Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Pink Saturday!

  Hello everyone,
      I am popping in on this beautiful snowy Saturday to share some photos I took this morning so I could join Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for her beloved Pink Saturday.
 I picked up this beautiful bouquet of roses last night at the grocery store as pretty flowers cheer me on the long winter days while my garden sleeps. My new motto is to eat less but buy more flowers!
My yardsale teacup.

We are getting a lot of the big fluffy white stuff and it is truely a winter wonderland out there today so this is a great spot to enjoy a book and a cup of tea while enjoying the winter garden.
 Aren't pink roses so beautiful???

I am going to let you sit for a spell but I am going out to capture some of the beauty outdoors to share with you another day!

Thank you for visiting me and be sure to enjoy this beautiful Pink Saturday at Beverly's.
How Sweet the Sound
Hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend!



Adrienne said...

Oh, I so enjoyed just resting and relaxing a bit in your wonderful home this morning! Thank you for the respite and the beauty you created. The roses are gorgeous. I bought yellow daisies at the grocery yesterday and have determined to keep many more flowers in my home through the winter. It lifts my spirits on a grey, rainy day!

Pam said...

Carolyn, I love your motto for this year to eat less and buy more flowers. I think I might do that, too. Flowers really brighten a room in the winter. As always I love what you share with us. Pink roses are beautiful!

Unknown said...

A beautiful post and cut flowers from the grocery store always picks up my spirit when winter has gone on too long :)


Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

How lovely...I am spending the next 7 weeks in a very MASCULINE hunter's retreat, now I know where to come for some feminine vibes! Your space looks so comforting on a cold day!

Kom Achterom said...

What a lovely pink saterday!
love your nice place1
the roses are beatyful
happy weekend

My name is Riet said...

Carolyn, beautiful roses and pictures. I love your new motto, going to try that too. Well.....I always buy a lot of flowers for in the house. They brighten the rooms wit their beauty.Happy pink Saturday

Miss Char said...

What a beautiful place to sit for a spell, thanks so much for sharing your home and roses.

Hélène Flont , french illustrator said...

Instantly, it's the spring!!!
Happy pink Carolyn!! with theses delightful colors.

!!✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

what a lovely post! i really enjoy reading it! and that pink teacup is devine! love it!.. beautiful!

The Tablescaper said...


Love your motto! You were able to find such magnificant roses at the grocery store. And your tea cup was a great find - sooo pink!

- The Tablescaper

Victorian1885 said...

What a wonderful idea..more flowers! Beautiful roses and they look wonderful in your lovely home! Have a great time in the snow..


Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

You are correct, this is the perfect setting to sit with a warm cup of tea..but I am not sure I could concentrate on a book with such lovely view to enjoy outside of the window.

Have a wonderfully pink Saturday

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Carolyn,

Indeed, pink roses with the baby's breath (Gypsophila) is like a DREAM.
We tried to grow the Gypsophila here but it is way too hot.
Love your pillow especially and the entire setting. So romantic, with the winter showing through the window...

Have a great weekend!

Mariette's Back to Basics

Unknown said...

How could you leave that beautiful room? I know you will have some delightful images for us to see but I think I would have stayed put!
Have a very enjoyable day..

Amy Chalmers said...

Less food, more flowers! yes, I like that idea. Carolyn, that last picture is just like a magazine shot. I love how this looks, so dreamy.

gena said...

You have the most stunning home and gardens I have ever seen. I lurk on your blog regularly and just ooh and ahh at the ethereal beauty !

thank you for sharing your wonderland with us,
Happy Pink Saturday !

Here On Crow Creek said...

beautiful pinks!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

How soft and pretty! Love your rose pillow!

LizlovesVintage said...

If I sit, I'll fall asleep.
Love the tea cup!
xx Liz

Custom Comforts said...

Everything is so romantic and beautiful! I could take a nice nap there. I love your new motto for eating less and buying more flowers. I think I'll try that too.

Olga Poltava said...

Such beautiful pinks. The roses are magnificent.

Raffaella said...

Yes.. I'm agree with you... eat less and buy more flowers!!!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Carolyn, I adore pink roses! They're my favourite; especially the pale pink like yours. I saw these too at the grocery store and would probably have bought some only I'm enjoying my son's right now. I like your motto, by the way. Have a wonderful weekend and HPS.


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Such a beautiful vignette, Carolyn!
Just gorgeous!!


Alex aus dem Gwundergarten said...

Hi Carolyn
Wow, wonderful roses. And you are so right in eating less and buying more flowers! I will join you with this great idea.
The tea cup is very beautiful and I love the last picture where one can see the snow outside. What a lovely place to spend a lazy Saturday afternoon.
Take care

Madelief said...

What a lovely couch to rest on and enjoy the beautiful view from your window. The roses look beautiful!

I am Happy to hear your mum is ok. Mine is feeling better as well, although her knee is healing slowly.

Wish you a Happy weekend!

Lieve groet, Madelief

Anonymous said...

What a lovely, soothing post! Your PINK roses are the special touch to that sweet area in your home! We are getting flurries in KCMO today....with accumulation to happen tomorrow through Tues. We had a real break from snow this year...last year at this time, we were buried in a blizzard.

Happy Pink Sat. and Happy New Year.


It's me said...

Beautiful rosses......lovely

Ann@A Sentimental Life said...

would love to curl up in that bed with all the windows next to it and watch it snow! Love the tea cup. I saw beautiful pink tulips and talked myself out of them...think I may go get them!

Cindy said...

Your pink roses are very beautiful! They look so lovely against a background of snowy loveliness that's showing through the windows. Your pink teacup is very sweet, too.
Have a lovely day my friend.
Love and hugs, Cindy

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

I imagine any place in your exquisite home is a good spot for enjoying a cup of tea and admiring the beautiful surroundings, indoors and out.

Have a beautiful day!


Devon said...

Beautiful Roses,,and what a great find in the teacup...

Pamela said...

lovely relaxing photos Carolyn!
Pink roses are my favourite!!
Happy New Year to you.
Pamela :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn -- I seem to be guided into gardens today mingling with my post from morningdewdrops. --I've entered into a room of airy crochet and quilted shams. There's a pink teacup; it hasn't been long since she's been here for there is still some tea in the cup as it stands on the book in the middle of bed. I sit and take the needlepoint pillow of buds and the aroma from the fresh roses tickle my nose. I trace my fingers along the lace curtains and out the window through the glistening trees of ice and blanket of snow I spot her, a mother in a winter white coat and blue scarf; it must be Carolyn strolling in her winter garden amazed at the contrast she walks in; yet there are delicate pink rosebuds in her garden room where I stand. Terri --

A Garden of Threads said...

Thank you for the invitation to rest in your lovely vignette. I hope you had a marvelous time playing in the snow. I agree more flowers are perfect on a snowy winters day.

Bohemian said...

What a Joy it is to be invited to sit a spell in your delightfully enchanting World and rest there a while. That Bedroom vignette is so inviting and restful looking and the Roses give it a fresh fragrant vibe I'm sure!

Dawn... The Bohemian

Char said...

A beautiful bed, gorgeous linens, a pretty cup of hot tea, flowers that would make anyone envious and a view of the winter snow....what more could anyone ask for?? Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Susan said...

OMG that little corner in the house is so inviting. I just love it!! Pink roses are my favorite!!

countrycottagegirl said...

So beautiful! I would love to curl up in front of that window with a good book! You have such great ideas, next time my husband comes home I will have flowers in all my pitchers and present him with a salad for supper, thanks to MY new adopted philosophy, AKA Carolyn's motto to eat less and buy more flowers! Not sure how that is gonna go over with the DH! Blessings.

andrea said...

lovely roses!!!!


Zwierciadło said...

Beautiful roses at your home.I like your blog:)

Gabi-5mates said...

Pink roses are gorgeous!!
You are correct, this is the perfect setting to sit with a warm cup of tea

Carol said...

Carolyn, Each time I visit you, I feel like I am stepping into another time and place, where life is peaceful, beautiful and there is a sense of comfort and quality everywhere. I could so easily lounge on your lovely pillows and peer out through the intricate lace to the winter wonderland, while sipping tea from your delicate pink teacup. It feels so cozy, inviting and safe from a sometimes insane and painful world. The soft pink petals are perfect to lay my dreams upon. A great maxim . . . eat less buy more flowers! Inspiring and uplifting post! I hope you are having an enjoyable Sunday. xxo Carol

Purple Haze said...

Beautiful blog, breath taking!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Carolyn
The light pink roses you picked up are so pretty. That's a great motto you came up with too; it will be hard to look at nice flowers though while giving up chocolate. :-) But, it's worth a try.
Enjoy your snow.

Heather's Blog-o-rama said...

Oh, lovely...that pink teacup and matching saucer is beautiful!! y es, I agree to the eating less, so you can buy more flowers :) :) That made me laugh :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

Joyful said...

Very beautiful. You create such a lovely scene.

lvroftiques said...

Just lovely! And what a perfectly beautiful winter background. Love your motto too! *winks* Vanna

Anonymous said...

How lovely! The lines of your yard sale teacup are beautiful. The pink roses are a perfect color.
If not for the cats, I would have flowers too. So I guess my motto will just be Eat less.

A Sense Of Comfort said...

I LOVE YOUR MOTO!!!! And of course your Blog.....It's so warm and cozy feelin' anytime of the year!!! BEA U TIFUL!!! XO DeeDee

Donnie said...

What beautiful photos. I love your new motto. Happy Pink Saturday.

Suzanne said...

Oh my gosh, how pretty are those flowers and that teacup! Hope you're doing the teacup swap:) Happy Belated Pink Saturday!

Unknown said...

So beautiful. I really like it. Most of the girls furnish their bedroom with pink cabinets and flooring color.
French country furniture