Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We went for a drive to Cavendish on the weekend and had a tour of Green Gables . You probably all know the story of the red haired orphan girl Anne of Green Gables made popular by the Island author Lucy Maude Montgomery. Anyway,because so many fell in love with the Anne series of books which are mainly set in our beautiful little province of Prince Edward Island we do have a lot of visitors from all over the world come to enjoy visiting Green Gables and other landmarks made popular by L.M.Montgomery.
So let's go inside and have a look around,shall we?
This is the formal parlour where guests were entertained.
The dining room-sorry for the white out.
Another corner of the parlour-notice the needlework mantel scarf.
The pantry has some pretty china-love that transferware.
Anne's bedroom and her dress with the puffed sleeves she so desperately wanted.
“Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive--it's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there?But am I talking too much? People are always telling me I do. Would you rather I didn't talk? If you say so I'll stop. I can STOP when I make up my mind to it, although it's difficult.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Matthew's bedroom
Where 'women create room'!
I love the cosy look of these geraniums growing on the windowsill in Marilla's kitchen
A side view.
The barn.
We went for a walk on the Balsam Hollow Trial.Above is a photo of Lucy Maud.
After a tour of Green Gables we went on to Avonlea Village but they were closing so I only got a few shots for you. I love this church.
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
“Miss Barry was a kindred spirit after all," Anne confided to Marilla, "You wouldn't think so to look at her, but she is. . . Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
The flowers at Green Gables.
Lover's Lane.
I enjoyed all of Lucy Maud Montgomery's books as a girl and often plan to reread them but haven't yet. I do love to watch the Anne movie every year though and never get tired of it.Lucy Maud had a very creative imagination and we are proud to claim her as our own!
Thanks for coming along with me.

These are beautiful photos Carolyn. It's been a long time since I've been to Green Gables and I've never seen Avonlea, another favorite tv show. Thanks for sharing them with us.
What a pleasure, Carolyn! It is such a joy to find a kindred spirit such as you. Midge is totally convinced that we were separated at birth! Lol
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
Oh I enjoyed this so much! I loved Anne of Green Gables...ad Anne of Avonlea...and the Road to Avonlea too. What a beautiful place to live you are sooo lucky! (:>)
Thanks for sharing this with all of us!
Love ya,
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
I am so jealous...I have always wanted to go there...someday I will make it there. Until then, thank you for sharing all the pictures! Dianntha
So beautiful! Thanks for sharing~Cheers Kim
Oh, how I would love to walk down Lover's Lane with all those fresh green leaved trees! My daughter and I have loved all of the Anne of Green Gables books and movies..thank you for sharing. Anne's room has a friendly sunny feeling to it.
Thanks Carolyn. I'm in love with Green Gables. I have always wanted to go there. Now I'm here with You.
I have not read Anne of Green Gables yet but it is on my to read list. The house and property are so beautiful.
I remember the 'Anne of Green Gables' series and the 'Road to Avonlea' series. I absolutely loved them. I wished I could see them all once more.
What a delight to live on such a beautiful island.
Have a nice day,
Carolyn, I love books about Ann of Green Gables too.
You have a beautiful memories of the day.
Thank you for sharing. Super fotos!.
What a wonderful post. I still remember the first time I discovered the Anne of Green Gables books. I spent one summer reading nothing else. That's the only thing I remember about that summer, everything else takes a back seat.
Until I can one day visit PEI. Your blog is welcome retreat. Thanks!
Thank you so much for sharing your trip with me. I hope to visit Prince Edward Island someday. It is on my wish list. Your photos are lovely. My daughters and I do love the films. It isn't autumn for us until we've spent an afternoon watching them.
Thanks so much for sharing this. I just read all her books last year and enjoyed them so much. Anne reminds me of my own little redhead sometimes! Love the blog as always. Have a great day! Carol
Carolyn, thanks so much for sharing your trip to Green Gables. I, too, love Anne. She is so serious and yet so funny. My favorite passage is the lady of Chalot.
I love your blog so much. I can hardly wait to visit each day. Thanks for sharing the beauty and joy.
Thank you for sharing this lovely tour and allowing those of us who haven't been there to go with you!
ah, kindred spirits indeed
Thank you so much for taking us to Green Gables. I just love that serie and have it on DVD so that I can see it over and over again. Am I really grown up??? It's strange though that Anne had her bed on the right side of the room on your pictures. In the serie she had it in the middle!!
Lovely posts as always Caroline. Take care and have a nice day.
Love Elzie
It's interesting that you mentioned wanting to read the Anne books again. i was just sorting through some of our books to be donated to a church sale and put the books out to read again. I loved them as a child and would like to visit PEI one day as it's where my Irish ancestors settled and my my great grandfather was born in Charlottetown. Thank you for the lovely tour of Green Gables!
when I was childrenwatching in tv the adventures of Anna. i like this story and tanks for your beautiful reportage!
un saluto dall' Italia
Fico emocionada em rever locais que tive o prazer de conhecer pessoalmente. Foi um presente conhecer PEI.
My most favourite movie of all time! Thank you for this tour!
So thoughtful of you to bring us with you!
Prince Edward Island~I've got to come visit you!
Deborah xo
Thank you for the tour!
Once in a while, when I need inspiration, fresh flowers, sea salt breeze, old fashioned cooking, I take out my book and dive into this old and lost world that Lucy Maude Montgomery gave us as a gift from her heart and her PE Island (as Anne would say).
Thank you, thank you for sharing these photos! Visiting Prince Edward Island and going on this tour is on my bucket list. Beautiful! I felt as if I were there!
Oh, my goodness! Is this really it?!!
You know, it seems like every girl wants to be like Anne - to have her beautiful hair or wear her dresses or to be so spunky or to live a lovely old fashioned and homey life. and, I got the luck of the draw... I'm like Anne - I talk too much! =/
The sun just suddenly went down. I've been leaving at 6:30 and getting home before dark so I'm not sure what this is about but...
gotta go!!!
Thank you very much for your photos :) I love Lucy Montogomery and her books. I think that novel about Ania can be read always.
I love The blue castle too :)
Greetings from Poland
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