share.
Boy have you been busy! But I am sure the visitors loved it. Love the Shelley in the photo...but then Shelleys are my favorite! Lovely photos!
Isn't it fun how something catches your eye and you have to get your camera to capture it? Your teacup line-up is lovely and I would be photographing such a thing too. I especially love the Noritake teapot and feel like I have seen it. It looks old to me. is it? I hope you get a good night's sleep--you deserve it!
I recognize many of them from past posts you have done. They all looks so lovely together!
So very lovely!
Such beautiful teacups, they made me smile! Whenever I see a set of dishes, in a store or in anyone's home, the first thing I see is the teacups, if they're pretty those are the dishes I like, or buy. Yours are gorgeous and so are the teapots.
I'd love to stop by for a cup of tea - I'll have mine in that pretty aqua colored one, please. Beautiful display of teacups.
Hi Carolyn,
Love your tea cup collection. I love looking at a display of beautiful tea cups and saucers. I love visiting your house and garden.
Betty @ My Cozy Corner
Any time is tea time! Ciao
Hey Carolyn! You can never go wrong with pretty, pretty tea cups. :0) I was recently given a Blossom Time trio set, a special gift left to me by a friend's Nan who knew I love and collect tea cups. Not only are they pretty, tea cups all have a story to tell. Thanks for sharing. :0) Bear Hugs! KRIS
Jak zwykle mega pięknie :).
So nice and dreamy tea cups ! I agree with you when I go to Venice during the carnival there are lot of Japanese people who come and want to take pictures with me in my Venetian costume, and they are so sweet and look so happy that's always a pleasure.
xoxo from PARIS
Oh, what a lovely sight, all those teacups! My favourite being the Blossom Time which I hope to find someday. Love your crab apple blossoms, so pretty! Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. Thank you for coming to tea.
That is a lovely tea pot! All of your cups are lovely too!
What a treat for groups to come and see your lovely garden and drink tea!
Dear Carolyn,
your wonderful cup parade is very impressive!
And I have never seen so bright pink appleblossoms before.
Oh, I wished I could be a member of these visitors. But it is also nice to dream a little bit about this idea. :-)
Sunny greetings,
As I looked at all the teacups laid out for your guests I thought how wonderful it is that they get used and appreciated. Almost like having your own tea room Carolyn, with the gorgeous gardens to wander as a bonus.
witam z tej strony puck sie klania przepiekne filizaneczki pozdrawiam z polski.
You are busy. I love the images of all your teacups. Teacups are just pretty! :) The teacup with Apple Blossoms is really special. Your garden is in full bloom and I bet it smells wonderful, too! Happy Tea Day!
I love your cup tea collection :) It's very, very beautiful... And I love your photos :)
Greetings from Poland :-)
The tea cup with the apple blossoms on it is my favorite.
Lovely, Lovely, Lovely tea cups. Especially the blossom one!
Your lovely teacups and apple blossom make my heart sing! Each cup is pretty on it's own but it the company of all the others, the sight is just so powerfully delightful!
hi Carolyn,
I love to visit your blog....so sweet n lovely pics.....daa...
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