Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Color

 Hello everyone,
       I hope you are having a good week. I have been doing some spring cleaning and organizing lately so that I will be able to enjoy time in the garden as soon as it warms up a little bit. So in the meantime I made a few spring collages for you to enjoy.

 I am happy to say that it warmed up enough the last couple of days to melt a lot of the snow in our garden and I have been enjoying seeing hundreds of daffodils,tulips etc coming up. I love taking a daily walk around to see the changes in the garden as the snow melts off the beds. It is so encouraging knowing good things are about to happen. It looks like the garden came though the winter pretty good. All the snow is good protection from the cold and our temperatures did not dip as low as some past winters.
 Anyway, I hope you enjoyed some spring color and soon I hope to have some actual garden spring color.

Thank you for visiting,



  1. Pretty colourful post..I am glad you are having warmer weather. Our snow is almost gone but I don't see any plants poking thru as of yet. We are heading to Victoria on Saturday so looking forward to staying at the Fairmont Empress Hotel (built 1912 I think) on the harbour. Have a good evening!


  2. Carolyn ~ your collages are lovely again ~ they make me smile. My tulips are coming up and I am sooo excited ;-)

  3. Hello Carolyn...Thoroughly enjoyed all the awesome photographs. Great job! Carolyn, HOW do you keep squirrels from digging up the daffodils? I poured my hot pepper brew and today I looked and they STILL dug up a bulb. Hot squirrels! I was shocked. Please tell me your secret to keeping the squirrels out. Thanks. Susan

  4. Oh these are beautiful collages...all the georgous color combinations. Just wonderful, a perfect feast for the eyes.

  5. Carolyn, beautiful as always. I love seeing all your pretty treasures.

  6. so bright and cheery. tonight on the way home I saw a red bud blooming and tulips so now I think spring of finally set in!

  7. Bonjour Carolyn - I love visiting your pretty site - always makes my heart sing!

  8. Hello Carolyn.
    Beautiful colors and collages.
    I love it:-)
    Take care.

  9. Carolyn! Just what I needed to put a smile on my face!I am having culture shock since leaving the beautiful warm desert of it Spring yet!!
    It certainly is viewing your mosaics! Thank you for posting!

  10. Your mosaics are all more beautiful than the others! We recognize some things when you read in a while, it really is a universe in your image: charming, gentle, colored with love ... great day to you!

  11. Hello,

    I look at your blog via via, and everything looks very nice. You have beautiful stuff that i like.
    I go follow you, and mabey you can take a look at my blog. I from the Netherlands i live in a small village in the north of us country. I hope you can understand my english.

    greet Petra.

  12. Hi Carolyn, Beautiful collages.Thank you for sharing.

  13. I love all colors of Spring! And your sets are wonderful...

  14. Good morning Carolyn,
    Your photos are lovely and coming here this morning was just what I needed. Company and then a flu bug has left me feeling rather yucky most of the week. I'm glad you're able to get out and work on your garden. It won't be long now!


  15. Darling Carolyn, I'm waiting for the images of your spring 2011, knowing that surely it will be super gorgeous.
    Here in Bologna the weather is warmer day by day, cherrie trees are in full bloom and the days are sunny :)
    I'm happy spring is finally arrived!
    Thank you for your images and for all the kind comments you leave me
    Have a nice day

  16. Your spring collages are beautiful and inspiring!

    Susan and Bentley

  17. I've been doing some catching up, and as usual so much beauty over here! I loved your simply white post. I'm so looking forward to seeing your new garden grow. It almost feels wicked getting to see inside your cupboards! Ha! Such beautiful collections! Loved your teacups! So much inspiration.

  18. Ooh, these are lovely mosaics! So many pretties to enjoy, but I'm especially partial to the blues! Bess

  19. Hello Carolyn
    Wonderful always :)
    Have a look at my Blog today :)
    And there is a new Front on the Book "Sanselig Sommer"......Nice Roses :)
    Hugs from your fan :)

  20. Hello Carolyn,

    I have followed your blog for a long time. I abosolutely love it. I feel so refreshed each time I visit your page. I've started my own garden and am learning so many new things. One of my dream places to visit is PEI. Some day! Thank you for sharing so many lovely things with us.

  21. Your collages are so soothing and inspirational. It is always such a pleasure to visit your blog.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
