Saturday, October 15, 2011

Happy Autumn Weekend

Hello everyone,
    I hope you are enjoying a lovely autumn weekend. We are still enjoying beautiful weather here-hope you are too!
  I have a few autumn collages that I enjoyed making. The one above is a few shots from around our garden-it has taken on it's autumn look now with the last of the perennials in bloom and the shrubs taking on their brilliant reds,golds and rusts.
Above and below are some photos of our trip to Quebec.

While we were in Montreal we went to the Botanical Garden and it was the Chinese Lantern festival.We were there during the daytime so we did not get the full effect of all the colorful lights but there was lots to see anyway.
Some early autumn colors with a sweet little wild bunny.
.These shots were taken around the Island. Next week I am hoping to have a nice day to get out and play with my camera.
  Tomorrow we are having a belated Thanksgiving dinner with all our family as we were away last week and didn't have the chance. We had our last tours of the garden season on Friday so soon it will be clean up the garden time as the season ends. I bought some new tulips today and will soon be planting them but it a little too warm just yet.
  Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Anonymous said...

Gorgeous mosaics, Carolyn!

Deborah said...

Oh how beautiful!!
Your gardens are fabulous, and your trip looks so lovely!
Love all your collages too!
Enjoy your belated Thanksgiving!!

Deborah xoxo

Robin's Nesting Place said...

These are lovely autumn shots!

Linda said...

Hi there, Carolyn!

What beautiful shades of autumn...You've managed to capture them so beautifully. I can almost smell the leaves and that cow in the field is adorable. I do really love your baby carriage filled with seasonal cuttings, especially that pop of red against the black - GORGEOUS, m'dear!

I've enjoyed my visit, as always. Thanks for sharing your photos, too, of Quebec. Enjoy your turkey dinner tomorrow!


Jill said...


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

These are so beautiful... so autumnal, so pastoral, so rich and vibrant!

Amy Chalmers said...

very pretty collages of autumn!

Susan said...

Most enchanting images, Carolyn. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Hope your weekend is splendid. Susan

Teacup-In-The-Garden said...

A wonderful mosaic!

Rose Garden Malevik said...

Hi Carolyn
Just wonderful autumn pictures....I hope everything is ok with you and your romantic garden.
Hugs from Sweden

Sanna - My Blueberry House said...

Hi Carolyn,

Wonderful autumn pictures. Your garden is amazing all year round. And, I especially like your autumn porch. So sorry to hear about your grandchild Lucas, I hope the new drug will help him feel better and that a cure will be here soon!

Have a lovely Sunday,

theromanticrose said...

Tutto meravigliosamente stupendo!!!!Rosetta

Landbohaven said...

Gode billeder.
Smukke efterårsfarver.
Billedet med kaninen er rigtig fin.
Tak for rundvisningen.

Camille said...

Oh, I love the pictures, Carolyn! The colors are so brilliant! Beautiful!!

Madelief said...

Dear Carolyn,

Such a beautiful autumn post! We had our first frosty night yesterday. Slowly temperatures are dropping. Is your garden ready for winter yet? We still have to empty terracotta pots with annuals. The flowers inside still look lovely, so I am postponing it a bit. It can't be for long though. They say it's going to be a very cold winter in Holland!!

Hope you had a lovely weekend?!

Lieve groet, Madelief x

A Garden of Threads said...

Gorgeous Carolyn, Love the reds and golds in the mosaic. Sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time in Montreal. Enjoy your family Thanksgiving and take care:)

Unknown said...

Cara Carolyn sono bellissime le immagini che ci hai donato.....
e sono meravigliose le tue piante....
Ti faccio i miei più sinceri complimenti!!

My Cottage Diary said...

Carolyn, what beauty you keep adding to our lives. Thank you so much for your beautiful blog. And what a great shot of that sweet little bunny! Bess

Marilyn Miller said...

The colors in this post are so vibrant and beautiful!

Shel said...

Your blog just brings so much joy..I so love stopping by here.
Thank you for sharing and blessings to you and your little Lucas.

Shabby soul said...

Darling Carolyn the last photos are dreamy!
What a light, what a warmth!

Sabrina said...

OMG! I want to go to Quebec is drop dead gorgeous! Love all the pictures you took.

Bernideen said...

all very colorful and lovely!