Hello everyone,
Hope you have been enjoying these early days of summer. The garden is changing daily here as the weather has been hot and sunny. Last night we had a good rain which we really needed.
I have several Preston Lilacs here which bloom later so I love extending the lilac season into rose and peony season-some of my very favorites in the garden.The lilacs above are Miss Canada and I love the plum/pink color of them.
It is nice to have a spot to sit and take in the beauty of nature.
Or if you prefer a comfy place to lie swinging gently in the breeze.
The lupins are still blooming but the season for them will soon be past.
Looking toward the gardener's cottage.
The view from the little sunroom upstairs.
Roses ,peonies, iris ,lady's mantle geraniums and another Preston lilac more pink then Miss Canada.
It is amazing how quickly everything has filled in.
A small fringe tree coming into bloom for the first time.
Shot from the upstair balcony looking toward the pond.Some of you may remember this allee garden having the 3 arbors going in a straight line but when the pond went in 2 years ago we found the middle one obstructed the view of the pond from the house so we changed it down toward the pond and added the perennial borders to go that way also.
We had another 5 tours from Japan in the last few days. This group goes to Tasha Tudor's garden in Vermont first and then on to the Island. They are always such an enthusiastic group of gardeners and it is so
great to have them!
Martha's Garden has been at it's peak for the last week with the four Deutiza in full bloom.
Yellow flag iris

Thank you for visiting and after this week I should be able to post on a more regular basis.
Take care,
Your Lilac's are huge and gorgeous! What a glorious day at Aiken Gardens.
Totally wonderful. Last night I was going to "steal if you will" some lilacs by the sidewalk of an empty rental nearby (just qualifiying doing this) but they were too far gone. It was a late bloomer though and that would be good for Colorado as the earlier ones got too much snow and cold this year. So much to learn.
Forgot to say:
Your garden is beautiful! I especially like to long shot to the cottage!
Olá Carolyn,
Que prazer ver o jardim tão florido. Hoje faz um ano que estivemos na Ilha e a lembrança é sempre muito agradável. O jardim está lindo e é um passeio para mim. Saudades.
Fique em paz e aproveite bem seu verão.
Pięknie wręcz zjawiskowo. Lubię do Ciebie zaglądać.
Everything is just gorgeous! I love the view of the pond from the upstairs balcony!
Good afternoon Carolyn! Your gardens are just breathtaking! All that color and verdant green is lucious. I would never want to step indoors! I'm a huge Tasha Tudor fan and would love to visit her garden one day. Thank you for sharing your lovely inspiration!
xo, Lara
p.s. My blog has moved to larabellephotography (formally air kissed)
Its all beautiful but I love the picture peeking out of the window!
How heavenly! A tour of your garden is still at the top of my bucket list!
Cara Carolyn,io mi tuffo nel tuo giardino incantato,pieno di magia e amore è bellissimo visitare il tuo blog,donandomi grandi emozioni!!
Felice e serena settimana!!
Un bacio!!
I would love to live in that little house out there, Carolyn, amongst the beauty you've created.
Beautiful gardens ...Hopefully one day I can visit your garden too!
I am in awe of your beautiful gardens every year, Carolyn! Just so beautiful and I can only imagine what it is like to have all this right at your door.
Lovley ,i see many flowers the same i have in my garden ,have a nice evening ,Nette
Beautiful Carolyn, I love the view from the upstairs balcony.
Looks like your visitors are buying up your books.
Your gardens are just beautiful.. and the pond looks like it's always been there. Didn't realise you actually put it in. I love the shots from the distance too so you can get a feel of it all... so inspiring! Pity it's been raining alot here and can't get into mine! take care, maryann
It is always such a pleasure to wander through your garden 'virtually'. It is Winter here in Australia and I am simply longing for my garden to wake up from it's long sleep and come to life again. Your garden will make me smile until that happens. Thankyou so much for sharing your little slice of heaven with us xo
Carolyn dear, loved your blog.
Beautiful images. I'll always be here by visiting
and knowing more about you and your country.
Kisses. Rose.
Loved all the photos, Carolyn. I can see why people like to take tours of your property. So picturesque! Susan
A dream of a garden. The first pic looks like a painting.
X Ines
your garden is so beautiful and that already in the beginning of summer. Today we have here a cold and rainy day and last week on Tuesday it was a very hot
summer day. It is always extremely different around the week.
Have a nice summer time and enjoy your wonderful garden.
Best regards Tina
Como fazer para passear nesse jardim?
Gostaria de conhecer sua casa, voce hospeda pessoas? Obrigada
Absolutely stunning and serene! It is so calming to "share" your gardens. would live in the gardner's cottage any time just to be a part of it all!!
the post before with your coco set is beautiful, I got one a couple of weeks ago and did a tea with it. I just can't stop thinking of your place, the peonies, roses, everything is so unbelievable, the pond is wonderful, we have a big small pond, ornamental is maybe what you would call it, big for an ornamental but small commpared to yours. I am loving your posts. amazing...
Absolutely gorgeous! I fell in love with your garden just by looking at the first few pictures. Those were from was last year, right? I'm wondering how your garden looks like now. I bet it's more beautiful and radiant. All those pinks and playful colors are just endearing. Thank you so much for sharing such lovely images!
Gwendolyn Reyes @ Tapestry Landscape
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