Hello Friends
Come with me for a little stroll around the garden with me today. There is lots of color and the garden will soon be at it's peak as far as color goes anyway.The east side of our house just outside the baywindow.
I think this side has an English garden look to it with the virginia creeper going rampantly over the house.
The birdhouse is from Home goods.
The Jackmani clematis is loaded with blooms.
Everything has filled in nicely and in spite of the dry spring and summer is still holding up pretty good.
The tall blue spikes you see here are monkshood.
Another view of the Jackmani with Annebelle hydrangea.
The delpenium are still holding up well.
The Jackmani on the arbor leading to the doorway.
This clematis is out by the garden cottage.
This is from our walkway looking toward the barn.
Down is the Allee garden
Here you can see the hydrangea blooming with the mockorange in the background.

I hope you enjoyed a little stroll through the garden on this lovely July day.
Enjoy your weekend!
Beautiful! Carolyn your gardens are amazing!
Hi Carolyn, I always love my visits to your blog. It is beautiful in every way, from the blog background itself, to the photography, to your home, your teasets, and of course, your spectacular gardens! The gardens look very lush and colorful. Beautiful!
What a lush scene - and what a love of work! Gardening on this scale is not for the weak!
Ahhhh...how refreshing and peaceful! Thanks for the stroll in your beautiful garden!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
Hi Carolyn,
I could stroll for days in your garden! Monkshood... that is a new one for me! It's lovely and a good copycat for delphinium! I am glad to catch another peek at your delphinium, I bought a few more today to fill in, mine look kinda sad, one day I am gonna get the hang of them!
Such wonderful long shots of your beautiful garden! Gorgeous color!
Stunning, absolutely beautiful!
Your garden is stunning, Carolyn, and looks fresh even with our lack of rain. You have a real haven there in Warren Grove!
Your gardens are spectacular and it's wonderful to see a garden that is being watered by rain other than by the constant use of hoses for weeks on end... absolutely gorgeous! Larry
Enjoyed the walk in the gardens immensely. I love all the arbors. I am determined to have one, one day.
They add such a special touch. But know what I love best of all? Your statue of the girl. So, so gorgeous.
If I ever saw one like her I'd snatch it up in a second. Have a peaceful Sunday, Carolyn. Susan
Enjoyed the walk. The garden looks perfect.
Just breathtaking! Any English garden would be flattered to be compared to yours.
Carolyn, it's absolutely jaw-droppingly beautiful! A totally delightful and refreshing visit. Thank you!! – g
how wonderfully refreshing our little stroll was...thank you!
Truely a fantastic and wonderfull garden strolll - gorgeus and outstanding!!
:-) Rose
Hallo Carolyn, your garden is so beauty. I love it.
Your garden is beautiful and very romantic. Regards :-)
Thank you for the gorgeous stroll!
It is breath taking there and how blessed you are to soak in all this beauty everyday!
Love this!
Deborah xoxo
Your garden is the most perfect one I have seen! I wish I could see it in real life sometime, but as I live in Sweeden that is not so easy. I just have to follow photos!
O jardim está lindo! As cores estão mudando, e um dia é diferente do outro. Que saudades daqueles momentos que estive com vocês. Vejo as fotos e me sinto caminhando em seu jardim. É uma sensação diferente e única.
Fique em paz.
Yes, I enjoyed! Such a beautiful garden you have! Thank you for inspiration!
VERY LUSH AND GREEN. I WONDERED IF YOU PUMPED WATER FROM THAT POND. Everything here is a feast for the eyes.
Thank you so much for sharing your garden photos.I enjoyed my tour.Your garden is ~~Lovely~~
Your gardens are as pretty as any magazine picture. I've come to the conclusion that the colder winter climates have the prettiest summer gardens. The unbearable heat of our summer has made it difficult for the flowers to hold up this year. Your garden is magnificent!!!
Thanks for a lovely walk in your garden! Everything is looking so nice, your house, garden, tableware, romantic photo's....!
I love to visit your blog!!!
groetjes Heidi
What a lovely pictures of your beautiful garden. I enjoyed it very much. And the house all together it is so romantic. I will soon visit your blog again!
I took a wonderful walk through your garden with beautiful flowers! Thank you for sharing this with us
Every bit of it is gorgeous! God is so good.
The color and design of your garden are absolutely breath-taking. I'd love a complete tour of both your home and gardens if only through your blog :)
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