Monday, November 22, 2010

Tea on the Porch

 Hello everyone,
      I spent the afternoon decorating the porch for the Christmas season and then I prepared a little teatray to sit and enjoy my work. We had snow on the weekend so if you would like to join me you better wear your warm gloves. I love this hot mulled apple tea and how about a Christmas cookie.I know many of you are celebrating Thanksgiving this week so Christmas is on the back burner but here in Canada Thanksgiving was over weeks ago . I am going full steam ahead this week decorating for Christmas-such a beautiful time of the year.

  I love using my red transferware china all year but I think it looks especially pretty at Christmas time.
I used my old redwork apron as a tablecloth today. I love the delicate work that went in to making this.

This is the porch decorated for Christmas if you would like to see more of it please go to my Christmas blog-click here.

Today I am joining Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage for TeaTime Tuesday again. Thank you Sandi for hosting another Tea Time.

Thank you for visiting me,



Miss Merry said...

What a lovely porch and what a wonderful tea tray. I wish you were my across the street neighbor so I could enjoy your decorations everyday! So pretty and festive. And your red transferware is just lovely, and so Christmas - ie!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Carolyn,
Your porch looks wonderful. I guess we were thinking alike today as we both used our red transferware! I love your red tablecloth and napkin in the tray! It just all looks so very festive. I do adore red transferware! Mulled apple tea sounds divine! Thanks for joining me for tea once again.


tracy mooney said...

I love your porch!

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Carolyn,

Oh my, you were serious about wearing gloves to drink the tea on your porch! What a difference with here as we had 23°C today and tomorrow a bit warmer even... Not quite in a Christmas mood!
You are right about Thanksgiving, guess that most will be very busy with that during the entire week.

Have a great week and enjoy your decorating job!


Susan said...

Great job,Carolyn. Everything looks very "festivas." I'm going to decorate for Christmas starting on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving here in the States. Can't wait. I LOVE Christmas! Susan

miruku said...

Your porch is so so so so soooooooo charming!!

Anonymous said...

Your porch is so warm and inviting. i love the birdhouses and country reds.

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

This is such a pretty porch set with a Christmas tea! I love the red toile and transferware. Lovely as always!

Jan said...

Thanks so very much for stopping by today and leaving me a lovely comment. I adore your is so festive; however, I must admit I do not miss the snow.

Have a great week and please drop by again and I will have a toast with my own apple cider when you come by next time.

Jan @ Mavrik Lane

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I had no idea you decorated this much outside Carolyn - very pretty and festive.
The red transferware looks right at home out on your porch and Chritmas cookies already - love cookies with my tea.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful porch….I can picture myself all bundled up having a cup of morning joe to get myself moving.


Anonymous said...

The teaset is lovely and perfect for this forthcoming festive season.


♥ Hélène Glehen ♥

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

I love your red transferware Carolyn and you inspired me to get one for myself which I did and thank you! have a great day!

*Susycottage* said...

Hello Carolyn,
how wonderful your blog! and what about the porch
all decked out for Christmas!? It 'a fairy tale,
Congratulations Susy

ღ M@ddy ღ said...

Ciao Carolyn,
che bello l'entusiasmo con cui fai ogni cosa...è contagioso !
(AMO il tuo blog di Natale e il post che hai pubblicato oggi!)



Pétales de fée said...

La porcelaine rouge est parfaite pour le thé de Noël ! C'est très doux et calme chez toi !
Belle journée !

Lebenslust was sonst said...

Oh Carolyn was für ein Paradies,so wundervoll !!Ich liebe dein Haus und alles es ist so schön!!Liebe Grüße von Edith.

Raffaella said...

Your porch is charming...

La Table De Nana said...

Is that cute or what?:)

Johanna Gehrlein said...

Hello Carolyn,
your porch looks wonderful. How nice must it be to sit there on a sunny day and enjoy the tea from this wonderful red transferware. Your redwork apron reminds me that I have an inherited tablecloth with redwork, which I never used. Time to do that! Looks good. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos.
Greetings, Johanna

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

Your porch does look Christmasy. Wow.

Tretswelt said...

Dein geschirr ist mein favorit hier.Ich sammle auch diesem Muster.Schöne Woche.Schön advent Zeit.Grüsse.Luciene.

Chubby Chieque said...

How I wish I could sit & have tea with you in your porch as I adore your tea set.

Your White Wednesday is FAB. I am a whity lover and hope to see more of your white treasures.

Happy Mid-week---

Greetings from freezing Stockholm,

June said...

Carolyn, your porch looks so festive! I love that you even decorate your porch at holiday time. I usually only hang lights on the pergola and gazebo and a wreath on the door. Boring... This looks so inviting.
I read a couple of the posts that I have missed here in the passed few days, and read where Helene sent you that beautiful painting. I think that is the loveliest thing to do for a dear friend. I love how you photographed it along side of the bouquet in it's dried state. And just getting that peek into your beautiful home was a feast for the eyes.
I can hardly take in all the loveliness you live with! What a talent you have for making a home!
Hugs to you...

Susie said...


SF said...

That porch is just magical! :D How happy I am to have found your blog today. So pretty. :) xx