Hello everyone,
Hope you had a lovely weekend again. Can you believe it is the end of July already??? I remember a few of you Island readers have asked when our Garden Tour day is and I thought that this Wednesday evening I would have an open garden for any of you that would like to stop by.
So maybe I won't be lounging in the hammock this week as the garden needs a bit of a tune up but you can enjoy it for a spell. This is a Novica hammock-handmade in Mexico.
We are having a beautiful sunny warm but not too hot summer-my only compliant is we could use more rain.
But,it is perfect for lounging in the hammock or trips to the beach.
A cold glass of lemonade and a book and you're set for the afternoon in this shady corner of the garden.
Some summer perennials to admire while you relax.
Have you fallen asleep already?
This little squirrel had his eye on the your cupcake and he is just waiting for you to doze off so he can nab it! He is a smart little guy and loves when I have a little treat and turn my back for a minute

Sorry, for the short notice but if you live nearby and would like to have a garden tour- you are welcome anytime between 6:30 and 8:30 this Wednesday August 1 .Hope to see you then!
Take care,
Carolyn can you hear us moaning and groaning down South [S. Alabama for me] We are sooooo envious -wishing we lived closeby and could accept your invitation on Wednesday..but then if we lived on "your island" we might be day dreaming of the warmer climate and going to Florida/Alabama BEACHES.
Thank you again for sharing this wonderful fairland retreat..that's my description of what I see..
I think I shall just fly in on my private jet - these is an airport nearby I hope! Just for fun of course! I wish you great success - everything gets an A+!
Even your squirrel is adorable!
Beautiful pictures.
Oh so pretty and relaxing! I wish so much that I could visit. I hope it turns out a lovely evening in the garden!
I would love to come to your garden tour some day. I'll be busy packing for my trip to Alberta! A new grandbaby is due, hopefully, today! I hope you have some visitors to enjoy your gardens. Blessings, Pamela
I wish I lived near you, or was at least visiting the area, Carolyn! It would be a pleasure to tour your beautiful gardens in person.
I too wish I was nearby, but I love the on-line tours. Thanks for all the beautiful picture you post. It's like a mini vacation. Hugs Carol
Wish I live close and could come for a tour! Love the hammock, I really need one for my yard. Have a great week, stop by and see my fairy garden if you get a chance, Laura
Booooo hooooo. I wanna come, too!
Oh well, at least I get to tour through your picturesque and stunning photos.
While all of your photos are great,today I especially enjoyed the daisy photo.
Thanks for sharing. Susan
It looks like pure bliss to lay on the hammock and doze the afternoon away.
I wish! Some day I hope to come back to PEI and see your gardens Carolyn. Until then, I enjoy the pictures you share.
While away, I saw a hammock similar to yours and I so wanted to hop on it to try it out. :-)
I feel like I am there. Thanks a bunch♪
Sure wish I was closer! We do this with our gardens a couple times each season and have a really fun time getting to know lots of new gardeners... enjoy! Larry
im speechless after seeing such beautiful pictures...i wish i go there some day..atleast before i die ..air conditioning utah
Tienes un jardin maravillo , precioso .
Besos !!
Carolyn.. I count the days where I can plan and spend hours amound your gardens.. just me, loving what God has blessed and what He does best.. bring joy and love.
Missing you lots.
Cotton Peony
aka Olivia
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