Monday, April 4, 2011

Heart of the Home Party - Favorite Cupboards

Hello everyone,
     Today is the day for Shelia's Heart of the Home Party and we are to share our favorite cupboard. I think some of you have already seen this cupboard before but I hope you don't mind another look. This cupboard was built about six years by my husband and a friend of my sons. It is a great place to store my collection of red and white transferware which I have collected over the past several years.

I have opened the doors for a better look.

Some of the dishes are very old like these but others are new.
While we are here I might as well show you my cupboard full of teacups. Some of these were given to me and others are thrift finds.
I hope Shelia doesn't mind me showing a few cupboards as I thought you dish lovers might like to enjoy a peek at these too.This is an old pine cupboard that I painted last year for my pink and white china.

A closer look

One last cupboard- can you tell I love dishes?
Now that I have kept you you might as well have a cup of tea!

Thank you Shelia for hosting another Heart of the Home Party over at Note Songs so we can all enjoy everyones favorite cupboards
Also,I am joining TeaTime Tuesday again at Sandi's Rose Chintz Cottage.Thank you Sandi, you know how we all love our tea time!
It is also Show Off your Cottage Monday at Cielo's lovely house in the roses so there is lots for you to check out today!
Have a good day!



  1. I have the exact same tea pot. It's so pretty!

  2. Well, you know I LOVE your red transferware! The cupboards that your hubby built are wonderful and such a lovely focal point in your dining room. The china in the other cupboard is beautiful too. I think you said at one time it was your MIL's pattern? Loved seeing all your china once again and thanks for joining me for tea.


  3. Hi Carolyn,
    I never knew your husband made your gorgeous cupboard, what a talented pair you are!! I love seeing your dish collections, beautiful!

  4. I loved viewing your beautiful dish collection Carolyn. You have a very talented hubby, lovely cupboard. Take care, Jen.

  5. Wonderful collection, well I must say gorgeous huge collection!!!!

  6. This is the first time that I've seen these cupboards. The first one is absolutely amazing, built by your husband and son! The cupboard filled with teacups is beautiful. I must confess, I love teacups. Just something about them. You have a wonderful collection. I have some of my mother's teacups, and I'm always looking for thrift finds as well. I thought you did have a bit of nasty weather on the weekend as well. Take heart, I know Spring is around the corner!

    Happy Week,

  7. Beautiful! The cabinets are fabulous ... and everything in them is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Every time I stop by your place I can count on your beautiful presentations that warm my heart.

    Lovely dishes displayed in great cupboards and cabinets also on table.

    You have the magic touch!!!
    God bless,
    d from homehaven in kansas

  9. What a beautiful collection you have! I've enjoyed seeing it!

  10. love all the pink and transferware. The lace on the shelves is the best!

  11. Your collection of red transferware is glorious, Carolyn. Absolutely glorious. Loved ALL the cabinets. You are a fabulous collector. Thanks so much for sharing. Susan

  12. beautiful transferware and the cupboards are wonderful. beautiful china, too and look at all those teacups!!!! happy tea day!

  13. You know I love your home and cupboards and dressers dont' you? I wish I had an old country house with a vintage kitchen and cupboards. I hope to replicate that with our new kitchen in a not so old house very soon. I always feel welcome in your home through your pictures. Very lovely. Have a wonderful week, Pamela

  14. Love your collection of dishes. I especially love your red and white transferware collection. Everything looks so elegant. Diane

  15. Thanks for sharing more of your collection with us! It's always a seeing your garden in dishes!!

    Miss Bloomers

  16. Every photo is gorgeous! I have a plethora of teacups from my grandmother, but I don't have them displayed nearly as lovely. Thank you for the enjoyable post.


  17. Wonderful,,,
    Hellow from Norway Marit.

  18. Hello Carolyn,
    you own a stunning collection of wonderful tea china. Your cabinets look very adorable.
    Greetings, Johanna

  19. Beautiful cabinets filled with absolutely beautiful china! Just divine!yvette@twistedvines

  20. Oh, how I wish I had cupboards like yours...filled with all that beautiful china. What a wonderful talented hubby and friend to build this piece of fine furniture for you!

  21. Hi Carolyn
    I enjoyed peeking into your cupboards to see your china. It's amazing how a coat of paint can transform a piece and after seeing how you paint old cupboards is what inspired me to finally tackle mine.

  22. How beautiful ! You have an awesome collection !

  23. Hi carolyn, Your cupboards are so beautiful! Your china collection is so gorgeous.


  24. I must say that your husband and friend did a wonderful job with the cupboards, wish mine was a handyman.... You have a great collection of bonechina cup and must drink a lot of tea......I am English I was brought up on tea.....but I now live in Italy and we drink more coffee.. Ciao Alison

  25. Você tem a coleção de xícaras mais lindas que já ví.Parabéns!!!!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I like that you've used different patterned lace to decorate the shelves. Mine are all the same pattern but I like this idea better. I also like the way you've displayed the tea cups. xx

  28. Oh, Carolyn.....I love dishes too, but don't have all the disply cupboards you do. Think I'm gonna have to do something about that!!


  29. How nice to have you visit me and leave such a nice message. I have been a follower of your beautiful blog for a while and I have enjoyed every post; they are always filled with such lovely images. This post of all your wonderful dishes displayed so well in their various cupboards is very impressive. Have a great day.

  30. Oh my goodness have the most beautiful cupboards. I saw so many awesome pieces of china. Just gorgeous. It's like a garden in your house!
    hugs to you...

  31. Oh these are gorgeous,
    My favourite cupboard is the last one and I love the transfer ware tea and roses.


  32. Gorgeous Carolyn. The cupboards are wonderful and I love love love the china!

  33. Carolyn,
    Your cupboards are outstanding and filled with so many beautiful pieces!!

    Your collection of red transferware is magnificent!!


  34. I am impressed of all your lovely china! So beautiful it looks in your cupboars.

  35. Hi Carolyn...

    Ohhh...and what beautiful cupboards you HAVE, my friend! I just love getting a peek at all of your gorgeous dishes! It's pure heaven! Of course, you know how I love the red transferware and I do believe that you have the finest collection around! I also loved getting a peek into your dish cupboards...simply breathtaking!!! Thank you so much for taking us on this little was pure delight!

    I also just read your "All White" post...the recent. What a beautiful display, Carolyn! I just adore your beautiful white's one of the prettiest and most romantic bedroom that I have ever seen! You definitely have the "touch", sweet friend! I'm sooo glad that you share your creativity and talents...and...your gorgeous home with us!

    Warmest spring wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  36. Hi Carolyn,
    Just wanted to say, Beautiful!!!! I'm excited about going outside and playing in my garden this next week. We are warming up now. I love your cozy home and the beautiful photos you take.

  37. I just came to your website through pinterest and I'm here moaning and swooning and drooling over your gorgeous china collection. I have some, but not as much as you. I'm here complaining to my husband that of course in your Prince Edward Island (anne of green gables country) you will find nice china tea set stuff, but not in hick country Oklahoma.


Thank you for all your sweet comments and may your day be filled with joy!
