Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Rose Garden

Good Morning,

I hope you are all enjoying these early summer days. The garden is changing so fast it is hard to keep up with all the new blossoms.but today I would like to share my little rose garden with you.

Some of you might remember my garden statue 'Mary Magdeline' a valentine gift from my husband last year.

The little rose garden is a the south end of our little garden cottage.

I planted some roses-mostly Therese Bugnet suckers in a square around the table and chair set.

There is also a pink beautybush in bloom in behind Mary M. Would you like a cup of tea while you are here. The beauty and fragrance of the roses right now make this a very special place to enjoy our tea.

Therese Bugnet is a very hardy rose with a lovely fragrance and nice red stems that look good even in winter.

Well, I just had some beautiful little fairies come to visit so you will be seeing them soon too. Don't you just love the joys of summer!

Thank you for visiting,


Enjoy your day,



ღ M@ddy ღ said...

Ciao Carolyn, è tutto così meraviglioso...le rose, la statua, il modo in cui hai arredato il tuo superlativo giardino...da oggi sei il mio personalissimo mito dell'ottimo gusto!

Un bacio!♥


Marie said...

Hi Carolyn - Mary M is perfect in your heavenly garden! I love that she's standing next to the bistro set as if she's ready to listen to the conversation of whomever is sitting there.

Erin | Bygone Living said...

So absolutely gorgeous!! You really need to come out with a book explaining (in detail!) how you decorate and design the way you do. I have truly never been this impressed in my life! You easily blow Martha Stewart away, any day! ♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn! I always love coming into your pretty garden! It's just heavenly!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

jninecostumes said...

So sweet. I would love to have my own yard, not a rental, to plant climbing roses in. This table is lovely as well. Thanks for sharing.

Sanna - My Blueberry House said...

Hi Carolyn,

She is so lovely, Mary M. I wish I could smell the roses from here.

We are having fantastic weather this week - summer is on! It´s really great since we are celebrating Midsummer this weekend with a lot of festivities.

Have a wonderful day,

Pam said...

Carolyn, A visit to your garden is always a pleasure. It is a peaceful place to come to. Thank you for sharing. I, too, wish you would write a book showing how you create such a special place.

My Ugly Garden said...


What a lovely gift your husband gave you and she has the perfect home in your beautiful rose garden.


Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn, what beautiful roses! I love the little table and chairs.It looks so pretty.I would love to be sitting there right now....Kathy

MARIELLA said...

Hello Carolyn, what beautiful roses, I loved ... look old roses...

clear and I register for a delicious tea.

is always a delight to visit your garden

greetings, Mariella

Southerncook said...

Carolyn, I thoroughly enjoyed you sharing some of your roses. I am planning to add some old roses to my garden when it gets a little cooler here in N FL. Right now it is so very hot that I don't enjoy gardening. We are experiencing triple digits every afternoon. Therese Bugnet sounds like an old rose that I would enjoy having in my garden. I love the color and the fact that the stems stay red is very interesting. Now my challenge will be to find it. Old garden roses are sometimes difficult to find in our area but I do know of several internet nurseries that carry that rose. As always you are such an inspirition.

Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

Rosa said...

Ciao Carolyn, complimenti, bellissime cose, molto particolari e suggestive, ti terro' d'occhio , ciao buona serata rosa

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Just gorgeous roses Carolyn and the statue is perfect in that setting. Truly a joy to look at your photos!
Tina xo

Lacy said...

I just love your blog!

Donna (Timeless Settings) said...

What a beautiful garden, the Therese rose is truly gorgeous!


Deanna said...

Dear Carolyn,
I always enjoy visiting your pleasant place in this ole world.

Always a pleasure.

God Bless,
d from HomeHaven

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Your little rose garden looks like a pretty place to sit and relax for awhile. The statue is perfect in this setting and tea would be nice.

Michella Marie said...

Sooo BEAUTIFUL!!! I love your lady statue!! Everything is just gorgeous!! From top to bottom :))
Have a wonderful day!!!
~ Michella ~
~ ~ xoxo ~ ~

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Carolyn....Beautiful statue from your husband and beautiful roses!~Hugs, Patti

Naturegirl said...

Carolyn you certainly have created a natural sanctuary in your beautiful garden!The roses are stunning as is your statue of
Mary M.. certainly your garden soothes the mind and spirit!
I delight in catching up on your previous inspirational inviting posts!hugs anna

June said...

Hi Carolyn,
Your roses are beautiful. It looks like your lovely statue likes them as well. I love the table set. Boy, does it ever look inviting to sit at.
My roses haven't bloomed yet. Everything is so late this year. I lost several things to the Winter. We didn't have the snow cover and yet our temps got as low as -18 to -20 this past Winter for about five nights in a row. We haven't had Wintertime temps that low for about six years. Again I have learned that I shouldn't plant anything but zone 3/4 plants.
I will be excited to see the faeries.

~CC Catherine said...

Hellow Miss Carolyn! It's been ages since I've had the privilege of visiting your blog! My sincere apologies, as I "always" am delighted by what you share, both in photographs and in narration. This is a breathtaking and relaxing environment to enjoy! And you're definitely serving the best hot beverage there! :) I have a question ~ How do you avoid the bees while sitting there? I have some Kobold blooming currently and just today I had quite a few bumble bees chase me away when I tried to water something within a few feet of them. They seemed very territorial and I've never experienced that before with bumble bees. Any suggestions?

Joanne said...

Lovely to see your rose garden Carolyn it is that lovely time again and I have just posted on a Rose extravaganza. I missed a week whilst visiting my Dad not the best time to be away from the garden and now so much catching up again.

Enjoy your visit from your fairies.