Hello Everyone,
We are getting our April showers here today so that put an end
to our garden cleanup for a day or two. It is nice to see the grass
greening up again and finally our snow is almost gone.
I love these new flower pots ~ almost too pretty to use!
Just a few romantic images today.
Beautiful roses.
Pretty china.
Beautiful bouquets
A pretty chintz tea set.
Romantic tea time.
More rose bouquets

whole day painting furniture.I will be happy to
have all the indoor projects done so I can
focus on the garden and getting the porches
set up for summer.
Thank you for visiting,
Gorgeous flower pots, Carolyn! I would have to find something to plant in them that would do the pots justice. : )
Beautiful. I just love your photos.
Hi, I love your blog. I'm also Canadian but from Ontario. Can you pls tell me where I can get a set of those gorgeous pots? Jann
Do you ever stop running, Carolyn? You are always so busy doing something wonderful. I could never keep up with you!
Your images are gorgeous.
Got a couple of your books in the mail today, and I squealed like a young child and took my tea time early to peruse them. Just gorgeous - the perfect Mother's Day gift idea! Keep it up, I can never have enough Aiken Home and Gardens in my life! : - )
Hi Carolyn, i always love your decorations especially how you blend the pastel colours and the so lovely roses......makes my heart melt....you have given me such a wonderflull ispiration....keep up the good work...i have a simple blog too but its not in english...u can see my blog at http://sweetiesaqi.blogspot.com/2014/04/si-kuning-roses-cantik-menawan.html
i love roses so much....ur roses is so nice, i wish mine could be like yours......have a good day..
Beautiful sweet♥♥♥..;)
Hugs♥ Gaby..;)
Very beautiful and very romantic....
Thank you Michele! I am happy to hear that!
Jann, I got those flower pots at Winner's just last week.
Thank you for your sweet comments.
Those flower pots are beautiful. This whole post is beautiful. It's eye candy to my soul :-)
witam ponownie puck polska sie klania.doniczki przepiekne porcelanka i ta dekoracja sa mega pozdrawiam i dozobaczenia ;]
Do you know who the manufacturer of those beautiful flower pots is?
Flowers pot are beautiful. I wish I'll find them in Istanbul..
Love, love, love those flower pots! And all the romantic roses just speak to my soul. I can never get enough of your posts and want them to go on and on.
thanks for sharing & have a wonderful weekend!!
Those are gorgeous pots Carolyn. I hope you can get into the garden soon. Take care and have a wonderful weekend. Jen
Those flowers pots are so beautiful. Well, the whole post is beautiful but those pots are so special.
Love your pots, they are really beautiful.Lovely pictures. Shirley N.Z.
How much I love your romantic flower pots, your old laces and all the nuances of rose in your lovely photographs, Carolyn ! It's always suche a great pleasure to come and visit you my friend ! Thank you !!
Fondly xox
Love the floral pots! They are beautiful and a conversation piece for sure! ;)
I also like your new romantic flower pots! Its bougth or home crafted?
Nice blog!
Olá ! mulher abençoada...
Seus mimos são lindos..te seguindo.
E desejo ser aprovada para retornar sempre.
Neste espaço encantador e criativo.
Desejo uma semana cheia de bençãos!
Porque aos seus anjos dará ordem a teu respeito,
para te guardarem em todos os teus caminhos..........
Salmos 91:11
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