Hello everyone,
Hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend .After getting a little more snow overnight the sun came out this afternoon and there was a feeling of spring in the air this afternoon. We finally saw our first robin in the garden this year so spring must surely be on the way.
Anyway,it is spring in our sunroom so I can't complain.
I love to have the sunlight streaming in our little sunroom with some cheerful plants blooming on the windowsill.
A touch of Easter.
I planted these hyacinths several weeks ago and they are beautiful now and fill the sunroom with their fragrance.
Love this little bunny.

I've got plenty of robins, but no spring. Rain and cold. Hope it comes soon. Beautiful flowers and photos, Carolyn!
Oh, I love the bunny and the nest of eggs perched on the top of the bowl. The sun room screams spring. It is on the way. Blessings to you,
Ohhhhh, so pretty, Carolyn. Love all your blooming flowers and the sweet little bun bun. Darling! Susan
I am just in awe of the beauty you create!
Your photos and home utterly amaze me!
Happy Easter,
I am just in awe of the beauty you create!
Your photos and home utterly amaze me!
Happy Easter,
I am just in awe of the beauty you create!
Your photos and home utterly amaze me!
Happy Easter,
You have a african violet blooming, so pretty! It's been drizzling rain here so I enjoy seeing spring in your sunroom. We could use some sun here in North Carolina.
This is such a wonderful space in your home. I like the delicate pink of the geranium and the blooming violet in the polka dot pot is delightful. I'll have a word with mine and see if I can coax it to flower; my mother certainly had the knack.
Have a beauty-filled week.
I saw a robin today too! It filled me such hope that this crazy never ending winter would finally end - but when? Your post brings forth that same hope. Just beautiful.
- The Tablescaper
Don't you just think pretty pink flowers and Easter bunnies and white wicker go together so perfectly...love your post, so many pretty things...
Oh...this is all so pretty...so very Easterish! Really really lovely.
la véranda est une pièce
très agréable à vivre
c' est dans cette pièce que je passe
le plus de temps
en attendant le printemps
j' ai également quelques pots
"muscaris , jacyntes
iris de sibérie
on tellement besoin de lumière
bonne journée
edith (iris)FRANCE
Hello from Poland:)
I like your blog. It's so romance and inspiring. Thank you and come to my blog.
Big hug
Hi Carolyn,
LOVE your bunnies! I have the same paper mache rabbit. Lol
I have 3 magazines in front of me. All are currently on my local newsstand and all feature you: Flea Market Gardens, Real Gardens and Romantic Home (your cover). EXCITING!!!! CONGRATS again!!!
Thanks for stopping by to visit yesterday. Yes, we do share a love of teapots and I treasure the one you gifted me! It's one of my all-time favourites.
Easter blessings to you and Andrew and family.
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
Everything looks so lovely and fresh Carolyn. Happy Easter x
So eleagant...especially the hyacinths plant
Android Developer
Hi Carolyn,
Oh yes, let´s hope spring is on it´s way shall we? I need to see some color outside :)
Speaking of color, I am in love with the blue-ish aqua in your guest bath! I also have a crush on old bath tubs with claw foots :)
Congratulations to being on the cover of Romantic Home! I remember that photo. Very pretty! Also, congrats to being featured in the magazine as well! Happiness!
Have a great day!
You'd never know there was snow sitting outside those windows, Carolyn! It is definitely Spring inside your sunroom. Love your bunnies and your beautiful flowers. I am going to pick some potted ones up from the grocery store this week for our Easter table. We are in the middle of getting snow right now {up to 6 inches expected}, but I'm hoping it will be gone come Easter.
So pretty, Carolyn! I love the flowers and bunnies. What a peaceful, sunny spot. Thanks for sharing yet another delightful post and have a beautiful day.
How I wish I had a sunny room like yours Carolyn. I was given 2 cherry tomato plants with tomatoes on the vine, and a lilac covered in flowers ready to open from vendors at Canada Blooms. Unfortunately I don't have window sills and am hoping I can bring these plants along to bloom and produce.
Lots of spring flowers in pots in your sunroom, I'll bet it does smell heavenly out there. I like the grandmother pillow too.
What a delight a sun room like yours is Carolyn. It must be lovely sitting there and see your garden wake up. Hope there will be many more beautiful spring days this week. In Holland the weather is slowly improving too.
Madelief x
I love the pretty pastels you have in your sunroom. It looks so lovely. We haven't seen any robins here yet but I keep looking. Have a blessed Easter week. Pamela
Oh, the presence of flowers and the tender colors makes it all so beautiful!!
Everything looks so beautiful and inviting!
Jocelyn @ http://justalittlesouthernhospitality.blogspot.com
A touch of Spring indoors always puts one in a good mood as we wait for Mother Nature to stir things up in our outdoor gardens!
Still feel a winter freeze here...Spring should arrive soon hopefully!
Wishing you a Happy Eater!
Very very pretty!!!
Happy Easter!!
Hi Carolyn, I just found your blog and WOW, it's beautiful. I am your new follower. Christa
We are going to get Spring after all. I love your sunroom, what a lovely idea to have a place to nurture along your plants and flowers.
Beautiful pictures as always! Hope you have a nice Easter.
Love Elzie
Wesołego ALLELUJA!
Happy Easter to you and your family, Carolyn!
Dear Carolyn,
I wish you and your family a Happy Easter!
Love, Madelief x
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