Hello everyone,
It was a great day here for doing garden cleanup so we spent the day edging beds, weeding,pruning, and transplanting. So...., no time for playing with my camera again so sorry more previously viewed pics again.
I am joining in White Wednesday today.
My snowball bush from last year- it is just starting to leave out now so it will be weeks before it blooms.
Fluffy white plumes on one of the grasses at my daughters. I like how pretty it looks against a blue sky.
Our little garden cottage.
I love hyacinths and also the little fairies.
I am looking forward to these all blooming in our garden soon.
Another view of the cottage.
Cake anyone?
I couldn't resist adding this tea photo of our two little grandchildren.

A creamy rose with a hint of green.
I hope you enjoyed some of my whites for White Wednesday over at Faded Charm.
Thank you for visiting,
Doesn't matter - previous or not - what beauty doesn't need to be loved again!
Glad you are working hard in your gorgeous gardens......your dedication to it pays off for us all, Carolyn - thank you so much!
Lovely post.
Absolutely Brilliant Whites! Of course my very favorite picture is the one with your grandchildren! THAT Picture needs to be framed! LOVE IT!!!
Have a wonderful week,
Oh my, if heaven has bedrooms, that little cottage is what I'm hoping for. I love the fluffy white grass against the sky too. So much to enjoy here. I'll be back. Hope you'll stop by my place some time too! I found you through Thyme for Home, and I'm so glad I did.
I'm swooning all over myself. Oh my gosh...more than lovely. LOVE IT ALL!
How pretty all your photos are. A d those hydreangea's are beautiful! Mine are so small this year.
Absolutely beautiful, Carolyn! And thanks for the reminder to edge my flowerbeds. It's a job I really don't enjoy...but it must be done this year. :) xoxo laurie
The whites look lovely:)
Love this beautiful post Carolyn...
Nice to see the sunshine today...
Blessings Lori
Wonderous, wowser and winning white Wednesday post,Carolyn. Loved each photo, repeat or not. Susan
Just beautiful!
The white bedroom is so cute that you can feel heaven when you lay your heads n the pillows.
National Labor Relation Act
This is such a wonderful time of the year with a whole summer to look forward to.
How fresh and pretty everything looks - I especially like the first photo and the one of the bed in the cottage.
I had never seen these pictures that I can recall. Oh my goodness, I love that garden cottage. It's just enchanting to me!
I needed to come visit this a.m. for the inspiration to get back out in my yard. I too worked all around the house , weeding, pruning and edging the beds and today find myself aching all over and covered in deer fly bites and thinking to myself that I am getting too old for this. Thankfully the last bed I did was filled with hydrangea blooms. I find that if you stop at your prettiest place you discover why you are doing it in the first place and so the moral of the story is create lots of pretty places such as you!
Lovely photos, Carolyn! I think we all enjoy seeing them again. I love the white teacup and plates in your second photo and the snowballs are glorious! Have a nice day.
Good morning. Love this. Love the little white cup and dishes. So sweet. Beautiful photos. Love your blog.
Superb - as always!
Have a nice day.
Love Elzie
Amazing - totally beautiful, I especially love the white Hydrangeas and your Grandchildren are gorgeous!
Beautiful!I love white!!!Michaela
I don't mind seeing your photo's again Carolyn. They are beautiful! Hope your work in the garden is going well. I spent some time outside as well. I gave the ceiling in our garden house another lick of paint. I am quite happy with the result.
Madelief x
So beautiful photos. Your grandchildren are just gorgeous.
I always love your picture... you feel me good!
Thank you Carolyn
Diana :)
Such a beautiful post from you and fantastic collection also.
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