Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This and That

Hello everyone,

    We are getting a good amount of snow that started this afternoon and is continuing until midnight-it sure does change the look of things in a hurry -it looks very Christmasy at the moment.
  I am still having camera problems but I discovered that it works with my macro and telephoto lens so I can at least take some shots with those lens.My camera comes up error 99 when I shoot with the lens that came with the camera if anyone knows why -please let me know.
    The red and white toile Father Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas decorations as I think he was made for my kitchen with all the red and white transferware dishes.

I changed my bay window arrangement for the season as the chaise has gone back upstairs to my bedroom for now.

Do you see the beautiful painting my friend Heather painted for Lucas' tea party.My friend Linda(we met through blogging) is having the tea party at her home in Saint John NFLD, as a fundraiser for our little Lucas.He is travelling  to Montreal  from the Island each week for a drug trail.Aren't friends just the best!!! By the way, Lucas is doing well and he and his Mom are great little travellers.
This is a closeup and if you look carefully you can see Lucas and his two brothers skating on our pond with our house in the background.Look even closer and you can see my husband feeding the bonfire and I am sure that is me doing a pirouette gracefully with one of my granddaughters!
Lucas and his Mom's friend Lise( if you would like to email Leis to order one) made this adorable sock monkey that is also on the way to Linda's tea party.Don't worry Lucas has his own sock monkey that he loves to cuddle as you can see above.If you would like to visit Linda at her beautiful blog click here. Unfortunately for us, Heather does not have a blog.
This afternoon we started to get snow but there is quite a bit more down now.You might notice that there are still red leaves on the pear tree beside the cottage-unusual to have that and a good cover of snow.

I put the old skates that were in the cottage out on the storm door where they will stay for the winter.
Our old wheelbarrow got a coat of gray stain also and is filled with the greenery that I will use to fill the urns etc.

I hope you are snug and warm wherever you are!

Here in Canada we already celebrated our Thanksgiving but I would like to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!

I am joining French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday.

Thank you for visiting ,



Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Your posting really sets the mood for the upcoming holiday season.

It's always a joy to visit.

Erica (Irene) said...

Love your Santa.....fits perfectly into your kitchen decor with your red and white dishes.

Wow you sure have snow already, here in Toronto it was very sunny and dry today . Hope it stays that way.

Beautiful photo's you have.


It's beginning to look like Christmas in the USA! I love all that snow and I'd love to be zipping some hot chocolate with you in that lovely teacup and tea set, along with St. Nic of course. Your little darling, of course is the best! Meanwhile, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


Sorry, I meant Canada is looking like Chritmas and even though you had your Thanksgiving, I wish you blessings tomorroe too. FABBY

Cindy said...

It looks like a winter wonderland there! Everything is so so pretty, and the little painting is so precious and personal, what a treasure.


Linda said...

WOW! Carolyn, you do have SNOW, m'dear! In the photo of the darling toile Santa in the bay window, I can see the fluffy white stuff and is so pretteee! I'm guessing all your sweet grandchildren are loving this today. I love, too, the way your garden shed looks with the snow softly falling all around it, so tranquil. Silent night, holy night, All is calm...

Thanks for the mention. I can't wait to get that sock monkey! Haha What a job they did on it. I know he's going to be the life of the party - has Lucas given him a name, by chance, so we can christen him on that afternoon?! Haha And, Heather - well, she is one talented AND beautiful woman. It is so giving of her to share her gift for this purpose. I am thrilled to bits. I can see it now - we will have to pull people apart over these treasures. Haha

Joy to your world, my friend.

Linda at Beautiful Ideas

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Carolyn, I love your Father Christmas dolled up in his red toile! He really is a handsome fellow! I have finally talked my hubby into letting me get a Father Christmas of my own. Now, just to find the right one!
I have every red transferware piece you have shared today except for the teacup. They always look so nice when I see them on someone else's blog.
Heather's painting is very cute! I knew it was your house as soon as I looked at it.
Little Lucas is adorable and I'm sure Linda's party will do very well for him.
Thanks for sharing and stay snug.


a quiet life said...

holiday perfection~

Deb said...

Your post has surely put me in the Christmas spirit. Beautiful photographs. I love the Santa on the table. And the dishes....oh mercy!

My Cottage Diary said...

Everything is so very lovely Carolyn! Love your Father Christmas, the painting, the cottage, the tea setting...! Lucas is one handsome little fellow! Sending prayers for many blessings your way. Bess

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

What a magical place you live in...I'm so glad to hear Lucas and his Mother are doing well.. they are always in my thoughts and prayers... hugs ~lynne~

Sandy A said...

I just must tell you how beautiful your Toile Santa is and how pretty all your decor is inside and outside-very festive and welcoming...

Marilyn Miller said...

That Santa and transferware are so gorgeous! Love the sock monkey and the piece of art is just perfection!

Linda said...

What a magical place! I love the Santa and the transfer-ware fabric he is wearing. I like red transfer- ware, and I do have a few pieces.

The snow just makes the cottage look even more magical and looks so Christmas-y! (:>)

Ajka said...

Carolyn, wonderfuuulll!! Achhh, whawwwww. I love your´s website. Have great days!! Ajka from Czech Rep.

achter de 2linden said...

ooooooh, i love the table ware!!!
Thank sharing the pictures with us!
greetings from the Netherlands

Sanna - My Blueberry House said...

Hi Carolyn,

I was pretty happy not having snow yet. But, looking at your pictures now, I kind of wish for "some" snow.. The cottage look so cute.

The painting is beautiful! This is exactly how I picture you and your family on a wintery day.

Good to hear that everything is well with Lucas, and now he has a sweet companion by his side :)

Have a nice day,

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Such beautiful pictures, Carolyn! I LOVE your Santa! I thought maybe you made the outfit to go with your transferware, but what a great find. How lovely the outdoor pictures are ~ like a magazine cover, especially the one with the skates on the door and the wheelbarrow in the same shot. Whenever I can't figure something out, I sometimes Google it. Maybe some info will come up on your camera if you try googling the problem.

di said...

A most lovely blog posting, thank you!

I adore your red transferware.

My mom made me a sock monkey when I was a little girl, I still have it:)

So glad your grandson is doing well. The traveling can't be easy though.

I love the painting, what a lovely piece.

We have a wheelbarrow exactly like that...I must pull it out and give it a coat of stain, thank you for the idea:)

Stay warm and enjoy a cup of tea:)


Anonymous said...

Your little guest cottage looks magical with the snow falling all around it and the white lights... so pretty. Love those ice skates hanging on the door.
My kids love sock monkeys, too. Love the picture of your grandson with his... too cute!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn!
Santa Claus is great, very endearing. The corner has been you gorgeous! Here Espanya do a bit of cold, snow Barcelona only see one day in January and February or so. Your house looks beautiful from the outside, hung up his boots at the door, you have a home cozy and very, very delicate and pretty.
Years ago when I was little estubo in Canada, I visited Montreal and Quebec, I loved the scenery is beautiful! I'd go back again now with my husband!

The picture of your friend is gorgeous!

I wish you a happy day and wrap up, take some warm tea and lit the fire with the blanket Cover up!

A kiss,


giovanna said...

oooohhhh i have no word for this spectacular post!...

Cindy said...

What a wonderful friend to paint that lovely picture! I'm glad to hear that Lucas is doing well.
Your snow is lovely and it makes that sweet little cottage even sweeter looking!
Fabulous photos today, as always.

Madelief said...

Dear Carolyn,

I very happy to hear Lucas is doing well! Linda told me about her tea party. Such a beautiful initiative. I hope it will be a great success.

How beautiful your garden and Christmas cottage look with a layer of snow. You must be standing in front of your window all day :-). Just looking!

I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

Lieve groetjes van Madelief x

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn! What a pretty Christmasy post! That's a lovely Santa and he looks great with your transferware! You already have snow!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Elzie said...

It looks beautiful with the snow but I'm satisfied we've none so far. I don't like to drive in snow, lol.

So beautiful pictures. Looks just like a postcard.

Hope you have a nice evening.
Love Elzie

Vitspets said...

Very nice blogg ... Hugs Karina

Camille said...

I LOVE your Father Christmas and the tablecloth in front of the window.
Your little grandson is adorable. And the painting is beautiful.