Thursday, August 4, 2011

An August Garden Tour

Hello Everyone,
     It is hard to believe it is already August and our garden is at it's peak around this time of year as it has matured and has lots of color  now.

Jackmani clematis is so beautiful now.
The Virginia creeper is covering part of the window-just the way I like it in summer-a leafy green curtain!
The Anthony Walker Spirea is blooming with the pink phlox.
Anneabelle Hydrangea with white Monkshood.
the east side of the Allee garden.
The west side of the Allee garden.

You might notice I have lots of Anneabelle hydrangea as it is easy to divide and move in the spring-so why not have it all around the garden as it is easy to care for and blooms a long time and pretty too!

This is the east side of our house and the Allee is east of from this.

There are so many daylillies blooming now hundreds of them!Once again, they can be divided in spring and moved around or early fall would work too.

East side again.
this is the centre of the Allee and it will be getting a makeover this fall as it blocks some of the view of the pond so I will show you later the updated version.

This is our new duck pond in our field east of our house.This area was boggy and not used before. It is still a work in progress but I can see lots of potential and I think many photo ops!

I am joining My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday today.

Thank you for coming on another garden tour with me today.



Erica said...

What a lovely August garden!

San Diego Mobile Notary

suzeeez said...

I love your garden! I wish I could take a walk around in it :o) Sue

Ivy and Elephants said...

Your garden is not only exquisite but it is inviting. You certainly have a super green thumb. I hope it rubs off on me.

Paula, your newest follower

Camille said...

Love the garden tour and I will be looking forward to seeing more photos of your duck pond.

The Smith Hotel said...

Sigh! This is the garden of my dreams! I would love to sit and have a cup of tea! Beautiful! I'll be following you now-just to get my garden fix!


erin's art and gardens said...

oh carolyn...thank you so much for this! your gardens are peaking and lush and beautiful! where as here in the south, we are over 100 degrees for days now, with no rain...whatever is green, is being eaten by the starving deer. i would love to visit your corner of the world at this time of year, to see all the beauty.

Desire Empire said...

Your gardens are stunning. You really have the touch.

Andrea said...

Hello, i am new here. How beautiful your area is, with a lovely big house, wide area to work on and the garden, so amazingly delightful. I can imagine the man-hours invested in them and i pity it when winter comes. If i am the owner i will be depressed. I visualize to be sitting in that gazebo with coffee, pastries, camera and a book on hand. I love dreaming and i just did! thank you for giving me the right area.

Old Time Cindy said...

I always enjoy stopping by to view your gardens. Picture perfect!

Sewconsult said...

What a glorious garden. I would want to wake early every day to spend as much time soaking in the sights and smells. Just a tranquil setting.
Beckie in scorching hot TN

Heaven's Walk said...

Oh, Carolyn.....your house, your gardens, your flowers, your photography - always always always make me gasp and sigh. It's all so very beautiful!! :) I want to come and visit you and see it in person!!! It's heavenly to me.... ♥

xoxo laurie

Fluitenkruid said...

I love looking in your garden cause it looks so pretty, we had lots of rain and flowers are not so fresh anymore.

Unknown said...

Wonderful garden
Have a nice weekend

Anonymous said...

WOWZERS, Carolyn! I am so thrilled that my hubby and I will soon be there to touch that precious soil. Everything is just bursting with blooms where you are! How very much work that must take on your part, truly a labour of love every day. Amazing, thrilling, and so generous of you to share your beauty with others. Well, there really are no words! You make my heart glad, m'dear! Only two more sleeps...


Susan said...

Loved the garden tour, Carolyn. It's always a pleasure to see your creative touches and fabulous plantings. Susan

Beverly said...

Carolyn, I can't imagine a more beautiful and inviting place. It is like a dream.

a quiet life said...

your garden = my joy~

Grace and Tea For Me said...

What a lovely place you have there. I enjoy stopping by from time to time. Thank you for taking the time to show us all around.

Mrs. B

Bernideen said...

Your garden to the most beautiful I have ever seen!

Vintage Rose said...

Absolutely breathtaking! I wish I could just sit in those chairs in your garden, listen to the birds and sip tea.

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

I am catching up on your posts. I love your exquisite rose photos! Especially the deep colored ones. I've always wondered how people keep track of their names. Your enclosed garden is wonderful, and I love the charming china. I can only envision how wonderful your new pond will turn out. Your garden tour today makes me wonder how you ever get yourself to come inside! I guess there's always winter to do that!

Pamela Gordon said...

I loved the garden tour today with everything in full bloom. It's so gorgeous. That is a huge pond and I am excited to see what you will do with decorating and planting around it. Enjoy the weekend. It sounds like a hot humid one here. Pamela

bikim said...

HAPPY night,

Kathi said...

Your home and garden are straight out of a magazine; gorgeous. Thank you for sharing. Kathi

Unknown said...

Your gardens are lovely and you've apparently know a lot about gardening. Oh, how I wish I knew so much.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Your garden is beautiful, Carolyn. By this time of year, where I live in NC, there is virtually NOTHING in bloom. My flower gardens look so bare. It's just TOO hot for anything to thrive. Thanks for sharing yours with me.

By the way, I would love to have you join me for my linky party. The link will be up for three more days.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Be still my heart. After viewing your beautiful gardens and vingettes here and there, I kept thinking of all the places I could hide. You would never know I didn't leave. :-)

Mami Made It said...

Lovely garden!
Love to see your duck pond when finished.

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Goodness how absolutely gorgeous! Your garden and yard is just wonderful~ So inspiring and breathtaking! Thank you for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday this week! :)

Joys of Life said...

As always, a delight to tour your garden. Thank you! Judith.