Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Paperwhites in the Porch

                                                     Hello everyone!

                  I love to have paperwhites growing this time of year as they should bloom for the Christmas season giving a natural look and a little bit of an indoor garden.
               They look pretty growing in different containers. This year I am going with a French look.

                                  These beautiful roses are still bringing me joy.

                           My garden angel resides in the porch for the winter tucked into a corner.
                           I love this morror that came from Cool Breeze in Summerside a few years ago.
I am going to put some winter greenery in my old watering cans soon.

 I am off to a tea for the Queen's Jubilee at the Culinary Institute that I just heard about this afternoon. I hope I can take a few pics to share.

Thank you for visiting,


Loraine Living said...

So lovely...I like the French look!
It's nice to combine it with your beautiful style.
The Angels are adorable!!
Have a nice week, greetings Diana

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Paperwhites... they are lovely to anticipate this time of year.

Lovely photos.

Trust you've had a wonderful afternoon drinking tea in the Queen's honour.

Deb said...

They are so beautiful. I love how you have displayed them. Enjoy your tea and please do take photos. Hugs, Deb

Egretta Wells blog said...

Love your guardian angel with the rose. Those roses are so pretty and love the paperwhites. Looking forward to photos from the tea!

Shabby soul said...

Darling Carolyn I'm in love with your new french touches!
Zinc is one of my favourite items =)
Have a nice day

podso said...

I like the French look to your paper whites. They will be lovely at Christmas!

Unknown said...

Hello Carolyn,
I know you have already celebrated your Thanksgiving, but just want to wish you an American Thanksgiving! May YOUR Thursday and the weekend be blessed with such bounty of harvest and love of family and friends..I so enjoy your life as you share it with us!

Susan said...

Hi Carolyn...I'd like to have some paperwhites, too! They look so perky.

So glad angel is on the porch for the stormy weather ahead.

Take care. Susan

Heaven's Walk said...

Everything you touch, Carolyn....it just becomes something magical. ♥

xoxo laurie

Pétales de fée said...

As these scenes of flowers and plants that grow are beautifully staged and photographed! The softness and fragility of flowers goes well with all these objects zinc and stone: it is a place so wonderful home!
Beautiful day!

Pascale said...

I like your french look with the paperwhites.
Grüess Pascale

Katy Noelle said...

Oh, wow! That sounds like a festive and delicious event! How fun!!!

I have never forced bulbs indoors before, if you can believe it.... I think this is the year, though. I've been visiting Martha Stewart and reading up. ;)

I have to choose carefully, though. I'm so allergic to scented spring bulbs! =( SO! Post lots of pictures of your paperwhites for me, please! =]


Unknown said...

Wow.. your photos looks really awesome and inspiring. I've been trying to grow herbs in our kitchen and I think I really don't have the green thumb. It is getting to be so frustrating but I am looking forward to growing new ones next year. I hope that you can visit my site too.. www.socalgreens.com