Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Early Autumn Tea

Hello everyone,
      With all the beautiful warm sunny (record breaking temperatures) days we are having it is still lovely to have a cup of tea in the garden.
It is a perfect time to enjoy browsing through some of my favorite books while having a cup of tea.
Our bouquet today is an autumn bouquet but there are lots of pastel colors still in the garden too.The chintz teaset isWild Rose by Skie McChie.
This is a Rose Cameo Peach tea cup from Winner's.

I hope you enjoyed an early autumn tea with me today.

I have joined our local photography club recently and I am really enjoying it so far as there is lots of good information and some very serious photographers. So far, I haven't been brave enough to share my pics on their monthly slide show but someday-maybe!

I am joining BNOTP for Tablescape Thursday where there are always lots of beautiful tablescapes.I am also joining French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday.

Thank you for stopping by again and thank you for all the lovely comments on our autumn porch.



Susan said...

Hello Dear Carolyn.....Oh my goodness. Why HAVEN'T you shared your fabulous photography? I'm sure ALL of the club photographers could learn a thing or two from you. You just don't realize what magnificent talent you have. You truly could produce ALL of the photos for Victoria Magazine and the readers would be swooning. This is not fluff. This is TRUTH. Susan from

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

We enjoyed the tea, the photos, the atmosphere... the beauty!

We loved the visit... thank you!

Bernideen said...

What a lovely fall setting! Love your selections for these photos.

Jane Westwell said...

We always associate afternoon tea on the lawn with crisp white tablecloths and pretty pink floral cups and saucers... but you have managed to transform the tradition with your lovely rich autumnal colours! Beautiful job :-)
The Time Sculptor

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Carolyn, your Autumn tea is lovely. Love the chintz tea set and rose peach teacup. I am loving your bouquet of hydrangeas too. I hope to plant some of those myself. The weather is wonderful, isn't it?


Deb said...

This is all so beautiful. So welcoming.

Linda said...

Yep, I have to agree with Susan! Very Victoria Worthy, m'dear! Loove the cheery fall colours. Thanks for inviting us to your table today for an uplifting tea experience!

Linda at Beautiful Ideas

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

love the colors, the pitcher is perfect!

Naturegirl said...

Here it has been damp and chilly so your invitation for tea a welcome sight for me!
Drooling over your dreamy oasis..such a creative expression of your good taste!
I too joined a photography club and have yet to allow my photos to be viewed by the members..kind of intimidating with so many pros in our group. Yes I've learned lots but never take the time to practise..question of priorities I suppose.
Your images I'm sure are up there with the best!

Jocelyn said...

Sigh...... how I would love to be sitting there with you. The tea service is gorgeous. Love the teacups. Everything looks so very lovely.

Jocelyn @

Pamela Gordon said...

Oh, you know I love it! I love the fall colours in your flowers and china. I don't think you need to be shy about showing your photos at your photoclub at all! They are always so beautifully done. Pamela

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

That pitcher is so perfect for your fall flowers! I'm loving all the color. Your photography class sounds so exciting! Have fun with that!

podso said...

Your photos are definitely worth sharing! I hope you do soon. And these with the fall colors are so lovely!

Tess said...

This is just wonderful!! Perfect colors for this transition time into fall. Your china is gorgeous!! The atmosphere of the whole setting is just lovely!!

xinex said...

Your tea set is lovely and the setting is so beautiful..Christine

La Vie Quotidienne said...

So very beautiful.

a quiet life said...

You are like my all smiles channel, when ever I tune in here I leave happy~

Bente said...

How beautiful. Your hands must be magic, Carolyn.

Have a nice day in your house and garden

Hugs Bente

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn your photos look so beautiful.Your autumn tea looks gorgeous.


Betty said...

I just love your beautiful autumn tea party.

sunnyskiesandsweettea said...

I always enjoy your posts. This fall table was so pretty! I love your pictures, you are a wonderful photographer.

Blessings to you,
Amy JO

we three dogs and me said...

Everything is just beautiful. enjoyed my visit

La Table De Nana said...

Carolyn.. I think you do these colors beautifully:) Like some of the older Victorias..remember?

Wait till they see your'll knock their socks off.

Beverly said...

So pretty, Carolyn. I love the shades of oranges and ivory.

You definitely need to share your photos. They are always outstanding.

Have you heard from Helene Glehen lately? I know she used to visit you. I've been trying to reach her, but the e-mail address I have is being returned, and her blog is not active.

High Street Cottage said...

Carolyn, what breath taking photos! That 8th one where it's all put together and we're sort of peeking in should be in a magazine or decorating book. You certainly have a way of setting the right mood. Lovely.

Unknown said...

This is beautiful! I love it! Your china is very, very pretty. I love roses.....just the perfect place setting to stop and have a cup of tea.
Blessings My friend,

Alycia Nichols said...

Go on and share your photography! It's great! You will be the hit of the parade! Beautiful china...I really love it! The flowers all look so pretty, especially those papery white puffs en masse!!!

Miss Merry said...

I was excited to see your post as I am considering an Autumn tea myself! But I could never achieve the elegance of your fall garden party - so beautiful! You inspire me!

Diana (Apple Pie) said...

I don't know haw you can do it, but I'm happy you do it!
I really love your pictures...


Karin Şen Cankan said...

Amazing just amzing.

Loved it

Karin Şen Cankan

Antiques And Teacups said...

So beautiful! Stunning photographs! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

Babs said...

Your early Autumn outdoor tea is wonderfully set and so inviting. Love your photos and for what it's worth, I think you should share your photos with the photography club. They're beautiful!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Such a lovely spot for an autumn tea. I can't even begin to imagine that there are any photographers in that club that are taking any photos more beautiful than yours. Honestly.

A New England Life said...

I feel like I'm browsing through a beautiful magazine. You must love spending time making things beautiful. Aren't you lucky!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Carolyn,

Oh, for tea I always will join you. Especially for this time of the year it works great. You got my book, The Pleasures of Tea... so we must like the same things.
Have a great weekend and love to you,


fialka012 said...


Georgianna said...

This is lush and rich and gorgeous, Carolyn – just what is needed at the entry to autumn. All your beautiful details add up to a very special afternoon. And I do hope you are going to share your photos with the photography club very soon! You have so many beautiful images.

Wishing you a lovely weekend and thank you for stopping by. Always special to have you visit. – g

Edith DUTERTRE said...

je suis émerveillée par vos
"installations " photos
tout est vraiment super
à bientôt

Entertaining Women said...

You have created such a beautiful transition to Fall in your gloriously gorgeous garden. Thank you for sharing your exquisite design. Cherry Kay

Elaine said...

What an incredible setting for tea! I love the boldness of the brown eyed susans in contrast to the delicateness of the china. Makes me want to pull up a chair, pour some tea and dive into one of your wonderful books!

CIELO said...

How enchanting... everything blends into the colors of autumn. Love the set and setting...


Adrienne said...

Oh, you MUST share your photos! You always capture the beauty of everything you photograph. Be brave, my friend - be brave!