Merry Christmas!
This afternoon it was mild here so I prepared a special Christmas table for you. How does homemade oatmeal bread, chili and hot cocoa sound for a little outdoor lunch by the fire. I have found some nice reds and plaids lately at thrift shops and they cried out for an outdoor setting so here we are in our garden terrace.
I baked you some oatmeal bread and how about a cup of hot cocoa from my red vintage coffee pot.
A red plaid cookie can -great for those holiday ginger cookies.

We are hosting our annual Christmas party here tomorrow for our family ( there will be 28 of us) and it is geared toward the little ones as they each get a small gift to add to their excitement We will also have all our family here again for Christmas dinner as we are blessed to have all our family close by and able to join us on this very special day.
I will probably do one more post before Christmas but just in case I don't have time I will wish you all a wonderful Christmas and blessings for the New Year.
I am joining The Rose Garden in Malevik for Show Off Saturday and How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday.
Looks like a wonderful time Carolyn! Your tablescape is beautiful! Wish I could be there!
Carolyn, this is just gorgeous. What a sweet idea to set the table out in the garden in winter, no less. I love the reds and the plaids. Have a very happy Christmas and enjoy your party tomorrow. Blessings, Pamela
Merry Christmas, Caroline! You blog is "one of my favorite things"! Thank you for ths gift that keeps on giving!
Beautiful post, beautiful family, beautiful Christmas blessings, Carolyn! LOVE to all...
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
And Merry Christmas to you Carolyn. The beauty that you share with us on here makes me feel like I know you. Thanks for sharing your lunch with us. Red is my favorite color so this has been extra fun to look at.
Such a beautiful and relaxing tablescape.
Happy Holidays!
Oh, what a wonderful time I had at your gathering, Carolyn. Loved just relaxing for a few moments. Delightful.
Also loved the Johnson Brother Christmas dishes. Beautiful!
Thanks so much for hosting and Merry Christmas! Susan
Merry Christmas to you & your Family Carolyn. Enjoy your gathering tomorrow!
I look forward to following your Blog in 2013!
Hello Carolyn
I love the red and plaid, and it's nice to have a winter picnic.
Have a wonderful family gathering on Saturday - the children keep the magic going.
THIS is where I want to be Carolyn. Straight from the pages of my favorite Victoria magazine!!!
Have a Blessed Christmas with that beautiful family of yours!
sending love...
Lovely table. Love the reds.
Happy Holidays, Carolyn! What a lovely Christmas setting. I'd love to join you :) Seasons Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla
★ Joyeux *. • ˚ ˚ •. ★ ★ Noël. *. °. ° * * ★ ★ Joyeux. • ˚ ˚ ★ ★ ˛ ˚ ˛ •
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Happy Saturday and Chrismtas blessings. I'd be right next to that chiminea for sure, trying to keep warm.
With the heavy winds yesterday, I spent about 1/2 picking up branches and resetting bird houses and bird feeders. Last night, a big chubby Dove and 7 red cardinals were feeding out of the 'critter' mix bowl all at the same time.
That warmed my soul to see birds of the same kind and sex (cardinals can be nasty to each other)just gathering around and breaking bread with a Dove.
Peace on Earth!
with love,
Cotton Peony
Wonderful Carolyn!
Red, white and green, my absolute favorites for Christmas. Love the plaid too and the cute tin can. I would like to thank you for all the beautiful photos, for letting us peek inside your lovely home and for all the inspiration you are giving me and so many others. Thank you!
I wish you a very merry and happy Christmas!
Wonderful Christmas setting outside Caroline, but when I see the cold and wet here outside, I'm shivering.
Wish you a lovely party with your family and a Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Carolyn. Thank you for the beautiful lunch in your charming garden. I will be more than happy to do the dishes. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your loving family.
What a lovely post. Your bread sure looks delicate. And that with a cup of hot cocoa doesn't sound bad at all.
Hope you have a nice party.
Love Elzie
Lovely table with Christmas colors. I loved the vintage pot !Sending the warmest Christmas wishes to you and your family. May God shower his choicest blessings on you and your family this Christmas!
Beautiful as always.
Much love and many blessings.
Merry Christmas
Love Jeanne
Christmas al fresco....what a delightful thought! Love all the traditional elements. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Merry Christmas! Cherry Kay
Wish you a very happy Christmas.
My favorite corner, favorite post for this Christmas! I love reds at Christmas time and then RED PLAID. It can't get any better! Thanks for having me join you for hot chocolate and oatmeal bread! Merry Christmas!
I would love to have come and shared luncheon with you.Such a beautiful setting. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year from N.Z.Warm regards from N.Z.Shirley
What a gorgeous and inviting table. I hope you and your family have a marvellous Christmas and New Year. hugs, Jen
Mery christmas Carolyn.......lovely.....
Carolyn may your celebrations be heartfelt and your home is brimming with coziness and warmth today and all through the year!
I wish you a Merry Chritmas!
Thank you for taking time in preparation for this wonderful visit!
joyeux noel et bonne année a vous pour 2013 paix , santé , amour.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
Thank you for sitting a lovely Christmas table to enjoy.
Very inviting.
God bless,
It is so very festive looking, Carolyn, it makes me wish I could peek in on it in real life. It looks like something out of a story book.
Have a wonderful time with your family and Merry Christmas to you and yours! May God richly bless you in 2013.
Hugs, Cindy
Zdrowych i wesołych Świąt życzę. Magda
Your photos are fantastic !!!
I love it.
I wish You Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013 :)
Marille From Poland
Wonderful pictures from an outdoor lunch. I wish you and your family a great Christmas time and a happy New Year. I am looking forward to your photos next year.
Love Tina
Merry Christmas, Carolyn. I watched Anne of Green Gables last evening, as is our Christmas custom, and I couldn't help thinking that I needed to catch up on some of your posts that I missed this season. All so beautiful and really puts me in the mood for Christmas..Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas time together..Judy
Toľko nádhery som u vás objavila ! Rada budem navštevovať váš blog. Krásne Vianoce, Jana
C'est splendide chère Carolyn!!! What a wonderful Christmas table you have prepared for us!!!
Joyeux Noël à vous et votre famille!!
*. • ˚ ˚ •. ★ ★ ˛ ˚
Merry christmas, dear Carolyn,
I am so happy that I found your wonderful blog.
Your home is so wonderful, the pictures of your house with snow is like a fairytale.
what a awesome house, i like it.
I love to watch the pictures, and the home decoration you made is so very pretty.
Have a wonderful time with your family ,
Merry Christmas, Carolyn! Wishing you and your family a blessed holiday. Thank you for giving us all such a beautiful place to visit. I enjoy everyone one of your posts and look forward to more in the new year.
Hello Carolyn what a lovely picture' so nice the red colors I love red. Have a nice Christmas time with everyone you love around you. Greetings Petra.
Every thing look so confortable and warm, darling Carolyn. Wish to be there with you sipping hot cocoa!
Have a serene time with your family and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Carolyn! Eating outside in late December? My goodness, what a nice treat. It's very cold at our home so we are eating in. We have lots of goodies and I'm sure you do as well; the oatmeal bread looks good. Hot chocolate sounds like a perfect accompaniment. You are fortunate to have your family close by and to be able to share Christmas eve and Christmas day with all! Enjoy!
Merry Christmas Carolyn and have a wonderful time with your Family.
I really enjoy hot coco :) thx
Merry Christmas, dear Carolyn!
Thanks for adding such beauty to our lives through the gracious sharing of yours on this beautiful blog.
May the joy of the Lord fill you to overflowing as you celebrate His holy birth with your loved ones!
lots of love..Trish xx
Dear Carolyn
Once again- sheer perfection and beauty.
May you have rich blessings and enjoyment and thank you so much for the lovilness you share with us.
Merry Christmas from Ruthie of Lady B's
Olá Carolyn,
Desejo a você e sua família um Natal de muita Paz e Saúde. Sou eternamente grata pela visita que você e seu marido nos proporcionou, tenha certeza que fez de 2012, um ano muito especial para mim. Momentos inesquecíveis que não esqueço e agradeço sempre pela oportunidade. Feliz Natal a todos e desfrute de cada momento em família, eles são sempre especiais.
Um beijo Lauriane.
Dear Corolyn, your table is beautiful and you are a great woman of the house!
I wish you many blessings, together with your family for this Merry Christmas!
A warm hug!
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