Happy Weekend!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. I planted about 200 more bulbs in the garden today-mostly tulips. I am still hoping to get some more next week and get them in the ground right away.
Anyway,as I was walking through the garden planning for spring, I thought I should capture some of the beauty of the faded glory going on in the garden right now. I sure do love the different seasons as there is always change and something beautiful going on.
You may be getting tired of my late blooming Monkshood but I love how it gives color right through to November. The virginia creeper on the porch is turning into it's fall colors too.
This Elmira rose puts on a great show in Late autumn as well.
Still lovin' my somewhat faded annebelle hydrangea. They started blooming the first part of July this year and they still have charm. Can't get much better then that!
Spirea,lilac and limelight hydrangea with frosted hosta's around the tree.
I looked out the upstair window and wanted to capture the light from a sunny autumn day and also how rapidly things change as the maple tree was at it's peak for autumn color just last week and already it is getting bare.
Soon we will be taking in the lighter statues and garden ornaments ,benches etc.
Some people think I would be sad to see the garden season end but for me there is still lots of beauty in all the' faded glory" and I by the time the garden season is completely over I am already planning for the Christmas season which I also love. Also, love the beauty of the garden under a nice cover of fresh snow. and before I know it those newly planted tulips will be poking through giving lots of promise of the beauty to come.I must be getting old because the seasons seem to go by so quickly for me.
This old door doesn't actually open into our house but when we did some renovations several years ago this entrance was changed and rather then take it out and shingle-I thought it would be nice to leave it and just not have a walkway up-just call me crazy! . I think of this as my old English doorway with the vines growing around it.! On the other side of the door there is a closet. Makes perfect sense to me!!!

Take care,
Hi Carolyn! Oh, your garden is always beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen the monks head in person and what gorgeous color.
We're actually getting a little bit of cooler weather.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
The colour of monkshood is very appealing, I am very fond of blue flowers and the door to nowhere makes sense to me too, doors always open to somewhere when they don't that's different.
So pretty Carolyn. Do you treat your tulips as annuals like I have to do? In Georgia they don't return the following year. I've been busy planting tulips today, too! I always look forward to seeing your lovely home for the holidays.
Very pretty, Autumn is a wonderful time of year. I wish I could experience Christmas in a colder climate with snow. Best Wishes Karen.
Carolyn your gardens are beautiful in every stage...I love the beauty here.
That door is so beautiful.
Im sure with a blanket of snow it is gorgeous too.
200 tulips?! Wow! Sounds so lovely...I love tulips as well.
Have a great weekend my friend xo
Deborah xo
Just beautiful!
Yes your gardens are beautiful during every season!
Hi Carolyn, I enjoyed the door story so much.
Here in the south Italia it would be autumn too, but I still have summer flowers blooming on my balcony, like geraniums, jasmine and bouganvillea.
In any case, I adore your garden, it seems enchanted in every season.
The photo with the door is wonderful !All your garden too every time in the year !It is a dreamy garden !
Have a nice Sunday
Your garden still is a joy to look at carolyn. I like the blue of the monkshead! I bought my first christmas decorations this week. They made me think about you. Will you start decorating soon?
Have a lovely Sunday!
Wonderful Garden.
de la couleur plein les yeux
c' est merveilleux
à très bientôt
edith (France )
hei Carolyn,wie wunderbar der Herbst bei dir aussieht.Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir.Bussi.Lu.
So nice to see the monkshood coloring the garden. I'm planting the tullips to day.... but not 200 ;)
Beautiful picures, enjoy the garden, its lovely! Diana
O Carolyn, this is so beautiful! I just saw summer flowers on an Aussie blog and now this autumn splash of colour and prettiness here. Every season really has its beauty, you're so right. We're having autumn here as well, a very cold one, it feels like winter, and hail yesterday made it look like winter for a while too.
enjoy your day,
Couldnt get tired of that magnificant, bold Monkshood. Beautiful!!!
Ruthie from: http://www.ladybstimefortea.blogspot.com
Your garden is still looking stunning in autumn colours, I specially like the picture you took from the first floor, the view over the garden. I'm here for the first time and are going to read your older posts. Shall be your new follower.
Hi Carolyn,
All your photos are gorgeous, but the first one featuring the door and all the faded fall foliage could be a brilliant painting! Such tranquility and grace!
Have a great week.
woow woow woow :)
stunning colurs...just LOVE :)
You are still NUMBER ONE in the World.....
and do not miss....
it is FUN :)
Håkan ( The Roseman)
It's a true testament to your garden plan that everything looks so beautiful throughout the year, Carolyn. The faded beauty and Fall colors going on in your garden right now are gorgeous.
Piękny ogród,a jesień jeszcze piękniejsza pozdrawiam Dusia
I think that your garden just continues to amaze me - I love seeing it through all the seasons!
Enjoy the bits of fall and your door to nowhere!
What a beautiful hommage to a fall garden.
MMmmmmmm! I love the faded prettiness of Autumn!!! I love how the ferns turn to gold and the hydrangea and grasses stay so lovely! I have a dream coming to turn a bank that is too steep to mow into a garden of grasses, etc. that would be beautiful in autumn and winter. Very old issues of Victoria would be the inspiration for that! ;)
and, the door? Completely charming! I don't think you're crazy at all! =]
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