Welcome Friends!
I am glad you could come because I want to show off our little rose garden today as the roses are at their peek in here.Some of our roses haven't started to bloom yet but these hardy ones are always early.. It is a small enclosed garden at the south of our Gardener's Cottage. If you are new here and would like to see inside the Gardener's Cottage click here and here.
I see you took your bicycle-it does look pretty.
Come on in and have a seat.
The vintage wicher pistachio green chairs are pretty comfortable.
The roses are climbing high this year.
My angel adds some charm.
I love this antique pitcher with a big bouquet and the sweet little birdhouse.
Have a cup of tea and enjoy a book for awhile.
It is a cozy little secluded spot-don't you think? This area is surrounded by roses(mostly Therese Bugnet) and a beautybush behind the angel.
Of all the pictures I took that day(last week) this is one of my favorites. It makes me smile every time.
I have been getting some garden questions lately and one day soon I will do a post on the making of our garden. If anyone has any questions-fire away and I will answer them in the post. We have a few more tours in the next five days and then a break so I will have a little more time then-although I confess it is hard to drag me indoors in summer!
I am joining My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday and The Rose Garden in Malevik for Show Off Saturday.
Take care,

Entrare nel tuo giardino è entrare in Paradiso!Meraviglioso!C'è da sognare!!!Baci,Rosetta
Such a beautiful area of your garden, Carolyn! Although, I think all your garden areas are beautiful. I would love to hide out here among the roses with a book and a cool drink. I love that bike!
Always delightful and inspiring to visit your blog. My visit here this morning made my start of the day so much brighter. This Spring and Summer I have not been to do much gardening because of illness but I am thoroughly enjoying even more your pics of your beautiful garden.
Carolyn/ A Southerners Notebook
When I saw the rabbit I had to think about the "Mad Hatters Tea Party". :)
Have a wonderful weekend. I wish I could enjoy it on one of those chairs in the mids of all the beautiful roses & plants.
Lots of love,
Wonderful! Love it!
Semplicemente BEAUTIFUL GARDEN!!!!
ciao ciao
This garden is charming, we have to have a walk with a lot of pleasure there!
I love the frothiness and the splashes of lavender and blue tones in this inviting cottage garden. I wonder weather they are scented roses?
Your garden is beautiful and such an inspiration.
I recently planted a few of David Austen roses. What kind of fertilizer do you usually use for your roses and how often? Thank you.
Your garden is like a fairy tale.
So pretty. I want to live in your garden :)
You made my heart sing this morning Carolyn. Another gorgeous post from your equally gorgeous garden!!!
sending hugs...
What a beautiful part of your garden. it looks really cosy.
Hope you'll have a lovely weekend.
Love Elzie
Your garden looks so pretty.Love this green with your pink roses.What a peaceful place to be.
Your gardens are breathtaking! I could sit on one of those chairs and read a book for hours.
I love the softness of the colors, and the peacefulness you've created.
Hello! I follow your blog for a long time. You are truly a great photographer. I love your photos and you are very creative. Your photos are for dreaming! Congratulations from the heart. I would have commented sooner or later, because I wanted to tell you. I'm sorry if my English is not great, but I am an Italian girl. I speak very little English, although I'm studying. Congratulations again! See you soon!
I have admired you and your gardens for so long ~ I hope to get to PEI and visit in person one day!
I would love for you to give me a little garden design info. Could you tell how you start a garden bed from scratch ~ do you put in all the plants at once or start with a few foundation plants and build as time and funds permit? Do you draw out a plan or just have one 'in your mind'? Do you have a favorite garden designer (ie. Rosemary Verey, Penelope Hobhouse) that you pattern your gardens after? Would you be my neighbor? :~} (You said fire away, so I did!)
You have the most gorgeous garden home I have ever seen! I delight in every post you share!
Oh Carolyn your rose garden is so pretty. I just LOVE your angel statue it's beautiful.
Hi Carolyn! Oh, you have the prettiest gardens I've ever seen. I want to wish you a happy Canada day!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Hi Carolyn!
Happy Canada Day Weekend to you, Andrew and the whole family! I imagine y'all will have a spectacular get together. Your garden is glorious.
Linda :-)
Hello Carolyn
I just sit and look :) I say it again,,,,,,you are still Best in the World :) Just Love the little Rose garden and the China is wonderful....
and do not miss....
it is FUN :)
Håkan ( The Roseman)
Charming, beautiful, inviting. Really, I'm just repeating myself when I look at your gardens or home.
Hello Carolyn
I always like to see your garden bicycle decked out with flowers. It seems to be a good year for roses and I like the secluded spot you chose for tea.
Stunning and just plain breathtaking, Carolyn! My questions for you are: How do you decide what plant goes where? What dictates your design? Do you sketch out your garden rooms first? How do you handle the rose-eating bugs?
Looking forward to your question & answer post, Carolyn! :)
xoxo laurie
Carolyn è davvero una gran meraviglia..tutto così curato...la bicicletta un amore...sembra di stare in un film...un sogno!!!
Buona giornata Marina
toujours aussi superbe
votre jardin , les mises en scène
vos jolies théières
tout est trop beau
du rêve !!!!( iris )edith
How refreshing, Carolyn! Thank you! We had the hottest day in recorded weather history yesterday (107-110 F), depending on where you were in the Nashville area.
I've posted one of your pictures on FB and invited my 740 FB friends to join you in the garden. They're responding immediately in the affirmative. No surprise! Thanks for the diversion from wildfires, heat, and US politics.
Thank you Kay-that was so nice of you!
Agora vejo seu jardim com outros olhos e sou capaz de sentir o aroma.
Aproveite o verão.
It's gorgeous and perfect! How I'd love to join you for tea in this wonderful spot.
Happy Canada Day, Carolyn!
– g
I'm a new follower and I so enjoyed the tour of your garden. (I need ideas for shade gardens), and I took a tour of your little cottage as well. It is sooo cute and I love the pink and white. I'm sending a link to my sister who will love it too - her whole house is pink and white. I enjoyed my visit!
Everything very lovely as always. Do you tend your garden by yourself or do you have help? How many years in the making? Hugs Carol
Hola !!! He paseado por tu jardin , me ha enamorado . Es precioso , perfecto , me gustaria tener mi jardin asi de bonito aunque creo que es imposible .Yo tambien tengo un estanque pero muy muy pequeño .
Felicidades tienes un jardin espectacular .
Besos !!!
In addition to the other questions that have been asked what are your favorite gardening books? How do you plan the varying heights and bloom times? For instance our peonies in NE Ohio only bloom for a short time in NE Ohio. I have a garden that I started about five years ago and am still working on. We will adding more areas soon along with a garden shed. I planned the first one haphazardly. I would like one that resembles your planned beauty!
Hi Carolyn,
Perfection! Just plain and simply perfect, I really have no better word. I love bunnines but am not so lucky to have found one with a basket, I feel a bit green (with envy :-) He is darling! I am looking forward to your Q's and A's post!
The picture of the bunny statuary holding the basket does make me smile! Very cute!
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