Hello everyone,
I wanted to pop in and wish you all a happy first day of spring and since we all want some spring color ~ I have some for you!
I sure do love all these spring colors.
Looking forward to our spring garden.
Scenes from around our spring garden.
one of my favorite shots from a past spring. It cheers me just looking at it!
However, the reality of our world today was this winter white scene. We had a mini storm blow through this morning and another is apparently coming on Friday. I have not spotted a single robin in our garden yet this year and last year they were around by the end of January-I think they know something about a later arrival of actual spring weather. The good news is -it will come sooner....or later!

Thank you for visiting,
Carol happy first day of spring....
Love all your gorgeous spring colors....
Thanks for the cup of tea....lol
Happy first day of Spring Carol!!! You are looking at snow, I am looking at a sheet of rain outside the window and the LOUDEST rolling of thunder overhead. But, it's all good. We needed the rain. We have had a dry winter here in North Central Florida. I only pray that the hard rain will not beat down my lilies that are starting to bloom in the gardens.I truly luv your pictures.
Hugs, Gee
GLORIOUS! I know soon the snow will be gone from your beautiful garden and it will once again be alive with color!
It's har to believe that all that beauty in your gardens is waiting to burst forth from under the snow Carolyn. Your gardens are stunning and I always enjoy looking at your beautiful photos of the thousands of blooms you have. We got 40 cm. of snow here so we're buried again. Happy spring! Pam
Thank you Carolyn for brightening this first day of Spring, that truly looks like the middle of winter in Alberta. We are set for another big storm, due to arrive at midnight tonight. I'm assuming this might be the storm you are expecting on Friday. Hopefully it will have weakened by the time it hits the east coast!
Oh Carolyn, we're to have flurries tomorrow. I can't imagine being hit with that much snow at this time of the year. Thankfully you have so many beautiful photos to look at to know that your glorious garden will be in full swing before long.
On another note, guess what arrived in my mail? The most recent issue of Romantic Home which features your lovely home. Congratulations!
- The Tablescaper
Hi Carolyn:
Thanks for all those cheery flowers. I know this is the first day of spring but we have snow here too in Windsor, Ontario. I'm not sure it is ever going to leave!
All the floral collages are fabulous and I laughed out loud at the end. Of course, that wasn't nice of me because you are experiencing that first hand. We need some snow - right now water restrictions are projected and even my little garden will hate that!
Oh,thanks so much for the photos of spring flowers and gardens, Carolyn. We got whammed with more snow here, too. Happy First Day of Spring. (not).
But you are right. Pretty soon it will be here! The snow will melt and we'll be looking at lovely flowers.
Aaah, these spring colors are beautiful! Thank you for sharing Carolyn. We have less than a trace of snow on the ground, but it has been cold, cold, and flakes have been flying in the air all day. You're right, though, spring has to come eventually.
These spring images of your stunning garden were what I needed to bright my day, sweet Carolyn! We had a lot of rain this winter, and spring is late here too... but I feel the perfume in the air =)
le printemps se fait attendre
moi aussi j' ai hâte de voir
quelques fleurs
une très belle mosaïque
qui va nous faire patienter
bonne journée
Your flower pictures looks so pretty, Carolyn! They do help. A little bit anyway! : ) I read our forecast for today is 31 degrees with some snow flurries. Last year on this day it was 86 degrees. We had an early, really early, Spring last year and wound up with a very humid Summer. Maybe we will get lucky and have a pleasant Summer this year.
I feel spring !!!...it comes sooner than you think !!......lovely post !!!..here we have sun today..but it is coldddddd !!!..love from me...xxx...
Thank you the lovely peek into your spring garden. My garden still looks dead, no green shots anywhere...soon! Have a lovely day. Jen
Yes! These colors do a heart good, Carolyn! Thank you! =]
I saw my first robin on Monday - had daffs pushing up - red wing blackbirds everywhere! Tuesday, we got a foot of snow! =/ sigh. but it's warm-ish (above freezing) and beautiful! =]
A little bit more cozy time indoors, eh? =]
Oh, I know, I know, we got it too (Southern Maine)! Enough already!
I am so grateful that you have such a library of beautiful flower pics to share, it helps ease the frostbite a little. I love the coral Gerbera daisies. They remind me of oil pastels, with a kind of chalky matte finish, but saturated with color. And I really love the bicolor daffodils in the last pic with the violet flowers. Thanks so much for the breath of e-Spring!
Here everyday is springtime my dear Carolyn!
Hi Carolyn,
I was wondering if you could share with me one of your templates. The one with the large bunny in the center with 2 photo's on the sides?
If not I understand. I love this set up and of course your photo's make it just lovely! Again, I understand if you can't..
Stunning spring images, Carolyn! Absolutely beautiful. But all that snow! Oh, my.
I hope spring is with you soon!
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