Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Joy in the Morning!

    Yesterday was a  misty morning with the promise of a beautiful sunrise so it called for a little photo shoot.All of these photos were taken a couple of kilometers from our home.
We live on rural Prince Edward Island and the leaves are probably at their peak for autumn color.

There are lots of farms on the Island.
The scholl bus taking the children to school on this beautiful misty morn.
Across the river you can see the city of Charlottetown.

My husband and I both grew up on farms so we still like our cows!

A long ago abandoned farmhouse.It has such a pretty setting.
The beautiful sunrise.

I think every beautiful sunrise is a gift to be treasured and I hope these give you some joy in your morning(or whatever part of the day you visit)!

Take care,



Custom Comforts said...

Such beautiful photos!!! Just like I imagined Prince Edwards Island to look like. What a lovely place to live. Thank you for sharing your homeland.

flowersandhome said...

Well, it's about midnight here now, but I enjoyed your beautiful and amazing pictures of an early morn on your obviously gorgeous island! Loved it! Thanks for sharing!
I'm off to bed now, will I be dreaming of a beautiful sunrise...???

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Wow stunning photos loved them you truly are talented what a gorgeous place you live in what a lucky woman you are..

erin's art and gardens said...

oh my! i just love magical, misty mornings! such beautiful images that inspire me to paint. thank you.

My Grama's Soul said...

I think you surely must live in paradise.




Querida Carolyn,

que fotos lindas! Para mim, compartilhar seu blog é um presente. Você sabe valorizar cada momento e fazer deles momentos especiais. Como eu gostaria de conhecer esta ilha e tomar um chá com você!
Que Deus ti abençoe sempre! Continuo orando por Lucas.


yoneko said...

It's wonderful nature! Sinking moon, where the sun rises, I will feel divine.

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

These are exquisite photos, Carolyn. You live in such a beautiful place.

sarah said...

I am reading the Anne of Green Gables series (for what must be the 20th time) and so I especially love seeing these pictures today. How lucky you are to live on that beautiful isle! Thank you for sharing it with us with these lovely photographs.

Susan said...

Spectacular photos, Carolyn. Any one of them could be the cover of a magazine. Fabulous job and thanks so much for sharing. Susan

Deborah said...

Breath Taking Carolyn!!!
Thank you!
I will get there one day :)

Deborah xoxo

Joanne said...

Absolutely stunning photos once again...love the rural scenes!
Thank you for sharing your gift with us Carolyn and for giving praise to our Creator!
Amazing Grace indeed!

Pamela Gordon said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely. My favorite kind of sunrise. Just beautiful!

Weisser Traum said...

oh oooo traumhaft schön.
da würd ich auch gerne wohnen sei lieb gegrüsst daniela

My Little Home and Garden said...

It's past midnight (why am I still up?) and I loved seeing the golden glow of your photographs. The light and the mist is glorious.

Teacup-In-The-Garden said...

This must be paradies!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful mosaics!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I'm sighing at those beautiful photos. I love foggy sights! Your photos are so beautiful!

Now it makes me want to reach for my L M Montgomery books and journals!

Katalin said...

ashhh, szép

Fróni said...

Wonderful!Like a fairy tale world!I love the beautiful photos. Thank you Carolyn!Beautiful place you live! Have a nice day!♥ Hugs from Hungary!

unrosetoinviacerreto said...

You are lucky to live in a nice place.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful day.

Shabby soul said...

Thank you darling Carolyn, these images open our hearts!
You live in a dreamy pleace.

Mikka said...

You are truly blessed! Sooooo much Beauty!
Thank you for SEEING this beauty and for sharing so gracefully to us!
I keep Lucas in my heart... Hope to have good news!

La Table De Nana said...

Amazing Grace is right~

La Table De Nana said...

Amazing Grace is right~

Southerncook said...

You live in such a beautiful area any Season. Your photos just took my breath away.

Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

Alex aus dem Gwundergarten said...

Wow, you live in a fantastic place. Probably you never need to go on holidays :o).
Greetings from Switzerland

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Love your photos, Carolyn. You have captured the beauty of the Island very well; thank you. I spent the early part of my life on my grandparents' farm, so I still like the cows too. I shall miss them when they go back into the barns for the Winter!


Beverly said...

It is all even more beautiful than I could imagine.

Thank you for sharing a perfect morning, Carolyn.

deb mills said...

it's raining here in maryland this morning (again...) so i especially enjoyed your stunning photos. thanks for sharing.

Marsha said...

Carolyn, I think your blog is one of the best. Your photography is absolutely beautiful. However, I don't read it regularly because I can't find a way to get your new posts sent directly to my email as the other blogs that I follow do. Is there a way? I couldn't even find a way to send you this email without posting it as a comment. Don't laugh. I'm new to this. Thanks.

Sanna - My Blueberry House said...

Hi Carolyn,

Autumn is beautiful. Especially on Prince Edward Island :) Love your misty morning photos as well as the ones from Charlottetown a couple of posts ago.

Have a good day!

Camille said...

Stunning photos! You are blessed to live in such a beautiful place!

Adrienne said...

Gorgeous! Absolutely breathtaking! Thank you for sharing the beauty of the morning with us.

Cindy said...

Gorgeous photos!
Hugs, Cindy

Carol said...

Thank you for the tour Carolyn! Someday I will visit your magical island. Beautiful misty and golden sun photos. I love the old farmhouse too. Enchanting.