Hello everyone,
It was stormy here today ,although not as bad as expected unless it intensifies tonight.I can hear the wind howling out there so I am happy to be snug inside.
Anyway,I bought these old skates at a yard sale and I think they might have a story to tell.When I was growing up I looked forward to skating every winter and still like to don my skates for some winter exercise when the pond has good ice for skating(as in not snow covered like it is now).
There is something warm and cosy about plaids this time of the year.
A pair of handknit wool socks will keep your feet warm.
A hot cup of tea for when you come inside. This teacup belonged to my husband's family which has a Scottish background.The Scottish Santa wearing his tartan vest was a gift from my sister in law.

I am hoping we will have some good skating days coming up in the next couple of months though.
Thank you for visiting,
I have blue plaid flannels on our bed now too. We love them even though we do not have that cold of winters. But it was 30 degrees today. The skates are charming. I would break something vital:}
The weather was sunny here today:) Pretty shots of the vintage skates. Wishing you all the best in 2013. Jen.
Hi Carolyn,
The snow hasn't come yet. We are still enjoying temperatures on the plus side although it has been raining here most of the day.
What a neat photo of the old skates! And, did you knit those sexy blue socks?! They are so great! I just love that pic. It would make a nostalgic Christmas card. And, you know how I LOVE Santas! I think that blue gent is the best! I am just really enjoying the colouring of this post. Keep shining your light...
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
Hello I am mesmerized by your beautiful pictures. My daughters name is Olivia Too! So glad I found your blog. xo Laura
I love the old skates and the plaids. They go well together for winter. We had a lot of snow today - more than was predicted and the wind sure is howling out there tonight. Brrrrr. Glad to be inside and cozy.
What a charming and cozy post - a shot of visual comfort food! sigh. Thank goodness - just in time - I was feeling sad that Christmas-time is (almost) over. I'm all better, now! =]
Oh, so interesting. Not your usual pastels, but equally as pretty.
- the Tablescaper
I like the vintage skates and both of your Santas too. Christmas is about to disappear in my home so that everywhere is fresh and ready for the New Year. I hope you're able to get your skating - I'm sure it will mean lots of lovely new snow photos:)
Lovely the olds skates. I'm like you looking forward to be able to skate on the canal in front of the house or on the lake in our neighbourhood, but until now we had not frost of any importance.
You are a great woman!
Thank you for all beautyful pictures.
I wish you and your family all the best and happy New Year 2013
Your blog is fabulous. I look forward to seeing your beautiful photography. And between you and Sandi [Rose Chintz Cottage] I have become a collector of red transferware dishes this year! Blessings to you and yours in 2013! ~ Phyllis
buon 2013!
Hppy New Year 2013! :)
I love the skates your found. They look perfect on the plaid blanket and your cup of tea looks so inviting!
Happy New Year to you and yours. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful blog. Looking forward to visits in 2013.
Love those plaids. I actually looked at that inviting bed and Yawned!!Happy New Year, Carolyn
I really like that Nova Scotia tartan and shield tea cup and saucer! Beautiful (I am from Nova Scotia, live in Florida in the US)
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