Hello Everyone,
We just had a thunder and lightning storm pass through here and we are getting more rain again. I haven't had to worry about watering this summer and the roses seem to be enjoying getting a regular dose of water as they have bloomed well this summer.

Prairie Princess-I remember that Kathy Renweld used to recommend this rose on 'The Gardener's Journal' -do any of you Canadians remember this show from several years ago. I used to love it and still have some shows taped that I watch in late winter sometimes.
I am not sure of the name of all my roses sadly, as I have been adding roses every year to the garden for 20 years and my memory fails me sometimes!
I have other colors too but today it is all about the romantic pink ones.
Thank you for stopping by again and welcome to my new followers as well as the old ones of course.
Hi Carolyn...
Ohhh...your roses are just as beautiful as ever, my friend! I bet they ARE enjoying the rainy days! I definitely agree...roses are romantic and your fabulous gardens are proof!
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful roses with us today! I sooo enjoyed them...and your gorgeous photos as well, sweet lady!
Warmest summery wishes,
So many pretty pink roses! They are just gorgeous. I don't remember the show you referred to but maybe it was on cable which we don't have. We are to be getting thunder showers tomorrow and I only heard one rumble about 5:00 today then heavy rain for a while. We've had a good balance of rain and sun this summer and more thunder storms than we've had in a long time. Blessings, Pamela
The pink roses are so sweet. I have white and yellow. Wishing for some pink now.
I don't know which one would be my favorite--love all these shades of pink! Thanks for taking the time to photograph and put them on your blog--for our benefit and pleasure!
Beautiful roses! Love the pinks. My roses have struggled this summer from the heat and lack of rain. It was 113 today. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse. No sign of rain anytime soon. Enjoy your lovely summer. I'm ready for fall! Although they are saying we won't have the pretty foliage because the trees are so stressed. It's always a highlight of my day to visit your site. Always delightful!
its so fresh and pretty here, like stepping back in time to such a gentle place~
Your roses are awesome and my favorite flower!
Glad they're getting plenty of rain. Can't say that for NE Georgia right now.
Have a wonderful week.
Your roses are so lush and gorgeous! Such amazing pictures of them, I can almost smell them. It all makes me pine for a rose garden of my own ... a priority in my next home!
They are all so gorgeous Carolyn. So many of these I would love to have in my garden and wish they would do well. I haven't had any luck with the Buck roses here, but I love so many of them.
I love these beautiful pictures!
Always, always love to see your garden blooms!
sending hugs...
Beautiful roses....My MeMaw loved roses. I have some of her roses from her garden. She passed away last year. Her green thumb was passed down to me.....although my flowers are a work in progress! Thanks for sharing!
Hvor er dine Roser smukke.
Man kan næsten mærke duften.
Tak for kigget.
Dear Carolyn,
Your roses look amazing! The rain must have done them well. How pretty all those pinks are. Do you feed them extra during the summer months? I am not really sure if I have to.
Happy day!
Lieve groet, Madelief
I love roses, and watch your soul does well.
Imagine if the whole earth was a garden like yours?
That would be lovely.
Heavenly shades of layers of pink petals. You know I love them all.
Beautiful! Most of my roses stop blooming in the heat...they will start up again in the fall. Yours are lovely beyond belief! Pink roses are my favorites.
Simply stunning!!! I dream of having a garden like yours oneday and the thought of not having to water in summer - unheard of here in Australia!!
Wow, those are so gorgeous. I love the variety. You have one amazing garden. Thanks for sharing!
I admire all your roses! Beautiful ones!
Regards Janny.
I love A Gardener's Journey. I still have it set up to tape just in case they show re-runs! Lovely roses. I have a new climber this year that is going to go! Too much mildew. The Julia Child rose next to it is disease free so I'm all about putting in the ones that are hardier.
Your Roses are Divine. They make me smile. Roses are my favorite in the garden. We have such harsh, hot, dry summers here they do not do well, then in the fall come alive again. When I lived in the Hamptons the roses there were beautiful like yours, as there was that ocean breeze. I think your garden is TDF and I love your blog. Please come by for a visit anytime. Richard at My Old Historic House.
Carolyn, they are all so beautiful!!
Compliment your roses are fantastic!! I seem to smell their fragrance. Good night and sweet dreams.Gilda
you know how I feel about roses... well, I'm at home here! So very lovely!
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