Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Simply White

Hello everyone,
     Finally we are getting some warm weather that is melting the snow at a faster pace. I was excited to be able to go out and do some clean-up in Martha's garden if any of you remember that is our little enclosed garden that is more sheltered and so it warms up a little earlier.It is such a good feeling to see so many daffodils, tulips etc. starting to grow.
    I haven't had a chance to take new photos lately so I am sharing some of my favorite whites that may or may not have been posted before. The photo above is taken in our little garden cottage which I will soon have cleaned up and be ready to enjoy again for another garden season.

This bouquet is a store bought one but soon I will be able to pick my own from the garden. I do have some crocus blooming but that is all so far.

I love this white teacup with the Lady's Slipper on it . The Lady's Slipper is the flower emblem for Prince Edward Island (my home province).
I took this shot a few weeks ago with my macro lens- I do need more practice with it.

I know I posted this before but hey,I love my cake!
Sunshine in the sunroom.
Two little cousins(our granddaughters) sharing secrets. I am looking forward to those cottage tea parties again.

Lilacs are one of my favorites.
White teas are so elegant,I think.

Well, soon I will have lots of new photos to share but for today it is simply whites.

Thank you to all who have left such lovely comments for me lately and welcome to my new followers.

I am joining Kathleen at Faded Charm for White Wednesday today.

Take care,



  1. Beautiful whites! Can't wait to see your spring and summer blooms!


  2. Can't wait to see more pictures of your cottage and can't wait till my cottage garden is clean so I can post pics of it!

  3. Oh, so lovely! I fell in love with the first photo, beautiful dollhouse, and so nice with the sunshine too.

    Your grand daughters are cute. :)

  4. Hi I love your white shots. Haven't seen any before. I am new here.

    Especially love the little girls tea party. Just lovely.
    Best Carolyn

  5. Hello! Greetings from Scotland! I L-O-V-E your site! I've just recently started my own blog and you have given me much inspiration!!! I'm following your blog now! . . . I'm Struan, 27 from Dundee and love anything that is old, unusual, and unique. I want to share pictures with everyone of things I have made, things I have bought and things I find interesting. I hope you come and look at my site! (we own the same teapot! I've got a post about it!!!!) enjoy my site, xxx

  6. Hi Carolyn.
    AS usual, your photos are so dreamy and sweet. I love the lady-slipper cup and saucer. I am sure your garden is just waiting to blossom out.

  7. Beautiful whites. Your Grandaughters are beautiful and they look like such good friends. I always love seeing pictures of your garden cottage. I looks like such a lovely and serene place to relax. ~~Sherry~~

  8. Beautiful white photos. Love the teacup with the ladyslipper on it. The girls are so cute. V

  9. Dearest Carolyn,

    Funny that you are still at the crocus stage but it makes a huge climatic difference this enormous distance between your and our garden!
    Anyway, the lilacs are one of my favorites too, their fragrance is so special. Just made the garden tour and looked at our healthy bushes but the heat always impacts the blossoms. Hope that once we get lucky to allow me some photos.
    Lovely post as usual and the china and everything is attractive and inviting.
    Lots of love,


  10. Oh my...just lovely as always. But the photo of your little grandaughters is so adorable and so wonderful that it is special in itself.

  11. Lilacs are one of my favorites too. I planted a white lilac last year. Can't wait to see it. Am anticipating my garden and yours. I love your pictures. Happy spring and many blessings!

  12. Always a treat to see your whites! Gorgeous photos. ~ Sarah

  13. Lovely whites today, Carolyn. I love the one with the pitcher of lilacs. I can't wait until the lilacs bloom! I'm your linky neighbor at WW and your newest follower. I thoroughly enjoyed the pretty photos you showcased today.
    God bless,

  14. Lovely whites Carolyn, so crisp and clean.
    When we were in PEI I bought a mug with the lady slipper on it as a momento of our great trip to your province.

  15. Oh! Carolyn! I love all the whites. So pristine and pure. Great job! Susan

  16. What an adorable post - especially your little grandaughters havng a tea party! brings some memories back! oxox, tracie

  17. A delight to see! Your granddaughters are so sweet...we have two little grandsons that are so sweet.

  18. Dear Carolyn,

    Good to hear the weather is finally getting more spring like! I hope you will be able to have your teaparties with friends and families soon. I can't wait either!!!

    Have a lovely day!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  19. As usual, your photos are so lovely.
    Wishing you a nice day Carolyn.

    Rita :)

  20. Beautiful photo's. Your granddaughters are darlings.


  21. Some people say that white it's not a color. But I think that wite is most beautiful and romantic color of all other colors :)

  22. Lovely! You seem to have so many talents! Photography, gardening, decorating, etc. Please share some helpful hints on how we can achieve some of your beautiful gardens and photos! Love your blog'

  23. Your photos are gorgeous!Little girls are so lovely!
    Hugs from Italy,

  24. Yankee Candle has a new Ladyslipper fragrance you might like! Love your posts!

  25. LOVE your Lady Slipper teacup. I grow several Lady Slipper orchids and they should be blooming soon. The grand daughters are adorable. I just recently found a child's white wrought iron table and chairs. I bought one for their home and they play tea party all the time but I have decided I need one at my house for them too. This Sat. I am taking my two grand daughters to a Cinderella Tea taking place at an historical home in our area and the tea is hosted by our local Ballet Co. Next month the Ballet Co. will be performing Cinderella. I will definitely be taking my camera to this Tea.

    This morning in N FL we awoke to temperatures at 39*. I'm not sure where you will be traveling but I would definitely pack a sweater.

    Enjoyed your white post as always.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  26. Hi Carolyn! Your photos always leave me breathless. Oh so very beautiful and calming! I hope that your snow melts soon. Ours has been gone now for about 2 weeks - thank goodness! Now....if it would just warm up so I can get out in my gardens.....!

    xoxo laurie

  27. So lovely! My favorite is your darling granddaughters! How cute they are! Love, Joy

  28. I love the white dollhouse. Did you make it? Your granddaughters are so sweet and the sunshine streaming through the windows makes everything so beautiful!

  29. Simply Beautiful. Have a wonderful day

  30. Oh, Carolyn. Just beautiful! I love the sea star added in. Your photos are so pretty!

  31. So wonderful photos!!!
    The two little girls with her secrets.... I love it!

    Have a nice weekend!


  32. Oh my - the Fantasy Cottage! Lovely photos and grandkids!

  33. I found your blog today, and it`s so beautiful. Now i am a follower.

    Have a nice week



Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
