In the winter I enjoy going for a drive through the countryside to enjoy the beauty of winter in some of my favorite little villages or country roads.
This is a beautiful historic Inn called the Barachois Inn and I always love to take a drive by in summer or winter. It is beautiful at night this time of year as it has candles burning in every window.
I was wishing I had this big guy on video as he bowed to me a couple of time and then reared up in the air to put on a show for me.
And a forlorn old barn.
We have beautiful woodland trials to walk all over the Island.They are the old railways tracks.We no longer have trains on the Island although I can remember going on them years ago.
I have always loved horses.
This is someone's beautiful driveway.
An old schoolhouse turned into a pottery shop.
This beautiful big house is overlooking the ocean.
Looks a little cold for a swim but in the summer our beautiful beaches are a popular spot to be.
This beautiful farm overlooks the water as well-although it is ice now.
Another old barn-can you tell I grew up on a farm.When I was little I followed my Dad everywhere on the farm and used to tell him I was going to marry a farmer and have 10 kiddo's. Well, we have a barn , we used to have chicken's and we had seven kiddo's -close enough!Ha!Ha!
I could have got a better shot on the other side of the lighthouse but it was cold and I was lazy!
Another pretty heritage farm home turned into a B&B.
The old fishing shacks in the village of Rustico.
Cows getting their fresh air.
The New Glasgow Inn.

Thought you might like to see a summer shot of this quaint little fishing village.
Thank you for coming along on my winter drive and if you would like to see Rustico in summer click here.
Hope you have a good day!
loved the pictures. I love the beauty of white winter, as much
as any other season.
I loved my drive with you! How gorgeous everything is Carolyn.
I love all the places you visited and photographed and the blanket of snow on everything is just so lovely.
Happy New Year my friend...and thank you for your sweet friendship throughout 2012. Im looking forward to 2013 and visiting you xo
All my heart,
Deborah xoxo
I've never been to PEI in wintertime, though I've been home to Cape Breton in all seasons, and it is not dissimilar. Gorgeous shots - I wonder if The Great Dane could duplicate that bench for me?
A fairytale homespot, stunning! I think anytime on PEI would be a magical time. Lori
Thank you for sharing all your lovely pictures. I'm the oldest of 7 children myself and I have the love of nature and beauty instilled in me by two adventurous , creative and resourceful parents.
What a lovely trip you took us on today. Just love the old farm houses and the barns. Thought one house had a very strange roof though.
You have a lot of snow there now. We have none! It's so dirty and grey and I must admit it's better with some snow to "clean" it all up.
Hope you have a great 2013.
Love Elzie
Such a beautiful drive this must have been.
Your photographs are truly wonderful.
I'm so glad I joined you on your drive today, what beautiful houses & barns, all covered in a blanket of snow. Thanks for the trip. Beautiful photos.
It's so beautiful that it hardly seems real! Thank you for taking us with you!
What a beautiful drive, thanks for taking us along. Just love winter scenes.
Beautiful tour!
I really enjoyed seeing these places in winter Carolyn. There are so many beautiful old homes and barns there. Thanks for taking us along for a winter drive.
I so enjoyed all your "personal" comments and these great photos!
Beautiful photos. Makes me want to visit Prince Edward Island! I especially love the old heritages homes, so lovely.
I also wanted to let you know I nominated your blog for 'the sunshine award.' You can read about it on my blog if you like. Don't feel pressured to participate, I just wanted to share your lovely blog with my reader. :)
Happy New Year!
Carolyn, Your Wintery drive is awesome!
Beautiful post.
May you have a great Winter,
I've wanted to visit your beautiful Island for years. . .after seeing your photographs, I think I'd love to see it in Winter! There's a good chance I'll be taking a vacation this year, perhaps with my son. P.E.I. is where my English ancestors first landed before moving to the States. . .and I believe there might be some family still there.
Such a dreamy trip you just took us all on, Carolyn. Thank you for always sharing such beauty, inside and out.
That was beautiful Carolyn - I don't often head up to that part of the island in the winter but I think I'd like to now!
Hello Carolyn,
what an amazing village and island is it, where you live, it is so beautiful, the old cottages and houses are so pretty with snow, and I can imagine, how wonderful it must be in summer.
amazing pictures, I love them all.
Many greetings from Germany, still without any snow, only fog and grey sky...
Just beautiful photos as always...haven't seen snow forever...with love Janice
You live in such a beautiful area, Carolyn! Any place that can look as good in Winter as it does in Summer is a very special place.
It's a picture-post card place, summer or winter! Beautiful!
You do live in a very pretty place, many lovely houses and I did like that garden bench, wheels are a good idea mine are very heavy.
What a beautiful tour. I just loved the horses and the barn and who wouldn't dream of living in that beautiful home on the ocean, or maybe the old inn. I think I could feel the cold coming from my screen. Happy Winter.
Your photos are so beautiful!! What a wonderful place to live. Happy New Year Carolyn.
What beautiful photos Carolyn! That Inn looks like a post card so beautiful!Sweet horse too!
Hi Carolyn,
Great winter shots! I took a photo of the same house overlooking the ocean in Rustico when we visited you! Lol Your comment to your dad made me laugh. :-))) Lovely post.
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
Oh my! Every photo you took could/should be a postcard! Thank you so much for sharing Prince Edward Island with us! ~ Phyllis
Thanks for taking us along! Everything is just beautiful there. I love old barns and farm and I didn't grow up on a farm.
Thia is just magical Carolyn. The old barns and the Inn are perfect. I would love to visit this amazing place someday. Thank you for letting us come along..
So beautiful! Thank you for such a lovely ride!
Wow, that was delightful! I can't imagine being surrounded by all of that beauty! Simply spectacular!
Wow, such a beautiful area. Love the big house! Thanks for the tour.
Sooo beautiful with all that snow. Here it hardly ever snows & when it does it's chaos. Planes don't land highways stacked with cars moving a mile per hour. Salt trucks spreading salt & making an ugly mess...
I miss your kind of snowfalls. The white lanscape, the loght that goes with it.... Snif snif
Enjoy it for me.
Thanks Carolyn I really enjoyed my trip with you beautiful place to live. Happy New year.
What a wonderful and beautiful place you live in!!! And that snow in your country, we only have lots of rain here.
Greetings from Belgium,
Absolutely stunning!!
How different everything looks when it's covered with snow! The orange inn photo is so striking. Love the barns! Thank you for taking us along on your drive.
I think I have fallen in love with that island you live what a beauty in the snow. The beautiful farmhouses, the woods and the sea I enjoyed your countrydrive so much! Thank you Carolyn!
Hi Carolyn,
Happy New Year and thanks for the welcome back! Your pictures are stunning and you have captured our Island so beautifully in each one. Today is such a lovely day with the snow glistening outside the window. I brought a head cold home with me so I'm staying put for a few days to recoup. Drinking lots of hot tea too.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
How beautiful. I live in the wrong part of the world... just love your snow.
The first house is just how I would like my doll house to look. Unfortunately they don't sell anything that looks like that over here so I'm thinking I might have to make my own. Looks like a project for 2013! Thank you for the drive. xx
Gorgeous photos! I will get to visit the island in three and a half years!
Hugs, Cindy
Beautiful pictures as always. You certainly are blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thank you Carolyn for these lovely pictures of PEI. I was "brought up" on the Anne of Green Gables series and visited PEI on my Canadian honeymoon with my husband 18 years ago (we are Brits). I loved it and am looking forward to a return visit sometime in the next 10 years. I keep looking at your lovely blog to remind me just how lovely your part of the world is, and your house and garden are so gorgeous. Thankyou so much for sharing with the rest of blogland. WIth all good wishes for 2013, Anne Hamilton
I would think I had died and gone to Heaven if I lived on PEI! Seriously, it is just breathtakingly beautiful in every season!
I am loving your blog. Thank you so much, for sharing your photography.
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