Hello everyone,
We are having some very cold weather here right now so I stayed close to the fireside all day.After baking some scones and buttermilk biscuits to go with our homemade veggie soup I spent some time on photo shop trying to learn a few new things.
I didn't take time to take any new photos today, so I hope you don't mind seeing some of my collages from the past..
I have a few thousand collages stored on my computer with an external hard drive. A few weeks ago thousands of my photos started being deleted overnight on my computer. It was a very sickening feeling to see them disappear.
Lucky for me I have a son in law who is very knowledgeable on these things . It turned out my external hard drive was fried but he was able to retrieve the photos somehow and put them on a new external hard drive.
He has also backed up a copy for me on his computer so that if mine should fail again I can have them restored again. I mention this as a reminder to make sure you back up your photos regularly so that you won't lose your pics in case of a computer failure.
Clematis and teacups
Soft and pretty.
This was one of my favorite still life photo shoots last year.
The cutest little wellies ever!
Pretty pastel tea cups.
Love these little fairies!

You southerners would shiver at our late fall temperatures let alone winter! We are a hardy bunch here though and just dress warm and carry on!!!
Thank you for your visit,
I personally NEVER tire of seeing your beautiful photos - new or old! I hope you don't mind, but I have used a few of them as background images on the "desktop" of my computer. They're just gorgeous!
It is so nice to see your pretty photos as we are having a cold snap, too, Carolyn. Along with some flurries. I hope it doesn't last too long. My hubby spent the day working on our furnace as we had no heat this morning! Not good when it is 15 degrees out!
Your photos are such 'Works of Heart'. LOVE them.
Thankfully, your smart son was able to save your treasures. :-)
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
So pretty! I love your photos anytime! They always cheer me up. ;)
Those are gorgeous collages!!
I never tire of seeing your beautiful images.
So sorry to hear of the computer trouble, but so happy that your son-in-law came to your rescue.
- The Tablescaper
Yes, we dress warm and carry on. :) I can't believe how cold it is here! Beautiful collages. I also back up my photos on an external hard drive but I didn't know they could freeze up too. That's scary. Stay warm. Blessings, Pamela
I just adore your photographs!
I was being a weanie this morning and pushed my walk back from 7:30 ( it was 38*F) and went at 9:30 instead when it was 44 :-) What would I do with temperatures like yours. A friend in Saskatoon told me to stop my bellyaching. Hahahahahaa... North Central Florida's winters.
Stay warm.
Cheers, Gee
I am SO GLAD you didn't lose your photos. My tummy fell when I started reading that...how scary!
It's shocking how fast your beautiful granddaughters are growing.
We do come from hardy stock to be able to withstand our cold winters, don't we?
I use an external hard drive and a memory stick, although I'm a little behind with the stick for saving my photos. I've heard too many horror stories, and in one case a daylily breeder that gives presentations.
You're lucky to have a computer savvy SIL.
Your collages are all soft and dreamy looking; do you find photo shop hard to use?
Oh, that would truly be heart breaking. Your photos are so beautiful, I so enjoy coming here and just looking at all the lovelies. Glad you got them back. God Bless
Hello Carolyn....Hardy people here in Massachusetts, too, I tell you, because it's FREEZING at this time.
It was single digits most of the day and is so cold tonight that I think I'd turn into an icicle if I went outside.
We are truly in the heart of winter.
Your collages are most exquisite. Susan
Carolyn, You always have such beautiful pictures that you share.
Enjoyed my visit,
Your photos are dreamy! They are a definite 'pick-me-up' and truly make my heart feel hope! Beautiful!
It must have been awful to see your photos disappearing, to lose all those beautiful images would be devastating. I too have everything backed up on an external hard drive.
Your photos are always a pleasure to look at.
Oh, this is my favorite sweet blue...
Carolyn,thank you :o)
Goodmorning Carolyn, I just love to see your photos they are always beautiful and sunny. We've got some cold weather too here in Amsterdam, but the sun is shining now..
Erna xx
Beautiful Carolyn........How wonderful to see all your gorgeous collages........Stay warm it is cold here too in Ontario. Blessings and much love
I found your blog through Pinterest early this morning when I couldn't sleep. I am pretty sure this is the most beautiful blog I have ever seen!
Dear Carolyn,
I am at a loss for words. How many ways can I say beautiful, awe-inspiring, lovely, and magnificent?
Everything is beyond gorgeous and you are some photographer with an eye, as they say.
Eye candy for someone like me.
all the best, Ruthie
Those fairies are precious and must love visiting.
so beautiful, Carolyn! There ist so much love in your pictures and I am glad to have found you.
all the best,
dana :o)
I'm so glad your photos were saved. Your collages are breath-taking. You've been an inspiration to me in being more interested with a camera :) You sure know how to capture the simple, beauty of life which is why I so love your blog. Thanks for sharing!
So cheery to see these on such a cold day, even here in the south, I'd be hard pressed to choose a favorite and I'm so glad you were able to save your photos!
I never tire of looking at your beautiful collage pictures. I'm glad you were able to get help to restore all those lovely photos. Not being computer savvy I've no idea what I'd do. I only wish I could get my head around photoshop my daughter bought it for me.
Carolyn....I never tire at looking at your beautiful photos. so refreshing and beautiful they all are. In the dead of Winter they remind me of the promise of Spring and warmer days ahead. Thank you for posting such beauty. :)
I am sure it is like to your melting in our 100+ degree weather in July and August . Hope your roses survive and do well.
by a million
wings of fire-
the rocket tore a tunnel
through the sky-
and everybody cheered.
only by a thought from God-
the seedling
urged its way
through thicknesses of black-
and as it pierced
the heavy ceiling of the soil-
and lauched itself
up into outer space -
--Marcie Hans
Dear Carolyn wunderful this Post and Thank god for your son in law!!!!
whies you a good Week
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