Hello Friends!
My name is Diana Barry and I have been invited to a tea with Anne at Green Gables-we are kindred spirits you know! I am so excited to be going because my friend Anne is just so much fun. She has the best imagination which sometimes gets her into trouble with Marilla .Anyway, I picked a little bouquet of wild flowers from along our roadside here in Avonlea. they are rather pretty don't you think?
“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
I went all the way to Charlottetown to get a new dress with puffed sleeves-the latest fashion here on the Island.
Now ,I am off through the haunted wood to get to Green Gables. That Anne has such an imagination calling it the haunted wood!
I wonder what Anne is serving for tea.
After leaving the wood I walk by the Lake of Shining Waters.
Anne has set the table for tea using her oldest but prettiest china.
Some old fashioned scented geraniums are blooming on the windowsill-these are lemon scented. Looks like Anne raided Marilla's rose garden too
Scones to go with our tea-how lovely!
How delightful. Marilla made us some icecream -is there anything more delectable then icecream!
"I wish I were rich, and I could spend the whole summer at a hotel, eating ice cream and chicken salad."
A Diana quote from Anne of Green Gables.

I hope you are all familiar with Lucy Maud Montgomery's books on Anne of Green Gables or else this little story is lost on you.As a girl growing up on Prince Edward Island I enjoyed reading all of the Anne books and still enjoy them today along with the movie once in awhile. If you haven't read them you can still do it and fall in love with the little red haired Anne and Prince Edward Island too.
The handmade Anne doll above was given to me by a friend.
I am joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for her Anne of Green Gables tea today for Tea Time Tuesday .
My friend Lauriane who came all the way from Brazil also did a post on her visit to Anne of Green Gables and our garden and you can check that out here.
Thank you for allowing me to have a little fun today. There may be a few of you who think I would make a better Marilla but don't forget, it is my blog, and I'll be Di if I want too!!! Ha!Ha! You do remember the song "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to don't you? Oh,that's right you are way too young!
Enjoy your day.
p.s. If you have a minute a young Island girl, Emily would love your vote on her project for Young Citizens that she did on Island Lighthouses- I checked out her video and I think she did an excellent job! Check it out at http://canadashistory.ca/Kids/
Thank you!
Carolyn, that was delightful! Loved it, every bit.
Hello Carolyn
Sung by Lesley Gore - loved that song at the dances!
I enjoyed your reenactment of the visit to Anne's for tea. The dress is gorgeous, wish I could borrow it for a garden high tea next month. ~sigh~
The china and flowers on and around your tea table are pretty andI like the triangle scones for a change.
You have a beautiful blog!
Hi Carolyn, How lovely! I adore your reenactment of a tea for Diana and Anne! You look lovely in the lace dress. Love your flowers too, Carolyn. This post is simply beautiful!!!
Carolyn, this was delightful! Loved the dolls, the wildflowers and roses, your dress and the beautiful blue and white china. Perfect for tea with Anne! Happy Tea Day!
This was so pretty and brought me back to my visit to Green Gables. I loved it there and was delighted to bring my 3 children when they were young. The wild-flowers are so beautiful and so are you in your dress. Hugs
Dear Diana...How lovely you went to tea at Anne's house. Everything looked so very enchanting!
No doubt you returned to Avonlea and told all the details to dear Marilla.
I'm so glad you didn't find a mouse in the scones!
No doubt they were lovely, but had there been a mouse in the flour, you wouldn't have been able to eat them.
Well, tah tah for now, dear Diana. The landscape there is so utterly reminiscent of my Anne of Green Gables books. Ahhhhhh. Think I'll go to sleep and dream a heavenly dream of all those happenings. Sincerely, Susan
Dear "Diana,"
It is your party and you can scope your imagination if you want to!
Lovely, just lovely.
Hi Carolyn, I love this book since I was a little girl, I had read it many times growing up in Poland and this was my first book in English when I came here. I have visited Ann's house 6 years ago and thank you for bringing back beautiful memories...You are living in the beautiful place, I hope one day I will be able to visit your island again, love Kamilla
O yes, I sang Lesley Gore's song many times! What a delightful post, Carolyn! You had fun with this, I know, and don't you look charming in your frock! I LOVE the frock and hat! Lovely tea and thank you for the imagination you put into it. Hubby and I enjoyed it very much!
So calming and beautiful! The scones look amazing~Cheers Kim
I've loved books of Anne of Green Gables,which was also my first book in English. I'm sure that READING left very much to the imagenation.
As I was little girl, and it was time that the telly series had began I was crazy to return home to watch the series from school. The little green gables house in the island was my best favorite place in my imaginary world and most wonderful that as I can do and sometimes more bigger, indulging in romantic mood of my teenage. So far I never forget the Avenue which called 'WHITE WAY OF DELIGHT'
Thanks for sharing your blog and perfect tea party.♪ Eileen S.Y s.korea.
Hi Carolyn!
Lovely tea. I loved your beautiful table setting and your china is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing all of your beauty.
Carolyn I imagined myself right there having tea....Anne of Green Gables is my all-time favourite movie!
Love, love, love it!
Loved this post..and you look so beautiful! Love that dress and the blooms are gorgeous.
Deborah xoxoxo
I know your song well, had a party when I was 15 and my boyfriend went home with another girl, so it was my party and I did cry.
That's not why I am here though, that is one of the prettiest posts, the dress looks lovely on you, your table setting though is beautiful, love the blue, the toile table cloth so so dainty and pretty, the scones look delicious. thank you for sharing...
What a beautiful dress! This whole post just warms my Anne loving heart :) thanks so much for sharing it with us!
Hi Carolyn, Such a delight this post – a wonderful fantasy adventure. I admit to rereading Anne last summer and enjoying it immensely. LMM is a wonderful writer and philosopher. And you make a terrific Diana. Have a wonderful week and thank you for the very enjoyable post.
– g
Brilliant: LOVE the story! It made me smile although I don't know the book. What a romantic dress you are wearing ... it looks fabulous! Oh, and ... I've just recognized that I never ever ate scones. NOW I really want one ... or maybe two. :)
Have a wonderful day,
What a lovely post. I love your dress. You now have me going onto amazon dot com to order the book. I look forward to reading it.
Mi sembra di essere entrata in una bella favola!Grazie di questo momento per rilassarmi un po'!Buona giornata!Rosetta
Your post is lovely and you are very pretty wearing that cute and dainty dress
I´m really glad meeting you and having a tea at Green Gables today
Ohh what lovely pictures! Just love them!
Hugsfrom Karin!
I reread the Anne books after visiting Green Gables a few years ago. I remember being young and happily picking up the books at the library, traveling (in my imagination) to PEI and engaging in life with Anne, Diana and the others. Your tea looks wonderful, even with the raspberry cordial. :)
Simply LOVED your post today! I have been reading some of the other Anne books on my Kindle ~ just finished " Anne of Ingleside and Anne's House of Dreams. What delightful summer reads! One of these days I shall visit your lovely PEI! Oh, and you made a charming Diana! ;)
You make a fantastic Diana! Loved this visit to tea! I will have to watch the tea scene again, it is so funny.
I so enjoyed your fanciful posting! It brought back so many memories of my childhood ...reading Anne of Green Gables...and daydreaming about Gilbert!
What a great storyteller you are as well as Garden of Excellence. This was a delightful post!
That was just perfect Carolyn! A beautiful post and tribute to Anne and Diana. And I certainly am not too young to remember the song "It's my party". :) Beaautiful post and you look so pretty in your vintage dress.
Fabulous post Carolyn. So enchanting, I remember all the books and loved the movies. Take care and have a wonderful day.
Please pick me to be your agent, my dearest Diana!
Island hugs,
Linda at Beautiful Ideas
É como viajar na história. O vestido e o chapéu são lindos!
Como é doce ver as crianças brincando. Fique em paz!
Tenho ainda muito o que mostrar da ilha no meu blog, voltei a trabalhar e o tempo agora é curto.
Hi Carolyn - thank you - that brought back wonderful memories. I read all the Anne books and made a trip to PEI as a kid. J
you can't imagine how pleasant this was today-when dealing with some 'pot holes' along the way of life we all need a respite..a soft place to linger 'for awhile'..[southern ]And that is indeed what your beautiful gardens and story tellng are..a brief retreat. This is fun isn't it? I want to hurry about and set up a pretty tea table-I think sometimes we are like little girls "playing house" as we did long ago..but it's fun and it makes life for those around us more enjoyable..
I would love to have ANYONE OF YOU follow me on Like Grammas House blog.
Very nice surprise :) What a beautiful dress :)
Lovely post, just lovely.
Carolyn what a beautiful post. I so much enjoyed it. I've never read Anne of Green Gables. Always wanted to. I will have to bump it up on my reading list.
I am not familiar with the story, but I love your dress and photos
What a wonderful poetical post! Your photos are very idyllic and athmospheric!
But - psssst: where is Marilla's special juice?
Thanks for this lovely tea time with Diana and Anne! - Siret
Hi Carolyn,
opps, I mean
Hi Diana,
Thanks for sharing your tea at Anne's with me.
I enjoyed seeing her beautiful china and Marilla's lovely flowers.
Thank you again
Have a good week
Barb from Australia
What a delight!
Very cute. :-) I LOVE the Anne series. I've read those books so many times, and watched the first 2 movies countless times, as well. Didn't care as much for the 3rd one, I must say. Not enough like the splendid books!
One of the reasons I love your blog so much is that it reminds me of Anne of Green Gables. One of my dreams is to one day visit Prince Edward Island. :-)
bellissimo!!! un blog stupendo, non riuscivo a smettere di guardare queste meravigliose immagini!!!
un caro saluto
Inspiring visit :-)
Beautiful porcelain :-)
Very interesting blog :-))
MartinaK from Czech Republic
Wonderful post! I love the stories of Anne of Green Gables. You are so beautiful in that white dress.
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