Monday, October 3, 2011

Guests for Tea

Hello everyone,
    I hope you had a lovely weekend. We had a wet one with more rain to come for the next few days.However,Friday was a beautiful day and I had a couple of lovely ladies for a garden tour and tea.
I used my autumn colored china again.
I baked some pumpkin muffins and some pumpkin orange loaf.
Garden roses.

My daughter made the most delicious pumpkin cream cheese muffins ever. Thanks Jen!!!

My lovely guests enjoying their tea on the porch.

This lovely lady on the left just got married and her Mom came for the wedding.
It was such a beautiful day!

It is Tea Time at Rose Chintz Cottage today so go have a visit if you haven't already.

Thank you for stopping by.



  1. I can see you made your guests feel very welcome with the delicious treats and lovely china. It looks lovely. V

  2. Oh Carolyn what a lovely tea you had!
    Everything looks fabulous!
    So inviting..and pumpkin cream cheese favourite!!!
    Would have loved to have joined you...xo

    Deborah xoxo

  3. Your table looks beautiful and those pumpkin muffins sound wonderful!

  4. i am just going to say it, you live a charmed life... and your guests must agree!

  5. Just beautiful, as usual!!! And the same can be said of your guests!

  6. Carolyn, I don't have a blog and have been hesitant to even leave a comment, but I have so enjoyed your beautiful gardens and home and tea parties. Just now I went back to your Oct. 2010 posts and was blown away! The one around Oct 21 when you went on a day trip and took exquisite photos of so many lovely old homes and landscapes was very, very beautiful. On another day you posted photos of sunshine! They were so lovely! I live in the pacific northwest and we're already in the dark, gray rain, so your beautiful photography is a great lift. Kay

  7. The pleasure of tea is captured perfectly at your table.
    I'd love to enjoy it with you.

  8. Many thanks, Caroline, for the refreshing pictures you post! On days like today, when I have been writing non-stop on my newest work in progress, I love to visit your site just before I leave the computer behind for the day. The breathtaking flowers, beautiful china, and inspiring music set the tone for my hours of rest ahead.

    May God continue to bless you and your family, and may He grant you special favors because you have given yourself so freely to us.

    Kay Moser

  9. Absolutely lovely!
    I love the way you take such good care in all the details of your blog and tending to the needs of your visitors.

    I know you make everyone feel welcomed.
    God bless,

  10. Everything looked great, Carolyn. Bet those were Prince Royal Albert cups. The roses were gorgeous, too. Susan

  11. Gorgeous! I love pumpkin muffins, and yours look really yummy! Happy TT!

  12. très appétissant
    voila un gateau dans lequel
    je planterai bien mes dents
    je n' ai jamais fait de cake au
    magnifique table
    bonne journée

  13. sofradaki herşeye bayıldım.
    her biri harika gözüküyor.

    o fincanlarla çay içmenin keyfini düşünemiyorum bile :)

  14. Good morning Carolyn,
    What a beautiful tea you have set for your guests! The china is stunning and the flowers are gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. You always make Tea Time special! Enjoy your day.


  15. Very, very, very beautiful.


  16. Adoro l'ora del tè.....
    Sarebbe bello prenderlo tutte insieme:)

  17. Hi Carolyn!

    I love the way the fall sunlight looks on your porch. I've never before tasted pumpkin cream cheese muffins! I will have to ask Jen for that recipe - they look very yummy. Undoubtedly, your beautiful guests thoroughly enjoyed their visit with you.

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  18. Hi Carolyn
    You treated your guests to a lovely autumn tea. Will Jen share her recipe on your blog? I love baking with pumpkin and making soups with it too.

  19. Your china so beautiful and the muffins and bread look delicious. Always love looking at your posts on the blog. Such a joy!

  20. Such a beautiful autumn setting! Looking forward to Jen's recipe - pumpkin cream cheese muffins sound yummy!

  21. Darling Carolyn your roses are the most attractive of all blogland!
    I see now your last post with roses and frost. Beautiful!
    Have a nice day

  22. lovely photos! pumpkin muffins look delicous!

  23. Dear Carolyn,

    Your guest look like they enjoy their tea very much and I do understand why. Your table looks stunning with you beautiful chintz ware and home made treats!

    Have a lovely day,

    Madelief x

  24. I would love a cup of tea there as well:)) Have a nice weekend Love Maria

  25. Needless to say, I love your Fall china. What a beautiful setting. And your guests look so happy to be sharing tea with you.

    Jocelyn @

  26. Carolyn: I would love for you to link this post to Friends Sharing Tea today!

  27. How beautiful everything looks and I think those muffins and loaf of bread have my tummy rumbling. Lovely flowers too. ;)

  28. Beautiful ladies, lovely flowers and gorgeous tea sets.
    Hugs, Cindy

  29. Your table looks beautiful and those pumpkin muffins sound wonderful! The breathtaking flowers, beautiful china, and inspiring music set the tone. Everything is perfect.
    printed coasters

  30. Carolyn,
    The beauty of fall and friendship captured in this post. Thank you, V

  31. How gorgeous! Your photos are lovely! I definitely would have liked and invitation to a teaparty like that one!

  32. Your photography is beautiful! I especially love your photo collages.

    Your tea looks like it was lovely!

  33. Carolyn, your guests must have loved your home and had such a wonderful time.

    I hope you and your family had a blessed Thanksgiving.

  34. This is so "autumny" and I am amazed at how your flowers just keep blooming! Enjoy the changing season! Before long you will be decorating for Christmas.

  35. Dear Carolyn,

    I always appreciate that
    you appreciate the beautiful light that is so different in each season. I love it, too! It's so nice to know that someone else sees it! ;) I can just feel the autumn sunshine, in this post. It's wonderful and the thought of tea time and the seasons are two thoughts that make me so very happy - over and over and over again! (You MUST know what I mean? =D)


  36. Oh, look! How happy! I just read a few of the comments that others have left, here, and they think and feel the same as we do. They love the light and feel wonderfully refreshed! Well, that just makes me smile (kindred spirits and all that! LOL!)


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
